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How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home


Anatomical features

The buttocks are formed by three posterior muscles – large, medium, small. Each performs its own specific function. The big one is involved in the abduction of the legs to the sides and back, while straightening the trunk, occupies the largest area of ​​the buttocks. The small one is located directly under the large one. Together with the middle, they work only when the leg is abducted to the left and right.

The gluteus maximus muscle is most active when the trunk is extended. A similar load can be provoked when doing:

  • squats with weights – dumbbells or a barbell;
  • lunges;
  • Romanian and deadlift;
  • slopes when the bar is on the shoulders.

Medium to small are involved in work when:

  • leg swing lying on the side and from the lower block to the sides;
  • breeding legs in a seated simulator;
  • abduction of the legs from a standing position with the lever of the simulator.

What are the benefits of squats?

How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

Involving multiple muscle groups is not the only benefit of exercise. Squats improve physical fitness and strengthen the cardiovascular system. If you squat regularly, not only the buttocks will change for the better, but also the abdominal muscles, as well as the dorsal muscles, will be strengthened. The pressure created in the chest during exercise improves the function of the respiratory organs, which contributes to the saturation of the body with large volumes of oxygen.

How does exercise help pump your glutes?

How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

The only movement that allows you to use the large, medium and small muscles to the maximum is straightening the trunk, and therefore squats are the best way to pump these groups. And the lower you go, the more effective and efficient the exercise is. Deep squats allow you to pump and make the gluteus muscles elastic much faster.

Strengthening of muscles occurs exclusively when working with weights. Exercising with weights helps your muscles increase in volume. For each individual approach, 8-12 squats should be performed. After the repetition cycle, be sure to take a one- or two-minute pause for rest.

You can’t take light weight. The load must be tangible. The inability to perform more than 12 squats per approach testifies to the correct choice. If there is no such refusal, the weights are too light. Of course, those who have never squatted with weights need to master the technique with a low load, and only then increase the weight in each lesson.

Barbell Squat Technique

The exercise must be technically correct:

  • The bar, which is in a special power frame, is positioned at the level of the shoulder girdle. They approach the bar with their backs, and the bar is placed on the upper region of the trapezoid. It is forbidden to shift the load on the vertebral part of the neck. This is extremely dangerous.
  • The bar is removed from the rack, take a couple of steps forward. The legs are placed so that they are the width of the hip. Socks can be slightly parted or placed strictly parallel to each other. The chin is kept slightly raised, which allows you to look up.
  • Squat slowly while inhaling. The hips are lowered so that the knees do not go beyond the socks, since this negatively affects the knee joints, but form a strictly right angle. The back is kept straight, and the shoulder blades are brought together, the gaze is directed upward, the elbows are directed slightly back.

Important! It is impossible to round the lower back, to feed the body excessively forward. The tailbone must be pulled back, because without this, the muscles will not stretch, and, therefore, grow in volume.

  • With the effort of the gluteal muscles on exhalation, they rise up, but already faster than falling. The knees are straightened, the body is extended. Returning to the starting position, you should not fully straighten the knee joints, as this allows you to relieve the load from them.

What muscles are involved

Any type of squat involves the following muscle groups:

  • gluteus maximus,
  • quadriceps (quadriceps),
  • hip biceps,
  • calf,
  • core muscles
  • spine extensors
  • rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

Depending on the specific type and technique of squats, the emphasis of the load will shift to different muscle groups. In our case, we only need those that will maximally include the work of the gluteus maximus muscle and reduce the load from the legs.

An important point In any kind of squat, the legs will work to one degree or another. If your coach or favorite blogger says the opposite – know he’s lying! There is no way to completely turn off your legs. We cannot cut them off from the buttocks and only pump our buns, but you can focus on the buttocks.

The squat technique for girls is to emphasize the load on the hip extensor muscles – gluteal, popliteal, adductors.

Why don’t the buttocks hurt after squats?

During physical exertion, the muscles experience tension, at which a micro rupture of the muscle fibers occurs. If the muscles are not prepared, they usually hurt the next day. It’s not about lactate, lactic acid, which gets into the rupture of the fibers and causes pain in the form of DOMS. The point is in the fiber injury itself. The lactate stops after 2 to 4 hours, and the muscles ache for several days. It’s about trauma. The pain caused by rupture is not an indication of a good and correct load. And the absence of pain is not an indicator of ineffective load. A prepared body, exercising regularly, begins to experience less discomfort such as sore throat. This means that the body gets used to the load, and you can gradually add weight, but without fanaticism.

How deep to squat

It’s not depth that matters, but the style in which you squat. But the fact that a deep squat uses the gluteus muscles more is a fact. In this case, the knee joints are bent as much as possible and the work of the quadriceps and muscles of the back of the thigh (popliteal) is limited at the beginning of the rise.

When squatting below 90 degrees, the initial impulse is set only by the gluteal muscles, and only then the muscles of the legs are connected.

There are concepts such as concentric phase of movement (when we are lifting weights) and eccentric (when we are lowering weights). Research shows that heavy eccentric phases destroy muscles more than heavy concentric ones. During a full squat, the gluteus passes a greater range of motion (lengthens as much as possible and is more damaged), which is subsequently a factor in growth.

Technique of classic squats with an emphasis on the buttocks

The more ideal you do the squat and the muscle-brain connection is developed, the faster your butt will grow. Start squatting with an empty bar. Practice your technique, learn to feel the work of the muscles, and only then move on to a higher weight.

Technique :

  1. Place the neck on the bottom of the trapezoid.
  2. Put your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, turn your toes slightly to the sides.
  3. Direct your gaze in front of you.
  4. Spread your shoulders and bend your back slightly.
  5. Squat, pulling your pelvis back until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower.
  6. Try to put your weight on your heels. When climbing, push only with your heels.
  7. At the end point, do not fully straighten your legs. Otherwise, the entire load will be transferred to the knee joints.

To engage the gluteal muscles, the pelvis must be pulled back during the squat. Otherwise the quads will work. But also do not try to take the pelvis as far back as possible, tilting the body forward. This technique is not correct. The knees should not protrude beyond the toes and roll inward.

So, we have sorted out the main technical points, now we will consider the different types of squats, in which the buttocks are more involved.

Why squats are useful

This exercise engages a large number of muscle groups, improving physical fitness and strengthening the cardiovascular system. By doing squats, you can achieve not only beautiful shapes of the gluteus muscle, but also strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. Exercise creates pressure in the chest, which helps improve breathing by saturating the body with more oxygen.

Is it possible to pump up the buttocks with squats

Given that the buttocks are involved in straightening the torso, squats are one of the best methods for pumping up your butt well. And the lower the squats, the better the glute muscles work and the more effective the exercise for the elastic buttocks.

Important to remember! In order to make the buttocks strong, you need to work with weights. To do this, you need to perform an exercise to grow muscle mass, from 8 to 12 repetitions in one approach. You need 1 – 2 minutes rest between sets. The weight of the load must be heavy enough so that there is not enough strength to perform more than 12 repetitions, this is the effectiveness of the exercise. But it is better to start mastering the technique with small weights, gradually adding load to each workout.

How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home


How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

Squats with a deep seated position, when the pelvis drops below the parallel of the floor, forming an acute angle at the knees, works best for the large and middle gluteal muscles. Also, during the load, the quadriceps, lower back, press, adductors of the thigh muscles are involved. It is a deep squat that can load the buttocks more, since they are the first to turn on when the body is straightened. The range of motion is also increased, which provides more tension and effort in the muscles. For the growth of the buttocks, it is recommended to squat deeper than in the classic version. The exercise is performed provided that the ankles are flexible enough, otherwise, a deep squat will be impossible due to the peculiarities of physiology.

With dumbbells or kettlebell

How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

The dumbbell squat technique remains the same as in the classic barbell squat, the same muscles work. But the advantage of the exercise is that it does not compress the spine. Injuries to the vertebrae, displacement, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias are a contraindication to squatting with weights on the shoulders. Therefore, this type of load will be a good alternative to the barbell.

How to pump up only with squats

Squats are basic exercises and are often cited as one of the best glutes for women. How to squat to build your glutes:

  • squat deep enough. The lower you lower the pelvis with these movements, the better the quadriceps are pumped, which are responsible for the round shape of the priests;

Note! Try to spread your legs wide enough, this allows you to control balance and work out more muscles efficiently.

  • do not bring your knees together. Such movements make it easier to perform the exercise for the target muscles, which means that their correct load does not occur. At first, try to do this exercise in front of a mirror, tracking the position of your knees during movements;
  • keep your body straight without tipping back. Only the transfer of weight to the heels can help in such control. Squat so that you can lift your toes off the floor while straightening your knees;
  • do the exercise slowly, without haste. When squatting without weights, speed is not a key parameter. The main thing is to keep track of your technical side of the exercise;

Important! Do not get up and lower your pelvis too quickly, try to breathe deeply.

  • be sure to warm up. Regular warm-up helps prepare joints and muscles for vigorous training activities and also reduces the risk of injury.


How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

Cross lunges or curtsy is another variation on the squat. Its action is mainly directed at the middle and large muscles of the buttocks and quadriceps thighs. Semi-membranous, semitendinosus, dorsal, abdominal muscles, as well as hamstrings receive a small load.

Reverance is a great addition to your leg workout routine. There are many different options for cross lunges. They help to perfectly stretch the gluteal muscles. The only point is that the joints must be very flexible to perform such a squat.


How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

Exercise with feet wide apart, like the Plie ballet technique, trains the large and medium gluteal muscles, the adductor group of the thigh muscles. Auxiliary are: quadriceps muscles of the thigh, lower leg, abdominal. This exercise requires sufficient flexibility in the hip joint. Exercise is good because it does not overload the quads. But for the growth of the buttocks, an optimal load weight is needed, it is necessary to provide concentrated movement at the expense of the gluteal ones, without overloading the adductor hips.

Deep on one leg

How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

The advantage of the pistol exercise is that it develops muscles well, thanks to the work with its own weight. No additional equipment is required for the exercise. But it is not so easy to learn it, and a sufficiently prepared person can do it. The exercise works out the quadriceps and gluteus maximus muscles. Exercise is quite traumatic only for the knee joints. An acute angle of the knee receives a lot of stress and this is a contraindication for any problems and pain in the knees.

Major mistakes

Please note that the correct squats for the buttocks, at home or in the gym, are performed using the same technique. It doesn’t matter if you are using weights or squats with your own weight. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Breathing: inhale strictly on the descent, exhale on the rise;
  • The back is not rounded;
  • The socks are always turned in the same direction as the knees;
  • Knees cannot be carried beyond the line of socks;
  • The heels do not lift off the floor;
  • The head is not lowered or thrown back;
  • To engage exactly the gluteal muscles, slightly pull the pelvis back. Otherwise, only the legs and knees will work.

Classic squats

This butt squat is a basic technique that can be applied to all other squats. Except for the specifics, which we will also mention below.

  • Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides or outstretched in front of you;
  • As you inhale, begin to slide down smoothly, pulling the pelvis back, slightly bending in the lower back. At the same time, do not round your back;
  • The lowest point of the exercise is the position in which the thighs form a parallel plane with the surface;
  • As you exhale, rise up;
  • Do the number of repetitions you need.

3 You can not pump up the buttocks only with your own body

It is generally accepted that resistance exercises are needed to train the glutes. And in general, this is so. But, there are several exercises, performing which you can achieve some result only with your own body weight.

Squats on one leg

Quite a hard exercise. Its plus is that here there is a load first on one leg, and then on the other. That is why there is an opportunity to train your ass well. And in most cases, the weight of your own body is sufficient for the initial effect.

Walking on the stand

This exercise is usually done with dumbbells or a barbell. But, if you make the stand high enough, it will complicate the task and give more load on the ass. The height of the stand should be such that when stepping on it, the angle at the knee is sharp. That is, so that the knee rises above the hip joint. Thus, you can load the buttocks more. Of course, without weight, there will be no super effect, but something can be achieved.

Jumping on a stand from a seda

You need to do this exercise from a full seat, that is, squat completely before jumping onto the stand. In addition, the stand must be high enough (not as shown in the video). Such that you can jump on it for no more than 8-10 repetitions in a row. In general, the higher the better. Otherwise, the load on the ass will be weak.

There are other bodyweight exercises. But they are, in my opinion, less effective. At least if you do them only with your own body weight.


The simulator is adjustable at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the floor. Take a position in which the top of your thighs rests against the machine roller. The body is lowered, the back is rounded. Straining the buttocks, lift the body to the top and lower it to its original position. Repeat 15 times.
Squats. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, toes unfolded. Sit down while holding the barbell on your shoulders. Take your buttocks back, turn your knees to the sides. The back is straight. Do 15 reps.

Narrow stop

As the name implies, in this exercise, the legs are set already shoulder width apart. This setting allows you to qualitatively load the outer surface of the thigh, as well as, of course, the gluteus maximus muscle.

As for the technique of execution, remember how to squat correctly for the buttocks – we already wrote about this above, and follow these instructions. The lowest point is the parallel of the thigh to the floor. Do not lift your heels off the floor, otherwise overload only the ankle joints, and not your legs and butt. If, due to physiological characteristics, it is not possible to put your legs too narrowly, find your personal minimum and work from this position.


  1. plie squats 4 x 10-12;

  2. breeding legs while sitting in the simulator 4 x 15;

  3. diagonal lunges (curtsy is also called) – DO NOT ADVISE, too unnatural load on the knee joint;

  4. swings to the side (lying on the side / standing with weights or with an expander, in a block swing frame with a cuff) 4 x 20;

How to squat to build your glutes? How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks: variations in the gym and at home

Will home workouts be effective?

The gluteus muscles are involved in many daily movements. But in order for the priest to gain elasticity, special classes are needed. Of course, simulators and equipment in the gym will help you quickly pump up your buttocks, but training is quite possible at home.

The main thing is not to spare yourself, and to tune in to work in a home atmosphere, which is often difficult. After exercising, the muscles should “burn”. Regular squats, plie, and other exercises do not require a machine. The problem can arise in the weighting materials. The cost of sports equipment is considerable, but for training it will be enough to buy a pair of dumbbells, which are affordable.

Important: it will not be possible to achieve an excellent result without using additional weight. If it is not possible to visit the gym, you must definitely stock up on dumbbells from 5 to 15 kg each, depending on your physical condition.

Invisible chair

The second most popular exercise for a beautiful priests at home. It is necessary to stand with your back to the wall, press your shoulder blades tightly and slowly go down, holding the fifth point, as if sitting on an invisible chair. To begin with, hold out for 20-30 seconds, repeating the exercise 5-7 times. With each day of training, increase the time on the “chair” by adding 10 seconds.


Swings are performed in an upright position. Stand up straight with your hands on the wall or the back of a high chair. Perform swings, holding your legs as long as possible at the top point.
Alternate directions: 10 swings back, the same to the side and straight. Try to work your muscles as carefully as possible, for this do not make large intervals between swings, throwing your leg up as soon as possible. Start with 3 sets of 10 reps in each direction, be especially careful with your lateral swings: keep your back straight to avoid damaging your ligaments.

How to do the exercise?

It is done quite simply and even funny. It is quite obvious that the sports equipment in this case is an ordinary floor with or without a sports mat.

  • sitting on the floor, you need to stretch your legs forward, while keeping your back straight, without rounding the spine;
  • arms should be extended forward parallel to the hips;
  • after sufficient skill and to complicate the exercise, you can hold your hands behind your head, or use weights. In a lighter version, the arms should be bent at the elbows;
  • keeping your back in a fixed position, and your hands, in a conveniently chosen position, you need to push forward one leg, raise the buttock and take an impromptu booty step;
  • repeat the same movement with the other leg.

When walking on the priest, it is necessary to pay attention to the hips and abdominal muscles, keeping them in tension. After taking at least ten steps forward, you need to do this way back, and then left and right. Such a bundle constitutes one exercise cycle. At the initial stage, it is worth doing no more than three approaches, gradually bringing it to 10. You need to walk on the priest consciously and concentrated in order to maintain balance.

 If the floors are cold in the room, then you will need a rug in order to lay it under yourself, a yoga or gymnastics rug is suitable.

In the process of walking both forward and backward, it is important to monitor the position of the spine, trying to pull it up, paying attention to the tension of the gluteal and femoral muscles, while avoiding the opportunity to help yourself with your hands.

Dynamic glute bridge in Smith’s car

This exercise is unmatched in the development of strong and strong gluteal muscles.

The glute bridge can also be done with a barbell or free weights. But the Smith machine keeps the weight in one place, and in this case it is easier to take the starting position without unnecessary effort before starting the exercise itself.

Use medium weights so you can do 7-10 reps. If you can do more than five sets in this mode, then take the weight more seriously. Introducing a new exercise using a Smith machine will require adjusting the weight to a comfortable level, which will be an indicator of the correct weight.

The greatest effect you get from a gluteal bridge is when you push your hips up and keep your glutes tucked in for a couple of seconds. At this time, your buttocks and abdominal muscles are reduced as much as possible. This exercise can also be done without weights if you are exercising at home.

For advanced

A well-developed person can withstand much heavier loads than a beginner or even someone who has been practicing for some time. Therefore, their level must be appropriate for the classes to give results. First, do a regular warm-up or go up and down two or three flights.

  • Run up the stairs for 1-2 minutes.
  • Jumping from the squat towards the top.
  • Direct as well as reverse step push-ups.
  • Side squats of different heights.

Any cycle must be repeated 3-5 times to achieve the effect of the exercise. If this does not seem enough to you, then you can increase the load by adding additional cycle approaches.

Benefits of walking on the buttocks

For the quick effect and the absence of any special difficulties during implementation, the exercise has become quite widespread among fitness instructors.

As a result of walking on the pope:

  • improves blood circulation, which does not allow the formation of congestion in the pelvic area;
  • a muscle corset is formed in the spine, muscles and ligaments of the sacral region are strengthened;
  • the risk of sciatica formation is reduced;
  • the walls of the bladder are strengthened, rectal prolapse is prevented;

How many sets and reps should you do?

For beginners, it is recommended to start with 12-15 repetitions, 2-3 sets. The main thing is that the working weight is small, for example, 5 kg dumbbells, or an empty barbell bar. First you need to understand how to do basic exercises correctly, learn to feel the muscles and accustom them to the load. Further, it all depends on the specific goal:

  • For weight loss, you should choose a small working weight, about 20 kg, and do 20-25 repetitions.
  • You need to move to more weight gradually, for example, over the course of a month.
  • To pump up chic legs and priests, more serious weights are needed, from 30 kg and more, while 10-12 repetitions are done.
  • With what maximum weight you can do these 10 movements, and take this.
  • The importance of proper nutrition, if you continue to eat everything, of course, the effect will be, but slowly, and not at all so obvious.
  • For those looking to slim down their hips, calories should be counted. Those who dream of a booty like a fitness guru should eat more proteins and slow carbohydrates, they are necessary for muscle growth.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: https: // faktor-sporta .ru / kak-pravilno-prisedat-dlya-yagodic.html / prisedaniya-dlya-yagodic-chtoby-nakachat-popu / https: / / -nakachat-bolshuyu-popu.html -nog-i-yagodits-a-vy-podtyanite-problemnye-mesta-v-rekordno-korotkoe-vremya /

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