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How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


How do you deal with your emotions?

The higher our ability to fully express emotions, the more freedom and strength we have, and the more authentic we are. If you look deeper, “positive” are those emotions that are effectively expressed and released, and “negative” are those that a person avoids, denies and suppresses.

Everyone has experienced when after expressing an emotion that is considered “negative”, for example, fear, anger or sadness, something wonderful happened: we felt relief, threw out of our heads what we were clinging to, solved a problem or settled conflict in a relationship, etc. .d. That is why we feel so wonderful and free, crying heartily.

And we all had times when we were unable to express “positive” emotions, such as love or gratitude. As a result, some of us suppressed these emotions, which negatively affected us and those around us.

Remembering that the real goal is to recognize, acknowledge, feel our emotions and find a healthy way to express them, and not experience exclusively those emotions that we consider “positive” and avoid those that seem “negative” to us – we we can create a new, healthy attitude to our emotions and to our true essence. Reconciliation with your emotions, the ability and willingness to express them all, is a key element of genuine life.

Healthy ways to express emotions

We are becoming more authentic and it is very important to find healthy, real and safe ways to express our feelings. Most importantly, we can always overcome them if we are ready to accept them, recognize them, feel them and express them fully. And secondly, the more often we allow ourselves to simply experience and express our emotions without judging them, the more genuine, healthy and satisfied we will be.

Authentic speaking and writing is one healthy and empowering way to express emotions. When talking about our feelings with others or writing down what is in our souls, it is important to listen to ourselves to make sure that we are actually experiencing and expressing our true emotions, so that we will get through them, and not just talk and write … Here are two more healthy and productive ways to truly express your emotions.

Scream, scream, jump, let them burst out. Many did this when they were children. Allowing yourself to be violently emotional, whether it’s excitement, sadness, love, fear, joy, anger, or something else, is a wonderful way of expressing yourself. We don’t do this very often as we grow up, because we worry about what others will think of us, and we don’t consider it “appropriate”. The key is to be attentive to your feelings and to give them an outlet. If you want to laugh – laugh. I want to cry – cry.

It is very helpful to do this in a group, attend workshops with trained, experienced leaders, or retire away from other people who may be frightened or otherwise react to our expressions of emotion.

Sometimes, when I’m excited or angry, I scream at the top of my lungs. I usually do this in the car to avoid confusing people. Since most of my life I have learned to suppress my feelings (like many of us, especially men), then, sadly, I do something on purpose, talk to someone or think about what will awaken emotions in me, what let me cry and release this sadness.

Beating pillows, jumping, or dancing to truly express feelings is another powerful way to release emotion. But at the same time, you need to feel protected, it is very useful to express your emotions with the support and guidance of another person. Genuine expression of emotion takes practice, support, and awareness, but it is a wonderful way to become real and experience your emotions.

Meditate, pray, go deeper into yourself. Since all our emotions and most conflicts are internal, one of the best and most effective ways to express emotions is through meditation, prayer, or self-absorption. This is a very personal process and will take place in different ways depending on your beliefs and personality.

Here we are not talking about suppressing emotions, but on the contrary, about their expression and release through a connection with something inside us or something that is stronger than us (some call this the Higher Self, Inner Counselor, Soul, Spirit, or nothing at all not called).

I often lie down, close my eyes and imagine a person whom I am angry with, whom I fear or who upsets me, and mentally talk to him, expressing all my sincere thoughts and feelings.

I have found that the effect of metaphysical (mental) dialogue is just as, and sometimes more powerful, than talking to this person in the “real” world, because my ego and my fear of response are not interfering here.

The goal is to truly acknowledge, feel, and express emotion in order to learn from this and move on. Meditation, prayer, and mental dialogue are incredibly effective when done sincerely.


The following exercises will help you express your thoughts and feelings in an authentic and liberating way. Some need to be done with someone else – they will help you reach a deeper level of authenticity and build a stronger bond with those around you.

1 The first step is “registration”. Before a meeting, date, lunch, or important conversation begins, take a moment to have everyone in the audience participate in the “registration.” It means lowering your “sea level” and talking in a slightly authentic way about how you are feeling and what is going on inside you. Perhaps you would like to do the exercise “If you really knew me …” completely, or maybe just each of those present will be given a moment to share their sincere thoughts and feelings.

2 Make a list of your conflicts: deal with them or let them go. List your problems, conflicts, unsettled relationships, resentments, etc., then go through your list and ask yourself what of this you are ready to let go. If you can truly get them out of your head, then do so: it will set you free, you will feel much better. Letting go does not mean denying or avoiding, it means freedom and responsibility. For example, you may realize that your disagreements with someone that you clung to so much are not worth a damn and that you can just let them go. Remember the beautiful saying: “To harbor anger is like drinking poison and expecting another to die.” As for those you cannot get out of your head, ask yourself, “What can I do to resolve this conflict?” You may not know. Maybe, have already tried. Perhaps not ready to do what it takes. Be that as it may, step outside your comfort zone and say or do what you think will resolve each of the conflicts on your list.

3 Reveal all your “secrets”. “Concealment” is something that has boiled over a person, but that you did not express to him: resentment, indignation, fear, apology, gratitude, etc. it’s scary. Michelle and I do this on a regular basis. You can reveal “secrets” to your spouse, friends, co-workers, etc. Someone begins by saying to another (or someone present, if you are doing this in a group): “I have hidden something from you.” Another replies, “Okay, would you like to share with me?” Then the first one reveals his “concealment” with all possible honesty, fragility and responsibility (using affirmations with me, acknowledging his feelings, etc.). The interlocutor’s task is to listen as openly as possible, without answering, and when the first one finishes, just thank. It’s best to switch roles until both (or everyone in the group) share all of their secrets. When done, one of you (or both) may want to talk about some of the above, but this is not required. There is nothing to do with an argument, there are no right and wrong, the main thing is to share your feelings and what you were hiding in order to let it go. When we talk about “secrets”, whatever they may be, at a certain level, it is not about your interlocutor, but about you.

4 Find someone to support your expression of emotions. We all benefit from support, mentoring, and feedback in general and in particular when expressing our emotions. It doesn’t matter if it is a friend, counselor, support group, employee, spouse, etc., the main thing is that you are real with this person, can fully express your emotions, which will allow and give him the right to push, give feedback and support you emotionally. Remember, this is not meant to make you “complain” or “cry,” but to truly express your emotions, take responsibility for them, and overcome them. In addition, there are so many wonderful, wonderful people in life and the world who support genuine expression of emotions – find the one or those who can help you express your emotions in an authentic and liberating way more than anyone else.

Now we know how important it is to know ourselves, transform our fears and express our emotions fully, and we can move on to the principle of “Be brave” and determine how to live, speak and act boldly and according to our deepest passions and our most authentic self.

What does the inability to express feelings lead to?

Very often, conflicts and shyness have the same origins and consequences. This happens because people who do not know how to express their feelings and emotions go to such extremes as aggressiveness and tightness (self-doubt).

Moreover: these two emotional poles often complement each other, because in our life there are always people who balance our feelings. If you tend to suppress aggression and anger in yourself, your partner fills the vacuum.

Both aggression and excessive shyness are just a screen behind which our true feelings are hidden, which we are either afraid to express, or we do not know how.

As soon as a person masters the skill of expressing his feelings, he becomes self-confident, and the need for conflicts and escape from solving problems disappears by itself.

Openness in expressing desires and feelings is the foundation of confidence in interpersonal relationships. The transfer of negative feelings inside oneself can lead to a deterioration in well-being and health, to depression.

Once we “run away” from the problem, we thereby destroy the relationship and do not give ourselves the opportunity to resolve the contradictions that arise.

The longer we accumulate negative feelings in ourselves, the more difficult it will be for us to maintain self-confidence. It is all the more likely that sooner or later we will start a conversation with a partner in an aggressive manner.

The more often we resort to this method, the more habitual the aggression becomes for the partner. You have to shout louder and use more and more harsh expressions.

Stress accompanying aggressiveness can affect health and cause diseases that develop according to the psychosomatic principle. The table below compares different strategies for masking feelings and their implications:

Uncertainty Aggressiveness
Flight, refusal to express feelings

For various reasons, a person whose partner has aroused strong positive or negative feelings does not show them either in speech or in behavior.
Feelings are hidden and masked.
Sometimes it manifests itself in the fact that a serious conversation is delayed for so long that the partner forgets about the essence of the events that caused the feelings.

Violence, communication barriers

The feelings that a loved one caused are expressed immediately, very violently – in a negative or violent form.

Short-term consequences

Saving energy. A partner under pressure either does what we need or starts a war.

Long-term consequences

In a real relationship, nothing changes. The partner believes that he has not hurt us in any way, that his actions are indifferent to us.
We ourselves continue to experience the situation that aroused feelings within ourselves.
Relationships deteriorate or end altogether.
The partner is angry with us, because he was forced to do something by force, not by his will. He begins to sabotage our desires.
There comes an adaptation to the level of aggression, as a result, aggression in relationships grows. Sooner or later, the relationship collapses.
We ourselves experience stress, which affects our health.

The alternative to insecurity and aggressiveness is to express feelings confidently, openly and directly.

This assumes that a person knows how to feel that he has a variety of emotions, and not one big anger or melancholy.

Further, he must be able to notice these feelings in himself, know how they are called, be able to choose the right words to express them. Finally, a person must be able to express feelings in dialogue with a partner.

How to express your feelings and emotions


You need to understand the importance of expressing emotions. After all, unspoken emotions negatively affect both your life and the lives of people around you. For example, many people who are struggling with their depression and anxiety are actually very often angry, but do not tell anyone about it. And since unspoken anger has nowhere to go, a person eventually faces anxiety and depression. If you have a desire to control your emotional life, then you need to know how to learn how to express your emotions.

There are many people who have not learned to express their emotions, they often confuse them. Yes, some people deal with overwhelming pain when they feel angry. Others may feel sad and cry in appropriate situations, while for some anger is the appropriate emotion.

If you want to learn how to correctly express your emotions, you need to try to show what you are feeling at the moment. Emotions must be expressed and expressed. You can express them the way you feel them at the moment, or you can use all your energy to suppress them and be waiting for a more exciting emotion to rush in.


It must be admitted that emotions are temporary. Regardless of the fact that at the moment you are feeling very angry, your anger will certainly pass if you express it in some way. Repressed emotions alone can persist for too long.


By the way, you can even express your anger physically. Anger may not be an easy emotion for some people. It is best for them to express it physically, especially if there is a lot of accumulated anger to vent now. Choose a physical activity that will not harm you or the other person in any way. Striking a pillow, popping balloons, hitting the ground, or boxing can be great ways to express anger.

Learn to express your pain. After all, it is known that tears can heal a wounded spirit. But, nevertheless, many people still do not know how to express their grief. If you can’t do this either, then try watching a sad video or listening to sad songs. Allocate sometimes for yourself a time in which you can calmly “lie around”. You will definitely feel much better when you burst into tears.

Method 1 of 3: Awareness of Your Feelings

  1. one

    Admit your feelings. Before you start doing anything, you need to define how you are feeling and accept those feelings. Understand that there is nothing wrong with feeling something. Feelings are neither bad nor good. Feelings are just there.

    • When an emotion hits you, don’t be angry with yourself. Better to say to yourself, “Yes, I can feel it, and it’s acceptable.”
  2. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Analyze how your body responds to feelings. Feelings come from emotions, and emotions are controlled by the brain. Pay attention to physiological responses. For example, when you are scared, you may sweat a lot, and when you are ashamed, your face may turn red. If a person is angry, his heart starts beating very quickly. Analyzing your body’s responses will help you work with your emotions. [1]

    • If you find it difficult to understand your body, try to find a quiet place, relax, and take a few deep breaths. Repeat the phrase “What is this feeling?” To understand what reactions arise in response to each emotion.
  3. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Examine the words used to describe feelings. If you don’t know the right words, it can be difficult for you to express your feelings. Try looking for special lists with names of feelings that reflect different shades of emotion.

    • Try to memorize as many words as possible so that you can express yourself as accurately as possible. For example, instead of just “good,” use the words “joyful,” “fun,” “carefree,” “lively.” If you want to say that you “feel bad,” better say that you are annoyed, insecure, disappointed, depressed. [2] [3]
  4. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Ask yourself why you are feeling something. Ask a few questions starting with “why” to get to the root cause of your emotions. For example: “I feel like crying. Why? Because I’m angry with my boss. Why? Because he insulted me. Why? Because he doesn’t respect me. ” Keep asking these questions until you get to the main problem. [4]

  5. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Divide complex emotions into simple ones. Very often, a person experiences several emotions at the same time. It is important to separate them from each other so that it is easier to deal with each separately. For example, if a relative who has been sick for a long time dies, you may be upset about the loss, but you will be glad that the person no longer needs to suffer.

    • Complex emotions can arise from primary and secondary emotions. Primary emotions are the first reaction to a situation, while secondary emotions are direct or indirect emotions that appear after the first reaction. For example, if someone breaks off a romantic relationship with you, at first it will hurt you, and then you may feel that you are not worthy of love. Separate your primary emotions from your Tuesday emotions, and it will be easier for you to understand yourself. [5]

Method 2 of 3: How to Express Your Feelings to Others

  1. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Use the pronoun “I”. When talking about your feelings, it is better to use the pronoun “I” because it connects your emotions with you and does not make the person feel guilty about your feelings. If you say, “You make me feel …”, the blame will shift to the person you are talking to. Formulate the thought again: “I feel …”.

    • Such statements have three parts: emotion, behavior, and reason. When you build such a structure, the sentence should have the following structure: “I get angry when you fight with me about my work, because it undermines my faith in my abilities.” [6]
  2. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Start talking about your feelings. Discussing your feelings with someone can be scary. If you decide to talk to someone about how you are feeling, start the conversation with pleasant words about the other person and your relationship with them. Then move on to the “I” statements and be honest.

    • For example, say something like, “I really enjoy spending time with you. You are very important to me, and I would like to get closer. I’m a little worried, but I want to be honest with you. I feel … “[7]
    • At work, you can start a conversation with direct, honest, and positive phrases. For example: “I appreciate all the work you have done. Let’s talk about how we can help you and the company succeed. “[8]
    • The conversation should be natural. Do not be upset or offended by the answers of the interlocutor.
  3. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Express your thoughts directly and clearly. It is very important to communicate with other people in order to be able to express your feelings. Choose people you love to share your feelings with. When speaking, try to use words from the “dictionary of emotions” and phrases that begin with “I”. If you are talking about how you felt in a particular situation, clearly describe the situation and your feelings. Close people will listen to you and understand your feelings.

    • People close to you can also help you look at the situation from a different angle. This is a good source of information to help you work through your feelings.
  4. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Listen carefully to the person when they are talking to you. Mutual interest is important in communication, so you must be able to listen when people talk to you. When someone tells you something, give that person your full attention (put all devices aside!), Nod your head and respond to certain phrases. [9]

    • You can ask clarifying questions: “It seemed to me that you feel …” or “It seems that this is important to you, because …” [10]
  5. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Take deep breaths. Take a deep breath before reacting with emotion. It is a great way to relax and relieve blood pressure, and it has been scientifically proven. [11] If you take a couple of breaths before reacting, you can free your head from unnecessary and consciously express your reaction. [12]

    • To get the most out of the exercise, do it three times a week.
  6. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Surround yourself with positive people you trust. People are social creatures, and we adapt to situations. If you are surrounded by people who speak unflatteringly about others, you yourself will think negatively. If you connect with positive people, you will feel comfortable and energized by others. The people you keep close to you form an environment in which you can either succeed or fail. Having trusted friends will make it easier for you to express your feelings in their company. [13]

    • Choosing friends is a long journey of trial and error. Choose people who inspire, support, cheer you up, and energize you.
  7. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Seek professional help if you find it difficult to express your emotions. If you find it difficult to talk about your feelings, this does not mean that something is wrong with you. You may find it helpful to talk to a therapist about feelings and how to express them. The help of a specialist will allow you not only to learn how to express feelings, but also to get to the problem that prevents you from doing it.

    • Look for a therapist in your city, read special sites, call the hotline, or talk to a clergyman.

Method 3 of 3: How to express your feelings in private

  1. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Meditate. Meditation is a good tool that allows you to channel energy in the right direction and calm down in times of stress and anxiety. Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can sit. Begin breathing in and out normally, and then inhale deeply and slowly through your nose. Let the chest expand as the lungs fill with air. Then exhale slowly through your mouth. [14]

    • As you breathe, think about each feeling, the reasons for it, and how you want to respond.
  2. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Write down your feelings. Get in the habit of writing down your feelings on paper or on your phone. When feelings take on a tangible form, it will be easier for you to put them in order and clarify them for yourself. Keeping a journal can help combat stress, strengthen the immune system, and improve overall well-being. [15]

    • Try to set aside at least 20 minutes a day for journaling. Don’t worry about spelling or punctuation. Write quickly to banish unnecessary thoughts. This is your personal diary, so don’t try to make it as readable or understandable as possible. [16]
    • Try writing something good first to catch hold of it, and then move on to how you felt as a result of the event.
    • Try to express your feelings in words that describe colors, weather, or music. For example, if you were in a good mood today, write what color your mood was and what kind of weather would match it. [17]
  3. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Go in for sports. When life seems unbearable to you, when you are experiencing intense anger, stress or anxiety, you need to find a way to release these feelings outside. It is impossible to keep everything inside, because it will only intensify negative emotions that can provoke depression or physiological problems. [18]

    • You can do yoga, lightly massage your face, and do whatever you like.
  4. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Pamper yourself. When positive emotions visit you (excitement, joy, contentment, fun), praise yourself and go shopping, eat dessert, or make an appointment with friends.

    • Praising “good” feelings allows you to create certain connections in the brain: when you feel good inside, something positive happens outside. [19] This will help you set yourself up for a positive mindset.
  5. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Visualize different ways of expressing feelings in a particular situation. This will turn this process into a matter of choice that you have to make. You can react negatively or positively to whatever situation you find yourself in. Visualizing the likely reactions will help you sort out your feelings in each situation. [20]

    • For example, say a close friend of yours moves to another city. You understand that you are upset that she is leaving. You can start to avoid her or fight with her to relieve the pain for yourself, or you can spend as much time with her as possible.

Watch others react

Give an opportunity to respond to the expression of your emotions, so you can better understand whether you have been able to accurately convey what you are feeling. Don’t interrupt, even if you have been misunderstood. Listen to the end and try to express your feelings differently.

Live and grow up

Each feeling has a reason, meaning and teaches us something. Psychoanalysts call this learning function “psyche structuring.” When a person discovers that some of his needs cannot be met, he experiences not only anger, but also sadness. It is she who allows you to realize that it is not the principle of pleasure that dominates in life, but the principle of reality, that both you and the people around you have boundaries.

Disappointment and sadness when we cannot get what we want teach us to respect the choice of another person and find support within ourselves. This is a necessary stage of growing up, which is often ignored by the desire to see only the good in everything and avoid negative experiences.

Learn to accept yourself in different moods. It is impossible to be always cheerful – periods of sadness, disappointment, frustration of hopes are inherent in each of us. In addition to making our lives more diverse, they represent an invaluable experience of inner maturation and rethinking life. So if you are wondering what to do with feelings, let them just be to begin with.

Keep your emotion in check

Both in joy and in sadness, you must always be above your feelings and not let them control your behavior. Hysterical fun, as well as distressing suffering, is dangerous in that it is very difficult to stop them on your own. Try to say to yourself “now I will take a little rest from the worries”, perhaps this way you will be able to regain control over the situation.

And most importantly, before expressing emotions, you must allow yourself to do so. Recognize the right to experience feelings and not contain them. This is difficult because from childhood we are taught to control our behavior. But everything can be fixed if you find the cause and eliminate it.

Manifesting Emotions: How to Distinguish and Express

Emotions are an important part of the human body. They are different. The most important thing is to learn how to control them. It is also important to express emotions correctly. A person who controls his emotions will not be difficult to get used to a new company or get a job. Regularly splashing out emotions, people free themselves from mental heaviness.

Each of us is periodically faced with a situation where feelings are simply impossible to restrain. This applies to both negative and positive emotions. Is it worth muffling your emotions, keeping everything to yourself? Or is it better to share them?

1 First, learn to identify emotions

Understand how each is different. For example, what’s the difference between irritation and anger. Decide in what situation this or that emotion arises for you.

2 After you learn to recognize emotions, learn to express them

This does not mean that you should shout out your indignation. Just when you communicate, talk about your feelings and experiences. Say that you are uncomfortable with this topic, that you are upset, and so on. A person has the right to negative emotions. Moreover, it is worth sharing positive feelings. Why not share your joy – the interlocutor will also be pleased. If you want to thank someone or give a compliment, why not?

3 Learn to vent negative emotions

You can’t keep them to yourself. Of course, this does not mean that you need to get lost on the interlocutor. If you want to learn how to express your emotions correctly, tune in to what you have the right to do! If you are seized with a terrible anger – close yourself in the room, tear the newspaper, beat the pillow – it helps very well to calm down. It is impossible to keep everything in oneself – it will not lead to anything good. If you accumulate negative emotions, sooner or later it will turn out that you will have depression, a nervous breakdown … Do you need it?

4 Learn to be positive in everything

If a passing car doused you with water from a puddle – do not be discouraged, do not worry about trifles. After all, you can go home and change, or buy new clothes at the nearest store – at the same time, you will be happy with the new thing. There is nothing complicated here, but you will immediately notice that there are many more positive events happening in your life. Of course, there will be no more of them in the literal sense, only your perception of these events will change, and there will be fewer negative emotions.

5 Try to express emotions through dancing and singing.

Remember at least Indian films – they dance and sing in them both when everything is good and when it is sad.

You have figured out how to correctly express emotions, share them with others. And this is very important – if the emotions are positive, you will give them to other people, and if negative, just get rid of them, and you will not experience them over and over again. You will immediately understand how wonderful the world can be when you free yourself from unnecessary experiences!

How to learn to express negative feelings

Trying to be a pleasant conversationalist and a good friend, many people hold back their emotions. It is interesting to communicate with such personalities, they are the soul of the company. But behind the smile and affability hides resentment, irritation and anger. If you do not throw out these emotions in time, then an explosion or a scandal will occur. After an outbreak of aggression, a person will blame himself for not holding back. In order not to feel guilty, the person decides not to show emotions. Constant stress leads to health problems.

How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking

How do you learn to express negative feelings?

  • Speak out without witnesses. Left alone with yourself, give vent to feelings. Speak out resentment. If you need to shout, cry, beat the dishes. Destructive actions help to pour out negativity, bring a feeling of relief. This method is good for removing negative emotions that have arisen in relationships with unfamiliar people.
  • Don’t be offended. Between close people, misunderstanding arises due to the secrecy of partners. If the words or actions of a loved one are unpleasant for you, then do not hide your feelings. Say what you didn’t like, what words hurt you. If you are an unrestrained person and immediately move on to screaming, then give yourself 10-15 minutes to calm down. Then start a conversation.
  • Choose your words. Learn to speak not in the context of “you did the wrong thing”, “you did the wrong thing.” Use the pronoun “I”, “I was unpleasant actions, words.” At the same time, do not generalize by using the phrases “you always”, “did it again”, “you never give flowers”. Talk about a specific event that happened.
  • Use words for feelings. Tell us what you experienced at that moment that caused negative emotions. For example, you have felt loneliness, resentment, aggression, fear.
  • Speak the facts. When making complaints to your partner, do not remember past grievances. Build a proposal based on the current situation. For example, “I was upset because I waited for your call until late at night. Please warn me if you are late at work. ” There is not even a hint of the partner’s previous sins in this proposal. When sharing your emotions, do not use swear words, do not offend the interlocutor.
    Let me speak. Your claims will definitely be answered. If you want to exhaust the conflict and never return to it, then hear the interlocutor. Next, formulate your wishes for the situation that happened, but taking into account what the partner said.

How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking

Unpleasant situations on the street, at work, in transport cause negative emotions. This is normal, there is no need to be ashamed, let alone hide such feelings. Conflicts with a loved one lead to irritability, accumulation of grievances, the list of claims grows. By expressing your feelings, you resolve the conflict on the same day, listen to your partner’s opinion and conclude how to proceed in the future in similar situations. Most importantly, you face the next day with ease.

How to learn to express positive feelings

It turns out that many people find it harder to express pleasant emotions. Everyone knows how to shout and swear, but it is impossible to praise a loved one. Why do we clamp down on feelings? The reason lies in the upbringing, the experience. Perhaps restraint and closeness reigned in your family, and a good attitude towards children ended up sitting on your head. Hence, conclusions are drawn, one must be strict, restrained, cold and not praise anyone. In fact, giving a smile and a good mood is pleasant and simple.

How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking

How do you learn to express positive feelings?

  • Bring emotions to the surface. Consider a typical day. If the husband does not come home from work on time, then a scandal is brewing. If a loved one came on time, and even managed to drop in at the store, then this is taken for granted. See what happened. Express the joy of having dinner with your family.
  • Don’t put it off until later. Talk about pleasant emotions right away, include words for feelings. If the reason for a good mood is not the actions of a loved one, but the events that happened at work, then share with him pleasant emotions. Tell us about your day, what made you happy.
  • Connect gestures. Expressing positive emotions, smile, hug the interlocutor, touch him. Laughter attracts pleasant experiences and creates a positive environment.
  • Praise yourself. Compliments, pleasant words make a person feel embarrassed, brush them off. In this case, a person is looking for an excuse. For example, preparing a week for her birthday, picking up a dress and doing makeup, the girl then shrugs off the compliments of others. In fact, she is pleased with the attention, the girl is glad that she looks good. Why deny it? It is impossible to express positive feelings towards others without learning to pamper, praise, and delight yourself.

When expressing emotions, sincerity is important. A feigned smile is more like a grin and does not convey feelings

Don’t go to extremes. Excessive emotionality disturbs others and leads to misunderstanding.

When we must hide our emotions

There are certain situations in which hiding our feelings can be helpful. If you have had a difficult working day, and you still have an important conversation awaiting you, which needs to be approached in a good mood, then you need to prepare yourself for the manifestation of only positive emotions. Regulating your senses changes how others perceive you. Managing your mood is a really important aspect of an adult’s life. If you are having an important interview, then be sure to shake off feelings of anger, resentment, or sadness. With your children, you should also show only positive emotions and set an example for them how to properly respond to certain situations.

Method 1 of 2: Hiding your feelings from those you feel them for

  1. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Do not get lost with them in your little world. For example, if you constantly look into your friend’s eyes, you will probably not be able to hide your feelings. Thus, you can scare him away or seem unhappy to him. You should learn to evaluate all the time what and who is around you.

  2. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Don’t try too hard to please your friend. If you follow all his whims, it may raise suspicion.

  3. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Focus on your goal. Stay friends and nothing more, until an offer is made to move to a new level of relationship.

  4. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    If you find it really difficult, close your eyes and just pretend that your friend is a stranger boyfriend or girlfriend. This will allow you to calm down and distract yourself.

  5. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Behave naturally. Don’t try to impress or show off in front of him. This will show that you want to get attention and most people will understand the reason. Act like your friend is just your sibling.

Method 2 of 2: Hide feelings from other friends

  1. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Watch what you say and be ready to explain your behavior, especially if you are nervous, because your friends will tell everyone everything if you give away your feelings.

  2. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    If the topic of the conversation hurts your feelings, be prepared to translate it into something else. In case you are asked about your feelings, you should have a ready answer, it should be given without hesitation.

  3. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Do not act in such a way as to raise suspicions about you. Therefore, you need to stay calm and cool. Otherwise, you may be asked questions that you cannot answer.

  4. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Lie if you can’t do without it. If you are asked directly, but you do not want to give away your feelings, you should have the courage and lie, looking in the eyes. Keep your answer simple and appropriate. Many people think that eye contact is a sign that you are telling the truth. So, eye contact and short answers will help hide the truth.

  5. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Don’t do anything that contradicts what you say. For example, don’t jump for joy when you receive a message from your loved one in front of your friends. Actions speak more than words, so if they don’t match, friends can notice and learn the truth.

  6. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Don’t show any physical signs of falling in love when talking about your friend. Don’t let your friends see it.

Why do you need to control your emotions at all?

Sometimes, succumbing to emotions or allowing ourselves to be led by false feelings, we commit acts of which we subsequently repent. At the same time, we make excuses that we have lost control over ourselves, so emotions prevailed over reason.

Intemperate people flare up like a match, in any quarrel, not being able to stop in time and compromise, which deserves the reputation of a conflicted person. At the same time, they also destroy their health: doctors say that many diseases have a direct connection with such negative emotions as anger, envy, etc. They are preferred to avoid by people for whom their own peace and nerves are dear.

A developed sense of self-control allows you to keep a cool head, sober thoughts and an understanding that feelings can turn out to be false and lead to a dead end in any situation. Self-control people deserve respect and authority!

How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking

How to suppress your emotions and not show it

If emotions overtake you spontaneously, remember that in a situation of excessive emotional stress, no decisions can be made (except for emergencies when it comes to your life). Most of the recommendations on how to learn to hide emotions, in this case, are as follows:

  • collect your thoughts and slowly count to ten;
  • normalize your breathing, for which slowly inhale through your nose and hold your breath for a while, then exhale slowly through the nose as well. During such breathing, concentrate on your inner sensations;
  • if the situation requires it, then apologize and leave the room to be alone;
  • cold water will help you to recover – moisten your forehead, hands and temples;
  • you can distance yourself from experiences by looking at the surrounding objects, trees or the sky, and if at the same time describe their appearance to yourself, then very soon you will be able to switch from your emotions to the environment;
  • drink a glass of water very slowly and with concentration, concentrating on your feelings.

Remember also about the prevention of excessive tension, to prevent emotional overstrain, walks in the fresh air, creative activities, and interest clubs will help you.


  • If you are having trouble learning how to express or even feel emotions, seek professional help right away.

When you shouldn’t hide your emotions

Sometimes, hiding feelings can be harmful. There are times when we really need to express what we think so as not to be weak or appear insecure. There are times in life when our friends do the wrong thing. And if their behavior causes you certain feelings, then the manifestation of emotions can be beneficial not only for you, but also for these people. If someone tries to insult or humiliate you, you have the right to express how you feel. At this point, you should not suppress your feelings. It’s the same in relationships. If you love another person, then hiding your love will definitely be inappropriate.


  1. How to learn to express your feelings and emotions? How to hide emotions without letting others know what you are thinking


    Become aware of who you are trying to hide your feelings from. Are you only hiding them from your friend? Or from other people? Or from a friend and from other people at the same time? Or all of them? This will help you decide what to do next and how carefully you hide your feelings.

1) Breathe deeply

In addition to supplying oxygen to the body, this will allow us to act calmly and consciously. Deep breathing stimulates the nervous system, which triggers a relaxation response. This technique will give you more control over your body and help you deal with external stimuli more easily.

2) You don’t need to move your eyebrows often

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the eyes are the first to show our emotions. And looking at them, you can tell a lot about a person. Situations that make you angry, sad, or nervous are often accompanied by certain eyebrow movements. If you want to hide your feelings and emotions, stop moving your eyebrows and release the tension from your forehead.

See also: What is Emotional Labor?

3) don’t use a fake smile

A smile is a wonderful expression of our emotions, but only if it is sincere. A fake smile will not be a good expression of our feelings for another person, moreover, if it is a serious meeting. You might think it might make you appear more open-minded, but a fake smile is often easy to spot. Therefore, if you really want to hide your emotions, you do not need to show it.

4) relax your face

This is another way to hide emotions. Facial expressions can also tell a lot about our feelings. If you do not want to show them, then relax your face and pretend to be serious. No, you don’t need to look like a gloomy person with a serious expression on your face all the time. Use this in certain situations when you really need it.

5) Keep your chin up slightly

A lowered head and a sullen face can be a manifestation of a depressive state. The phrase “keep your head up” never works better than when you try to hide your feelings. Frequent touching of your face can also be an indicator of anxiety. It is best to keep your hands away from your head to look more confident.

6) don’t go from one place to another

Sudden body movements are signs of physical discomfort and nervousness. Be calm and stay level. Emotions and feelings are difficult to decipher when you maintain a calm and relaxed appearance. Avoiding these signs will lead you to normal behaviors that will not only create relaxation, but also make you a more collected person.

7) Pause while talking and communicate calmly

Your tone of voice can give away your feelings very quickly. Frequent changes in your tone and speaking too quickly are signals that indicate what is going on in your mind. Don’t let this happen. The slow pace of the conversation gives you some time to think before uttering a phrase. In addition to this, try to think and respond logically. Focusing on the conversation and the person you’re talking to is the key to letting go of your emotions.

See also: How to communicate with people correctly

5 Use the “key of emotions”

If resentment or anger has just begun to build up inside you, it is easy to remove them by choosing the right emotional keys – by changing the body pattern and face mask. How it works? Imagine yourself as an actor on stage who has been asked to act out emotions of joy, surprise, or indifference. What will you do? That’s right, play. Clap your hands, smile, or express excitement. In real life, the same laws work: to soften the pressure of one emotion, switch your body to another. Relax, exhale, change your tone of voice, verbal formulations, remove the formidable expression on your face – and the inner state will also begin to level out. This is the key!

3 Learn to control thoughts

Thoughts are directly connected to the emotions we experience. We think about the bright and the good – we launch positive states in ourselves, we pay attention to troubles – we automatically go into the negative. The wisdom is to remove the victim from the life role, to learn to turn unforeseen problems into feasible tasks, including active and creative attitudes in your mind. Work with your inner beliefs and your emotional response will change too!

7 Seek Inner Benefits

Often emotions that arise unexpectedly and seem uncontrollable by the brain, we choose quite consciously, guided by some of our internal motives. For example, offended by someone, we want to manipulate the person, demanding pleasant compensation. It is necessary to try to understand the root causes of emotions, why did we choose this particular feeling, how is it beneficial for us at this moment? Be honest with yourself, because even hysterics or anger have very specific motives. Only by realizing them can you change everything.

Remember, managing emotions is easy if you don’t let things go by chance and track the feelings as they arise. The main thing is a sincere desire to take control of the mood. Just set a task for yourself, and you will be surprised how quickly the body will understand who is the boss in its house.

9) mentally cheer yourself up.

“Calm down, you can do it” – this is what even the most famous athletes and great people say to themselves when they are experiencing difficult moments. You can do the same. If you feel that your emotions are overwhelming, just tell yourself: “Calm down, everything will be fine! You can do it”. Try to take any situation calmly. Only in this state will you be able to control your feelings and not show them.

How to ignore people who don’t love you

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