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How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?


Why morning hours are so important

Reason # 1. We are either pumped up with energy and positive emotions in the morning, or from the first hours we start to discharge our battery.

Everything is obvious here. Either the right start to the day fills us with energy, which is enough for us until the evening, or already in the morning we exhaust it with the wrong distribution of attention and bad habits.

Reason # 2. Morning attunement energizes all areas of life.

The answer to the question “How to start the day right” is very simple. If before breakfast we drink a glass (or two) of warm water and thus cleanse the body, do even short-term gymnastics, we have breakfast not with a sandwich, but with whole grain porridge with nuts and honey, instead of watching the morning 15 minutes of news we read spiritually developing literature, instead of social networks we prescribe an intention and a plan for the day – we cover all areas of life, including health and energy, emotions, personal effectiveness, relationships.

Imagine two mothers: one who got up an hour and a half before the children and charged herself with gymnastics, favorite music and meditation, read a chapter of an educational book, and the second, barely crawled out of bed with the third alarm clock. From the fact that the second lady is already in time trouble from the very morning she begins to irritate the children, instead of healthy food she feeds the children with dry cereals for breakfast to the accompaniment of horror stories from NTV and in an even wilder bustle she is going to work. How differently these two women and their children get energy. But there are also husbands ..

Now let’s imagine two professional men: One had the right start to the day – in the morning he went in for sports, took a contrast shower, read useful business literature and thereby tuned in for a fruitful day, and the second, whose morning was far from ideal, had barely cut his eyes pours into himself an energy drink – coffee or redbull, having a bite of industrial ham. Such men already have shortness of breath by middle age when going up to the 3rd floor. A very large percentage of men who lead unhealthy lifestyles develop impotence, which is a) the result of bad habits and b) the cause of a series of mental disorders.

Have you noticed that a man in his 40s can feel and look 25, maybe even 60, depending on his lifestyle? So, it all starts with morning habits.

Reason # 3. Morning hours keep us in the funnel of success

Starting the morning correctly, we launch a series of events that fill our life with meaning, energy, and positive emotions. If the morning passed constructively, then difficult tasks, unforeseen matters and even crisis situations are perceived by us as interesting challenges, and not as a natural disaster that must be saved from.

Reason # 4. Morning habits shape a life scenario

The first hours of the morning are our day in miniature. And the day is life in miniature. Therefore, getting the day started right is essential.

The way we spend the first 2-4 hours after waking up in most cases builds up the energy of the day. Of course, there are some people who function better at night, and for them the morning is not the most efficient time of the day. But it may be the same habit as everyone else.

After all, the influence of the sun and moon is the same for all five oceans. With a full moon, the ebb and flow are much more intense. In any zoo, it is recommended to observe animals from early morning (when they are most active) until 12 noon. Yes, in animal nature there are representatives of the nocturnal kingdom – owls, bats, and perhaps 1-5% of people can be attributed to owls. But all the same, before you finally condemn yourself to wakefulness at night, try to spend at least 10 days in the lark mode. Most likely, you will feel a strong emotional upsurge and your personal effectiveness will increase significantly.

In my youth, I had a friend whose perfect morning was very bohemian: a hot bath, a cup of black coffee, a cigarette (and this is in 9th grade!) When I met him a couple of years ago and saw his physical condition, I felt intense sadness. Unhealthy habits ruined his talents and highly developed abilities, turning a potentially outstanding life scenario into a struggle (primarily with himself) for survival.

Our childhood and adolescence give us habits for life. I feel white envy towards those who have been taught to play sports since childhood. For whom to get up in the morning and run is as natural as brushing your teeth and taking a shower – for me.

The good news is that we are conscious beings and can change our life scenarios if we take the time to develop and reinforce new, healthy habits.

But first, let’s take a look at a list of what is most harmful to our well-being and minimizes personal effectiveness.

What productive activities can you do in the morning?

Here’s a list of things to do when you wake up:

  • Drink a glass of warm water
  • Write about ten things you are grateful for
  • Meditate
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Take a contrast shower
  • Do yoga
  • Visualization
  • Keeping a diary
  • Do exercises
  • Read a book, affirmations
  • Review your goals and plans for the day

And this is only part of what you can do in the morning. True, these are proven methods, so pay special attention to them. And add something personal to help you quickly recover and tune in for a productive day. But we will return to our list later and offer a version of a ready-made ritual.

What is morning routine?

The morning routine (or ritual as Western motivational speakers call it) are certain actions you take to increase energy levels, reduce stress levels, and motivate yourself.

On a deeper level, it means dedicating the first hour of the morning to cultivation, growth, and development. You become more focused rather than treating your morning as something to go through.

The purpose of your morning routine is to help you become the person you want to be, in order to create a life in which you can achieve your desired goals and objectives.

The morning ritual helps to develop the habit of consistency because it is about daily, consistent, focused action.

9 principles for a perfect start to your day

Each of us is charged with different things. Try to include at least 5 of the points I suggested to make your morning (and therefore your day, and therefore your life) much more joyful and productive, that is, ideal:

Principle 1. Create an intention for the day

How do you want to live this day? In what streams, states, emotions? What do you want to implement? On a perfect morning, you should definitely find the answers to these questions. It will help you move through life.

Remind yourself of your values, mission, and meaning. See your lighthouse, reminding yourself where you are going and, most importantly, why.

Principle 2. Cleansing the body: toilet, brushing teeth and tongue, contrast shower

Someone can add additional procedures here. For ladies, for example, the right morning can start with a facial massage.

Principle 3. Exercise for the body

Dancing, walking, gymnastics, yoga, any physical activity of the degree of severity that you can happily do in the morning will be the perfect start to the day.

Principle 4. Charging for emotions

For some, this is time with a loved one and children, for others, meditation practice, for others, dancing. We include what gives us an emotional boost.

Principle 5. Exercise the mind

I have writing texts in this category. On days when nothing is written, I read professional literature.

Benefits of a morning routine

Let’s summarize all the benefits of creating a morning routine:

  • Reduces stress levels.
  • Increases concentration.
  • Brings body and brain in order.
  • Allows you to look with optimism at the beginning of the day.
  • It helps from the first hour after waking up to start walking towards your goal.
  • Increases motivation.

Of course, it all depends on what kind of routine you have. Let’s now see how famous people start their morning.

Tony Robbins, a well-known motivational speaker, is confident that everyone can find time for the morning ritual: “If you don’t even have ten minutes to devote to yourself, then you have no life.”

His morning routine has three stages:

  1. Perform 3 sets of 30 Kapalbhati Pranayama breathing exercises.
  2. Close your eyes, slow your breathing and express gratitude for everything you have.
  3. Pray and receive support for the day.

Tim Ferriss is a great role model, if only because he created his own morning ritual, in which he combined thousands of recommendations from successful people from various fields that he interviewed on this topic.

First, he makes his bed. Ferriss says it fills him with pride and allows him to reach his first goal of the day. Then he meditates for 20 minutes.

After that, he allocates only 30 seconds to exercise, after which he prepares tea for himself. His routine ends with entries in his diary, which helps him clear his mind of unnecessary thoughts.

Oprah Winfrey begins the morning with a twenty-minute meditation that she says fills her with “hope, satisfaction and deep joy.”

Then he goes to the treadmill to bring his heart back to normal. She claims that just 15 minutes of cardio improves her performance and boosts her energy levels.

Then she “tunes” herself, walking, listening to music, preparing food. Breakfast consists of foods full of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and protein.

1 Do not reset the alarm

We are used to hating the sounds of the alarm clock, so we press the reset button or pause it: we feel good, we don’t want to get out of a warm bed at all. Although, after 10 extra minutes of sleep, we feel worse.

Evolution is a slow process, and humanity as a species is not yet accustomed to waking up from artificially created noise. So we just ignore it.

When we wake up, our bodies start producing dopamine, a chemical that suppresses feelings of sleepiness. Its effect is comparable to drinking a cup of coffee or an energy drink. When we sleep, serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, is produced.

After resetting the alarm, two hormones with the opposite effect begin to be produced at the same time. Due to such a load on the body, we wake up disoriented and inhibited.

2 Consider more than just the reward

We use rewards to motivate ourselves to do certain things, like waking up early in the morning and going to the shower. But, as Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, argues, an award alone is not enough to establish a habit.

It is necessary to identify the signal that leads to the undesirable behavior and replace it. For example, instead of hitting the end button on the alarm and falling asleep again, you can reward yourself with a cup of aromatic coffee. The smell of coffee in the room can serve as a signal for this action. If you live with someone, ask them to brew a drink every time you wake up.

3 Follow the right strategy

The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep, but some get enough sleep in 6 hours, while others need less than 10. To cheer up, one person needs a shower, while another needs a cup of coffee. Determine which category of people you belong to, and it will be easier for you to create your own strategy and understand what advice to follow.

Gretchen Rubin, in Better Than Before, writes that all people can be divided into four groups depending on how they are motivated by the reward:

  • Adherents of rules and orders: they always follow the rules – both external (established by the authorities) and internal (which they come up with for themselves).
  • Bound by promises: They work well only under pressure from authority and when they feel justified obligations to other people.
  • Those who seek common sense in everything: for each business they need internal motivation, some sense for themselves, if they find it, they do the job.
  • Rebels: Any assignment makes them want to do the opposite.

What should be your morning routine?

Now we will offer you our version of the morning ritual. Spend ten minutes on each item and get an energy boost that lasts all day. Remember that you can find for all this time if you wake up half an hour or an hour earlier than usual.


Plan your day

Time required: 5 minutes.

If you don’t have a to-do list, then you risk living until the evening and realizing that you haven’t done anything important in the past 12-14 hours. Take a piece of paper and write down all the things you would like to do today. Decide which ones are the most important and urgent, and prioritize.

Be grateful

Time required: 10 minutes.

Thank the world for what you have. This will help you get rid of negative emotions and become happier.

Create a separate notebook for your gratitude journal. Write down in it all the good things that happened during the day, all your good deeds, all the pleasant events. If you do not know what to write about, then write how good the weather was, how you got to work without incident.

Example entry: “Yesterday I did the cleaning, went shopping, read for 2 hours, studied English for 30 minutes, and so on. I am grateful to life for the fact that I live, develop and do things that bring me satisfaction. “

Stretch in bed

When the alarm rings and pulls you out of the embrace of sleep, this is the most stressful state in the morning. Don’t jump up right away if it’s hard for you. Fool your body and help it wake up with stretching in bed.

Stretch in different directions – wherever your body wants. Bend, twist – this way the muscles will quickly warm up. Pat your face with your fingertips.

If possible, turn on your favorite music. It is much more pleasant to start the morning with her – to get up and get ready for work.

Trick: cleaning the tongue from plaque (20 seconds)

If you brush your teeth in the morning, you should make it a rule to brush your tongue as well.

I am sure you have heard a lot about the benefits of cleaning the tongue – now this idea is being actively promoted by international corporations, because for them it opens up a new niche in the market – all sorts of clever devices for cleaning the tongue, fancy brushes, etc.

Meanwhile, Indian yogis from time immemorial have cleaned the tongue with the help of such a simple device:

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

In my opinion, since the time of the ancient yogis, nothing more effective and simple than an ordinary metal scraper has not yet been invented. It is ideal, of course, to use a silver scraper, but I use a regular steel one, which I bought for a hundred rubles.

The procedure for cleaning the tongue itself is simple – we take a scraper and carefully remove all plaque from the tongue from root to tip in a few movements.

I recorded a short video showing what it looks like:

What does tongue cleaning give?

  • cleansing from toxins and toxins. Wastes and toxins are removed from the body through the surface of the tongue. Plus, bacteria accumulate there, which with saliva are then transferred to the teeth and gums, causing various sores.

  • fresh breath. Bacteria and plaque on the tongue are a common cause of bad breath.

  • heightened perception of taste. The taste buds are cleared of plaque – the taste of food is felt more subtly.

    • *

Come up with two ideas

Time required: 5-10 minutes.

Train your creative thinking. Set yourself a quota of ideas. It is not necessary to come up with ideas, you can find an interesting idea while reading a book and write it out.

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

Trick: rinsing the nose with water (2 min)

Jala neti (rinsing the nose) is a classic cleansing action in yoga, one of the shatkarmas.

A simple and effective way to clear the upper respiratory tract, remove excess mucus along with accumulated dust, microbes and allergens. It is also the best prevention of colds and a very effective way to fight the common cold.

In the video below, I show how jala neti is performed:

What does nasal lavage give?

  • clearing nose

  • reduces swelling and inflammation

  • the tone of the capillaries increases

  • the work of the mucous membrane improves

  • increased movement of mucus, which increases the protective properties of the nasal mucosa

Instead of regular water for rinsing, you can use a saline solution (concentration – 1 level teaspoon of salt per 500 ml of water). Also, for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the respiratory tract, herbal infusions and decoctions are used – you can go deeper and study this topic on your own, if interested.

Important: You should not rinse your nose immediately before going outside, especially in the cold season. After the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the upper respiratory tract – this is an excellent solution for kapalabhati.

Trick: abdominal manipulations (2 min)

There are several powerful yoga techniques that have a powerful positive effect on the digestive system and overall health. This is the Golden Yoga Foundation.

True, not all of these techniques are available to beginners, so I suggest you master the best option for beginners – agnisara dhauti kriya (literally “kindling an inner fire”). It was named so for a reason – agnisara really enhances the digestive fire, and also perfectly massages all the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, harmonizes the work of the digestive system, improves intestinal motility and promotes the elimination of toxins.

Divide a large task into several smaller ones

Time required: 4 minutes.

Do you have things that you put off all the time and cannot start doing? It happens to me. Then I understand that it’s time to divide this task into several small ones and start doing them separately.

Do the same for you. Take a challenging task and make a step-by-step plan to complete it. It will take no more than 4-5 minutes. But then you will save a lot of time.

Tip: kapalabhati (2-3 minutes)

Kapalabhati is yogic cleansing breath, another shatkarma.

The name Kapalabhati consists of two Sanskrit words: kapala is a skull, and bhati means “to make sparkling, to cleanse.” That is, literally Kapalabhati is translated as “cleansing the skull” – the awakening and activation of the brain. This is exactly what we need in the morning, isn’t it?

In the video below, I show how kapalabhati is performed. Read contraindications before performing.

What does kapalabhati give?

  • brain massage: a pressure drop in the abdominal cavity during kapalabhati breathing leads to changes in intracranial pressure, this is essentially a “brain massage”, the result of which is clear consciousness, heightened attention, optimism, cheerfulness, good mood.

  • cleansing the upper respiratory tract, removing mucus and drying after jala neti (see # above)

  • activates the sympathetic nervous system – invigorates, relieves stress and fatigue.

Contraindications :

  • periods and pregnancy

  • tumors and other serious diseases of the brain, epilepsy,

  • severe traumatic brain injury suffered in the past,

  • any acute and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases

  • malignant tumors of the abdominal and pelvic organs

  • arterial hypertension

When to do it better: in the morning on an empty stomach.

If you liked abdominal manipulation and kapalabhati, then I strongly advise you to study the topic of breathing more deeply and take my introductory course on breathing practices from yoga.

The tip: a cup of hot shu pu-erh

Good Chinese teas are my weakness.

For many years now, I have started every morning with a cup of strong pu-erh. It is not easy for a beginner to understand the Chinese classification of teas, so I will clarify – we are talking about shu (black) puerh. There is also white and sheng (green) pu-erh, and they are all very different – I will write a post about tea someday.

In Chinese medicine, pu-erh is considered a medicine of widespread use, it is called “tea for a hundred diseases” and more than 20 healing properties are attributed to it. In Europe, pu-erh has also become famous, but a little from the other side – as an effective means for losing weight.

So, shu pu-erh is the perfect morning tea. Due to the peculiarity of fermentation, unlike other teas, shu pu-erh tea is not harmful to drink on an empty stomach, on the contrary, it is useful!

I brew tea by the spill method using a special tea tip. A good addition to your morning pu-erh is a spoonful of honey or half a teaspoon of unrefined sugar.

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

One of the features of pu-erh is that it satisfies hunger, which is of great importance for my morning rituals: after tea, you can work out for a couple of hours without being distracted by hunger.

What does pu-erh give?

  • warms, awakens, invigorates

  • satisfies hunger

  • stimulates the digestive system, speeds up metabolism

  • lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels

  • removes poisons, toxins and toxins – this is really so, somehow they were poisoned in India and only thanks to pu-erh they “got on their feet”

  • accelerates blood circulation, cleanses the blood

  • helps relieve hangover syndrome

  • promotes fat burning and normalizes weight

Of course, only high-quality Chinese tea, which cannot be bought in a supermarket, has the healing properties described above.

Wake up to natural light

In one experiment, a group of adults suffering from insomnia were sent on a camping trip for a week. For several days without artificial lighting, the participants in the experiment not only began to fall asleep faster, but also got up easily in the morning. Sleep inertia has almost completely disappeared.

Study organizer Kenneth Wright came to the following conclusion: in order to sleep soundly at night and wake up easily early in the morning, you need to get up after the sun.

It is quite possible to do this in a city environment: sleep in a room with a window, or better place the bed closer to the window in order to receive the maximum amount of light in the morning.

Water is the basis of our body

Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. If possible, combine it with coconut oil (or any other beneficial oil) or dietary supplements. Or just with a slice of lemon.

Do your exercises

Time required: 15 minutes.

Warm up your body muscles. Loosen your joints. If you can, do a 15-minute jog in the fresh air.

In the book “Eat, Move, Sleep” Tom Rath cited the results of the following research. Scientists took 2 groups of people. The first group did exercises, the second did not.

During the day, they were asked questions about how they rate their mood. The members of the first group felt better. However, scientists were surprised not by the fact of a good mood, but by the duration of the effect – from 2 to 12 hours.

Life hack – you can cheer up the whole day if you do a 15-minute exercise in the morning. Use it.

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

Meditate to focus on important tasks

The brain doesn’t work productively while your thoughts are chaotic. A great way to focus on important tasks is to meditate before work. Those who practice meditation are advised to start their morning with it, until the stream of thoughts has taken possession of consciousness.

Deep relaxation occurs during meditation – the opposite of stress. It helps to organize thoughts, concentrate on important things. After meditation, the solution to the difficult problem will come by itself.

It is especially beneficial to meditate for people who are under stress. The body reacts to relaxation: depression, pain and high blood pressure go away.

Here’s a simple technique for meditation:

  1. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Focus on your breathing. Feel your ribcage rise as you inhale deeply and drop as you exhale.
  2. Relax all parts of your body. Control this process mentally. Feel your feet, knees, abdomen, diaphragm, arms, shoulders, and neck relax alternately. Bring your attention to every part of the body and relax.

Just five minutes is enough to reboot the body: to feel a surge of strength and constructive ideas.

Take a contrast shower

You can also wake up the body with a minute cold / hot shower. This is a great way to improve skin tone and immunity. Start with 30 seconds, gradually increase the time.

Meditation and Affirmations

Take 10 minutes to relax. Turn on relaxing music, close your eyes and enjoy. It is important to remember breathing deeply and evenly during meditation. Can be combined with visualization (affirmation) of your goals and gratitude. Just imagine that your cherished dream has already come true. Feel, catch every sound, every smell at this moment. Think about how you will feel when you perform it. Fill your heart with these feelings. The brighter the picture, the better.

Go outside

Time required: 2 minutes.

Woke up and immediately leave the house. See what the weather is like outside, breathe in the fresh air and only then get down to business as usual.

Check your savings

Time required: 2 minutes.

If you are not already saving some of your paycheck, start now. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve financial freedom and you will have problems with money all your life.

If you are already saving money and investing in stocks, bonds, or depositing in a bank account, then morning is the best time to check your savings. Be aware of your financial condition.

Write down yesterday’s expenses

Time required: 5 minutes.

Write how much money you spent yesterday. Record all paid bills and purchased items in a notebook or text document.

Keeping a diary

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

Keeping a diary has many benefits: it cleans up thoughts, reduces stress, improves concentration, increases self-confidence – to name just a few of the benefits it can provide.

There are several different ways you can keep a journal:

  • Gratitude diary
  • Planning the day
  • Morning Pages: Freewriting When You Write Anything That Comes To Your Head
  • Brainstorm
  • Description of yesterday



Visualization is a process during which you visualize the desired situation, using all your senses. There are several types of them.

Goal visualization

You close your eyes and imagine yourself in a situation where you have achieved your goal. This tactic is often used by athletes who imagine crossing the finish line or scoring a goal.

It is important to present the entire situation in detail. Feel the temperature in your body, hear sounds, touch something.

Dream visualization

Submit whatever you want to get. It can be home, money, car, work. Many people are skeptical about this type of visualization. Believe it or not, there are those who claim that this technique helped them a lot. Again, the main thing is to present everything in the smallest detail.

Visualizing a Successful Skill

This technique works especially well when you want to instill a skill or habit that will take a lot of time and effort. Suitable for those who:

  • Wants to lose weight (imagine yourself with a good figure).
  • Wants to learn English (you can talk to native speakers without any problems).
  • Wants to stop making impulsive purchases (imagine walking into a mall and not paying attention to tempting storefronts).

Thus, it is important not only to think about how you will achieve your goals, but also how to avoid the obstacles or setbacks that you will face along the way and solve the problem when it arises.

Of course, visualization is most often used to achieve some goals. Each goal that you set for yourself requires a certain behavior, habits, way of thinking. All this is extremely difficult to imagine. But it is during the visualization that you sit in a quiet place and imagine how it could be. If you were able to present this in detail, then you are psychologically ready for success.

Here are some more examples of when you can use visualization:

  • How you need to think when pressure is on you.
  • How to behave and what to say when speaking in public.
  • How will you act in a variety of situations (create scenarios).
  • How will you react to setbacks and how will you deal with negative emotions.
  • What knowledge will be useful to you and how you will apply it.
  • What abilities need to be developed and how you will do it.

What difficulties can arise during visualization? The most common is lack of imagination. It’s hard to be where you haven’t been and have an experience that you haven’t had yet. But everything comes with practice. Give visualization a chance: do it for at least a month every day for 5-10 minutes.


Check your mail

Time required: 5 minutes.

Check what messages came to your inbox during the night, if anything important happened. If not, then start doing the activities that are indicated in the plan for the day. Don’t take too long to read letters.

Brain Games

There are a huge number of games: chess, backgammon, puzzles, puzzles, logic tasks, board games, sudoku. Many of them are implemented as web or smartphone apps. For example, we have a PRO subscription, which gives access to all games, tests and exercises to develop skills on the site.

If you’re still in doubt about what to fit into your daily routine, here are additional tips:

  • Make up goals for the day.
  • Track yesterday’s spending.
  • Watch this inspiring video.
  • Make a “Coming Soon” list.

And finally, the last: how to accustom yourself to the morning routine? After all, it sounds so exciting, but in fact it may turn out to be another unsuccessful attempt to change your life. You need careful planning. To do this, answer the following questions:

  • How much time will I spend on my morning routine?
  • What time do I need to get up to fit into my routine?
  • What specific activities will I include in it?
  • In what order?
  • How will I accustom myself to a routine?
  • What will I do if an unforeseen circumstance arises and I wake up half an hour later?

Throw out 3 things

Time required: 3 minutes.

Over time, clutter builds up in the house, because the person does not have enough time to clean up. If you throw out three unnecessary things first thing in the morning, then train yourself to start the day as productively as possible.

Where can you find three unnecessary things? Take a look at the desktop. Are there any pieces of paper lying there? Are all items in place?

If you instill this habit in yourself, you will never have problems with a mess.

Make your bed

Time required: 3 minutes.

Small actions can have a big impact on your daily success.

This is what William McRaven said about this in a speech to alumni of the University of Texas: “If you want to change the world, start by making your bed every day. If you make your bed, you are already doing the first thing of the day. You feel satisfaction from the completed task and take on another task, and for another, and for the next. And so, until you complete all the planned cases. “

Trick: hanging upside down (1-2 min)

We are as young and healthy as our spine is flexible and healthy.

Perhaps the best gift we can give our spine is to hang upside down for a minute or two.

Inversion therapy (as this practice is scientifically called) has a range of positive effects on human health. First of all, this is decompression of the spine and improvement of blood supply to the brain.

I will warn you right away – this practice is not suitable for everyone, so first read the contraindications below, and it is better to consult a doctor.

And if all is well, then FLIGHTS:

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

What does hanging upside down give?

  • When we hang upside down, gravity increases blood flow to the brain. [it might not be that great !!! therefore carefully read the contraindications below!] The blood circulation in the brain improves, the brain cells are cleared of toxins and saturated with oxygen. As a result, consciousness becomes clearer, cheerfulness appears, concentration, memory, attention improve.

  • The complexion improves, headaches and insomnia disappear.

  • The hormonal system comes into balance due to the additional blood supply to the pituitary gland.

  • The metabolism improves, the water-salt balance is regulated.

  • Inverted postures promote the outflow of venous blood. In people who are not very active, waste and waste blood accumulate in the lower body. Because of this, legs quickly get tired and often hurt, and digestion is unstable. Regular “hanging” upside down is guaranteed to get rid of such problems.

  • The drainage of blood from the liver improves digestion. All the most important organs receive fresh, oxygenated blood. This causes natural rejuvenation and improved health.

  • Decompression of the spine occurs, muscles and ligaments relax.

Contraindications :

  • During illness and at elevated temperature

  • Menstruation and pregnancy

  • Displacement of the vertebral discs

  • Thrombophlebitis

  • Significant enlargement of the thyroid gland

  • Weak blood vessels in the eyes

  • Detachment of the retina

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Thrombosis of the brain

  • Cancer and brain tumor

  • Inflammatory diseases in the head (otitis media, sinusitis, pulpitis, etc.);

  • Traumatic brain injury less than a year ago

  • High blood pressure, heart problems

  • Inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity (stomach or duodenal ulcer, etc.)

  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage

  • Mental illness (epilepsy, etc.)

When is it better to do it: in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening on an empty stomach.

Read 10 pages

Time required: 10-15 minutes.

If you read 10 pages every morning, then in a month you will read 3 books of two hundred pages. A year later – 36 books. Only 25% of Russians read at least one book a year. Therefore, you will immediately become head and shoulders above the millions of compatriots who do not read.

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

Do something that makes you happy

Time required: 5 minutes.

It’s hard to have good relationships with other people when you’re unhappy. To be happier, do something that makes you feel good:

  • drink coffee;
  • take a walk in the street;
  • play with your pet;
  • read a few jokes;
  • listen to music;
  • eat dark chocolate;
  • read a couple of pages in an interesting book.

Read a new joke

Time required: 2 minutes.

Humor is a wonderful mood-boosting tool. If you know a lot of jokes, then:

  • become an interesting conversationalist;
  • you can easily start a conversation;
  • become healthier;
  • think more positively.

Learn a new word

Required time: 1 minute.

Expanding vocabulary:

  • improve communication skills;
  • will provide morning exercises for the brain;
  • will make you more successful.

Download the Word of the Day application to your smartphone and increase your vocabulary, dictionary, vocabulary.

Read a snippet of world news

Time required: 10 minutes.

Be aware of what is happening in the world to keep the conversation going and make the right decision in the vote.

Just don’t overdo it and watch the news for hours. The media often talk about events that cause negative emotions – about murders, terrorist attacks, cataclysms, etc. Read only the most important political news, do not read celebrity gossip.

Educate yourself

Time required: 10 minutes.

10 minutes is not enough to master a skill or skill. But this time will be enough to study one article on the topic of any skill. For example, if you are learning English, then read what Past Perfect is. If you are learning how to write articles, check out Maxim Ilyakhov’s blog.

Write a message to your loved one

Time required: 5 minutes.

Send a message to a loved one who is now in another city or country. Show that you remember him. You don’t need to write a whole story about what you do. Just write that you have not forgotten this person.

Eat the frog

Psychologist Brian Tracy in his book Eat the Frog! 21 ways to learn to do well “writes that each of us has our own frog – the biggest and most important task over which we procrastinate.

If you eat a frog in the morning, the rest of the day promises to be wonderful, since the worst for today is over.

Mark Twain, writer

Therefore, the first thing in the morning is to eat your largest frog, even if you don’t feel like it at all. Our reserves of will are limited, so we need to start the day with an important task while we still have strength.

In addition, the level of creativity is higher in the morning. This is confirmed by research: after waking up, people have increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for creativity.

Cheerfulness foods: what a perfect breakfast should be

Nutritionists call breakfast the main meal of the day. In no case do not refuse breakfast, intending to intercept something along the way. Scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, muesli, oatmeal with fruit – any of these options will work to get your day off to a successful and productive start.
The main thing is that it combines carbohydrates (most of the slow ones so that the feeling of fullness does not pass quickly, and a little fast to replenish the sugar level), proteins, fats and fiber. Protein should be easily digestible (dairy products, eggs), meat is too heavy a breakfast food, it is better for them to have lunch. If you really want to, replace the meat with poultry.
The calorie content of breakfast is 400-700 kcal, depending on age, gender and lifestyle, on average – 25-30% of the calorie content of your daily diet.

It is preferable to choose breakfast cereals from whole grains: buckwheat, oatmeal (by no means instant), corn porridge, now fashionable bulgur, couscous, quinoa. But semolina, according to the latest trends in dietetics, is not worth eating – it is, in fact, a waste of wheat flour processing, there is no benefit in it, and carbohydrates from semolina are absorbed quickly, and hunger replaces satiety.
Breakfast bread is also preferable to whole grain: it speeds up the metabolism and is slowly digested.
In the morning, the body is hungry, as it has spent energy on regeneration, glycogen reserves are coming to an end, so in the morning you can pamper yourself with a small (albeit small) portion of sweet – the body will receive the necessary glucose, and calories will be burned per day. Eat sweets last to avoid problems with the pancreas.
An important part of breakfast is liquid: after sleep, the body needs water (that’s why we advise above to drink a glass of water upon waking up). Drink coffee and freshly squeezed juices after meals: on an empty stomach, they can cause stomach discomfort.


  • Never drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks before bed.

Morning starts in the evening!

In order to get up on time and with the right attitude, you need to lie down on time and with the right attitude! Therefore, the first rule of a successful day will sound like this: “Go to bed on time.” Optimally – no later than 8 pm, in the worst case – no later than midnight. During this time, the brain regenerates most efficiently.

The second rule is “It is correct to enter the dream.” Before falling asleep, it is very important and very useful to just lie on your back, consciously dissolve all the stresses accumulated over the past day in the body, breath and mind and, creating the most positive and life-affirming mood, fall asleep. This attitude could be, for example, “I fall asleep deeply and wake up refreshed and refreshed at five o’clock in the morning,” or something else that is more relevant to you.

Optimal body condition

We must start each new day by bringing our body to a state of maximum tone. The worst thing that we can do for ourselves is to get up late and, realizing that we are already late everywhere, have a hearty and quick breakfast, and then try to catch up with the departing train of the day that began without us. This is a notoriously losing situation.

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

Our body has evolved in such a way that it never received food just like that. Perhaps in a mousetrap. The ancient man had to catch up with the mammoth, persuade him to become food, manage at the same time not to become food for anyone and, at least, drag the future food to his cave. As a result, we get a fairly significant expenditure of energy before starting the process of eating food, even the most vegetarian one. Therefore, before eating breakfast, the body must earn food! Otherwise, those who do not work do not eat!

What exactly will be used by us as “work” for the body, in fact, is not so important. It can be wise yoga with inspiring sun salutations, regular invigorating morning exercises, and high-quality energetic morning jogging around the house or up and down its stairs.

Optimal energy state

To increase the level of vital energy, it is vitally important to physically load yourself correctly at the very beginning of the day, accompanying this with the correct positive strong-willed attitude. The point is that, doing our morning exercises, we enter each new exercise with maximum pleasure and the attitude of “I’m done!”

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

Breathing exercises also have a very large effect on our energy state. Try, for example, at the beginning of your morning gymnastics to make intense hyperventilation of the lungs (just breathe quickly and often, but not for long!), And then try to relax and stretch your breathing as much as possible, slow it down as much as possible (but in no case bring yourself to the feeling of suffocation, you need to stay on the edge of your comfort zone), especially against the background of ongoing physical activity. The same running, for example. And you will find an absolutely amazing feeling of unity of tone, cheerfulness, energy and calmness, self-confidence and the fact that everything in your life is really right and good. It is also very, very important to follow a correct, light and healthy diet.

Optimal state of mind

The first important thing to learn is the understanding that if I want me to be good and succeed, I have to create a reason for it. Exercise itself is not such a reason. If I want something for myself, I must first do it for someone else. For example, to say pleasant things to others, to help, to cheer them up, to reduce the reasons for grief in their lives. And then there will be many more reasons for joy and satisfaction in your life!

The second important thing: if we always only react to events, we automatically act in relation to them as a consequence. If we consciously plan and create them, we are the cause in relation to these events, and therefore to our life in general. This is a separate and very large topic – no less significant than your state of health or your energy and mood level. If there are unfinished desires and plans in our life (and there are always a lot of them, because few of us manage to realize everything that is desired and planned, right?), A lot of our vital energy, the energy of our consciousness remains in the “stuck”, bound state – we are just made.

How to start your morning right. How to start the morning right to increase the productivity of the day?

If we don’t do anything about it, then even the most sophisticated and difficult physical or energy exercises will not be able to help us get out of the state of constant chronic fatigue and lack of energy. Or we will completely destroy ourselves with these exercises. Therefore, a very important, radical and tangible source of vital energy in everyday life will become the habit of starting every day with the fact that we:

  1. we are completing at least one small but unpleasant task that has been postponed for a long time.
  2. we are taking one more step towards the completion of some large and global business, which is present as one of the goals in our life.

In both cases, a large amount of our energy, our attention and emotions are concentrated in these matters. When we complete them, or at least take one more step in this direction, this energy is gradually released. And we feel more and more cheerful, positive, successful and energetic.

Banned gadgets

If you start the morning by looking at messages, events in messengers, social networks, then you need to give up this habit. A modern person is already constantly in the conditions of a changing information space, so he does not need an additional load at all.

Attention! Take time for yourself, your own thoughts, without thinking about what is happening in the world. Think about your daily plans, something pleasant – it will help to cheer you up, and the day will be “excellent”.

How to wake up in the morning cheerful

Getting the morning started right defines a productive day. Take a few techniques, which we will discuss below, and do them for 21 days. This is how long a habit is formed. Just three weeks, and you will forget about the lack of vigor and good mood in the morning.
Imagine that every day you will get up at least half an hour earlier and do something interesting exclusively for yourself. In a week, you will have accumulated three and a half hours of time that you will devote to your hobbies or self-improvement. And if you get into the habit of getting up an hour earlier, you will get seven hours of productive time in a week. We think it’s worth learning to get up earlier for this! Here are some useful tricks.

Sleep positions

Everyone has a favorite sleeping position, but are they all harmless? Somnologists say that a healthy person can sleep as it suits him, but what about people with certain problems?

How much sleep do you need

Depending on the person’s age, he needs a different amount of sleep.

  • Newborn (up to 3 months) – sleeps most of the day (about 18 hours), waking up about every 4 hours.
  • Baby. From 4 to 6 months, the child’s circadian rhythms stabilize – he learns to distinguish between day and night. The phases of wakefulness increase – he sleeps about 15-17 hours a day. Baby. From 6 to 12 months, a 12-hour night’s sleep and two naps of one and a half to two hours each are sufficient.
  • Kid (1-2 years old) – they are recommended to sleep 11 hours a night and a total of 2-3 hours of daytime sleep, and the older the child, the less he needs to sleep during the day.
  • Preschoolers (3-5 years old) – children need to sleep 9-10 hours at night and 1-1.5 hours during the day
  • Children of primary school age (6-11 years old) – it is no longer necessary to sleep during the day, but a night’s sleep should not be shorter than 9 hours (and preferably 10).
  • Teenagers. Divide the younger (from 12 to 14) and older (from 15 to 17) adolescence. The first is recommended to sleep 9-10 hours a day, the second at 8-9, as the body is still developing.
  • Adults (18 – 64). Adults are traditionally advised to sleep at least 7, but not more than 9 hours. However, according to recent studies, it is not recommended to sleep more than 8 hours – those who like long sleep have an increased risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, in particular, coronary artery disease, as well as premature death.
  • Elderly (65 -…). Somnologists recommend that people aged about 6-7 hours sleep and give up daytime sleep. With age, the quality of sleep is disturbed, a person falls asleep longer (especially if he dozed during the day), more often wakes up at night and suffers from insomnia, therefore, lacks sleep.

How to fall asleep quickly

Getting to sleep on time can be challenging given the many distractions. This is city noise, even though we are used to not noticing it, light pollution, an overabundance of information, the habit of surfing the Internet late and having a hearty dinner – and these are not all factors that reduce the quality of sleep.
In order not to toss and turn in bed, counting the hours until the alarm clock, we recommend starting several evening rituals. Their observance will not take much time and will be a pleasant addition to the evening, and you will feel the difference immediately.

Light the aroma lamp

A few minutes before heading to the kingdom of Morpheus, light an aroma lamp with essential oils in your bedroom.
The most effective scents for sound sleep: chamomile, neroli, lavender. If you cannot sleep because of anxiety, oils of bergamot, coriander, lemon balm, benzoin or marjoram come to the rescue.

Do not overdo it with concentration: the smell should not be suffocating. 2-3 drops diluted in warm water will suffice.

It is very important to ensure fire safety: use only specialized aroma lamps. Place on a flat surface (such as a metal tray) away from the bed so as not to accidentally brush it off in a dream. Make sure that there are no flammable objects near the burner.

Drink herbal tea

1-2 hours before bedtime, brew a cup of tea with chamomile, lemon balm, mint or oregano – decoctions from these plants relieve excitement and stress. The herbs should be allowed to brew and the tea should be drunk warm, not hot.
If you cannot sleep due to overwork – physical and informational (a paradox, but intense work and an overdose of information often cause sleep problems), thyme tea will come to the rescue. However, not only should such tea be infused for about an hour, the effect will be noticeable only if you start drinking it 4-5 hours before bedtime.

What not to do in the morning

  • Snooze the alarm. The temptation to hit the replay and sleep “well, another 10 minutes” is great, but, as they say, you can’t breathe before you die. The earlier you get up, the more you can get done.
  • Scroll through social networks and watch news. This is how you set yourself up for negativity and wasting time that you could usefully spend. Better surf the Internet at lunchtime.
  • Skip breakfast. If you are not used to eating in the morning, easily give up breakfast and take food for the first time at lunchtime, it is better to develop the habit of eating something light in the morning, about 200 kcal. Studies show that even a light breakfast prevents spontaneous snacking, nibbling, and weight loss.
  • Take meat food. Many people love scrambled eggs and bacon or sausage, but regular consumption of fried meat increases the risk of pancreatic cancer and stroke. Red meat is strictly prohibited – if you eat it during breakfast, you can forget about cheerfulness for the next 2-3 hours.

Conclusion on how to start the morning right

You have learned 6 tips on how to make your morning perfect and mega productive. You must understand that without your efforts, the morning will not be like this.

You need to decide whether you are ready to do something, and do a lot for your own happiness. These are not empty words, since our future depends on us.

We have the freedom to choose, and in this case, to do it or not to do it. But think, if you start to implement according to the 1st advice per week (even a month), will something change in a year? Doubts are unnecessary here.

Here are some more tips on how to get the morning started right:

  1. Wake up early;
  2. Water;
  3. Morning toilet and shower;
  4. Charging;
  5. Breakfast;
  6. Self-development.

Use it in your life, you will definitely succeed. By the way, be sure to read those articles, the links to which I gave in the article, you will get even more useful practical information.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: BD% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B9-% D1% 80% D0% B0% D1% 81% D0% BF% D0% BE% D1% 80% D1% 8F% D0% B4% D0% BE % D0% BA / / kak-pravilno-nachinat-svoye-utro / / media / sokrovishche_zhenshchiny / idealnoe-utro-7-sovetov-kak-pravilno-nachat-svoi-den-5c7e369287fe6f00b77d4ed9 html B0% D1% 82% D1% 8C-% D1% 83% D1% 82% D1% 80% D0% BE / ru / blogs / zdorove / kak-pravilno-nachat-utro /

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