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How to get rid of coffee addiction: 6 tips. How to Get Rid of Coffee Addiction – Scientific Facts, Symptoms and Effects Review


The main signs of addiction

Caffeine is not classified as an addictive substance by the World Health Organization. Despite this, many coffee lovers have noticed that without a cup of invigorating drink, their health deteriorates. Addiction to coffee, unlike drug addiction, is not a social evil and only harms the health of the one who drinks it.

Signs of coffee addiction include the following:

  1. Change in well-being. After drinking a cup of coffee, the mood rises, excitement sets in. The person becomes more active and relaxed.
  2. Refusal of other hot drinks. Coffee lovers rarely drink tea or cocoa. Even the most delicious hot drink will hardly impress them.
  3. Negation. Few recognize coffee addiction. Regular consumption of the drink is considered harmless and does not see anything wrong with it.
  4. First thoughts in the morning. If the day starts with coffee and so on every day, you can safely diagnose addiction. The first thing coffee lovers do in the morning is to brew an invigorating drink. Their day does not start until they have had a cup of coffee.
  5. Refusal to drink a drink. When an addict stops drinking coffee, they can become nervous and restless. The appearance of weakness is possible, which is accompanied by a headache and general malaise. The first symptoms appear within 24 hours.

Many coffee lovers are knowledgeable about different coffee recipes. They can easily replace their meal with a cup of invigorating drink. The fact that excessive consumption of the drink is dangerous to health is of little concern to coffee lovers. Addiction to coffee can be defeated, but it takes great desire and fortitude.

General information

The human body, and especially the psyche, is a delicate matter. And habits that have been formed over the years are not always directly related to painful addiction.

To eliminate serious pathologies, doctors engage specialists of different profiles – it is so difficult to overcome a real addiction, for example, alcohol or drug addiction.

Therefore, to eliminate the unhealthy habit of consuming a lot of caffeine, it is far from necessary to turn to medication.

And although outwardly excessive attachment to coffee may look like drug addiction, you should not be intimidated by it.

But when such a fact is ascertained, the struggle for health must be started immediately, especially since this is a feasible task for a competent and strong-willed person, in contrast to many cases of alcohol or drug addiction. It must be remembered that the consequences of abuse, even of such a delicious drink as coffee, can be irreversible.

And at the same time, for the sake of fairness, it is necessary to mention the undeniable health benefits of moderate coffee consumption:

  1. coffee relieves depression
  2. improves memory
  3. gives a feeling of vigor and energy
  4. good for mental performance
  5. good for the cardiovascular system
  6. helps with hypotension.

You can learn more about each property by clicking on the corresponding link.

There is a huge amount of scientific research proving the positive effect of this drink on various body systems. Obviously, there is not the slightest reason for a healthy person to completely abandon moderate consumption of coffee.

But the article is devoted specifically to the abuse of the drink with the subsequent development of addiction. We will talk about this further.

Why is caffeine addiction dangerous?

A natural drink in moderation (no more than 2 cups) is healthy. But if a person has a real addiction to coffee, then this negatively affects the body. If you drink an instant drink, there will be no benefit at all. Coffee lovers rarely admit their addiction. If we consider all the pros and cons of coffee, we can conclude that a person who has no contraindications can consume a natural drink no more than one cup per day.

Doses over 500 mg (about 5 cups) cause toxicity. Anxiety and irritability may appear, sometimes tachycardia and arrhythmia, increased diuresis occur. Intoxication provokes indigestion. In severe cases, there is a tremor of the limbs, the consciousness becomes confused.

When intoxication is repeated daily, the body adjusts and over time caffeine does not cause a feeling of vigor, but there is a feeling of depression, loss of strength, and headaches may occur. Depression develops in severe addiction. Caffeine in large doses provokes the formation of a special type of blood protein in the liver. It is directly related to free testosterone and is able to destroy its molecules. This negatively affects male potency.

Coffee is a physically addictive drug. It is not dangerous if not abused. With regular use, the consequences for the body can be dire. When you suspect addiction, you need to think about how to stop drinking coffee.

What is caffeine addiction

Undoubtedly, coffee lovers have something to respond to criticism about its dangers:

  • Caffeine clears the mind, helps to recharge the energy for vigorous activity. His contribution is especially appreciated by workers in the intellectual sphere, for whom the adoption of 2, or even 3 cups a day becomes an unshakable ritual.
  • The same couple of servings reduces the risk of gallstones, prevents diabetes, and reduces the likelihood of dementia.
  • The drink significantly improves the state of health in case of hypotension – it constricts the blood vessels, raising the level of blood pressure.
  • Coffee belongs to the category of bronchodilators, makes breathing easier and prevents the development of asthmatic disease.
  • Providing a whole group of antioxidants, the drink protects cells from destruction, and the whole body from early aging. In addition, it is a source of vitamins B2 and PP, magnesium with calcium, phosphorus with potassium, organic acids and theophylline.
  • Coffee has the ability to dull muscle pain, for which it is highly valued by athletes.

It is noteworthy that the perception of caffeine is completely different for all people. Some are more than enough with a single serving per day, while others are ready to drink cup after cup. And this seemingly harmless love often plays a cruel joke – it launches the mechanism of the very real addiction, comparable to the craving for alcohol or drugs. In fact, the longed-for caffeine is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system: doctors put it on a par with cocaine and amphetamine.

The symptoms of coffee mania are as follows:

  • Coffee is consumed much more often than usual (the norm is the aforementioned 2 cups a day, although, again, everything is individual), in large quantities and over a long period of time. Simply put, its abundant intake becomes a habit;
  • concentration is disturbed, it becomes difficult to concentrate on business, even the most elementary, difficulties arise with prioritization;
  • there is apathy and chronic fatigue;
  • causeless anxiety may occur, behavior against its background becomes hyperactive;
  • trembling in the limbs and photophobia are manifested. Thoughts are confused, speech is pronounced faster than usual, it can be inconsistent, abrupt;
  • depression appears and develops, which, as a rule, is accompanied by stereotypy – a pathological craving for repeated repetition of “honed”, habitual actions (such as lining up pencils in a clearly defined sequence or frequent shaking off non-existent crumbs);
  • with all these problems, it is impossible to part with caffeine – a drink that provokes physical and mental deterioration is used over and over again. The process cannot be controlled, taking coffee no longer brings the former pleasure, does not supply the required energy, but becomes only a means of extinguishing the need.

What is the real danger of coffee mania

The obvious withdrawal symptoms are just the tip of a crushing iceberg. Excessive consumption of coffee slowly but surely harms the whole complex of internal systems, while there is a chain reaction:

  • The substances in the drink multiply the release of cortisol, known as stress hormone. Its excess leads to a general hormonal disruption, in particular, it causes a deficiency of progesterone, which is responsible for the onset and favorable course of pregnancy. Testosterone is also knocked out of the norm, which leads to a decrease in sex drive.
  • Thyroid dysfunctions have a detrimental effect on metabolism. There is a good chance that cortisol will slow down your metabolism and thus cause excess body fat to develop. To lose weight, you will have to completely abandon your favorite drink.
  • Another victim of thyroid problems is immunity. It has been noticed that people who abuse coffee catch colds much more often than others.

In addition to the above, coffee is “famous” for its excessively disturbing effect on the nervous system, and this is fraught with irritability, sleep disturbances and, as a result, complete impotence in the morning. For a long time, it was believed that the drink improves mood, however, as it turned out, the effect is completely opposite – neurotransmitters associated with the production of the hormone of happiness serotonin are suppressed. With blues and depression, such a drink is categorically contraindicated.

Liver dysfunction is another disappointing result of coffee mania. Caffeine does not allow the body to work in a “normal mode”, because it is very poorly absorbed. An increased load falls on the liver: it is necessary to increase the production of enzymes that can still break down the problematic element. There may simply not be enough resources to process other harmful substances after such shock work.

As a result of the constant uncontrolled intake of coffee, the exhausted body refuses to “recognize” it. He no longer reacts as at first – the thyroid gland is suppressed and the liver too, there is nowhere to draw energy. But the brain, in contrast to the body, literally screams about the need to get caffeine, even if it behaves unfriendly – otherwise an extremely unpleasant painful state will come. The dosage, capable of extinguishing an acute need, is steadily growing, in the end, a person overcomes the border of reasonable use.

Measures to combat coffee mania

To overcome addiction to caffeine, you will have to show considerable willpower: the body will begin to demand the usual dose, responding to the restrictions with a deterioration in well-being and depressed mood. The “restructuring” lasts about 4 weeks and can be relatively painless, provided the following approach is followed:

  • In the first week, the frequency of “coffee libations” is reduced to 1 time per day. At the same time, the portion of coffee powder is cut exactly in half, that is, the drink becomes much less saturated. Cocoa, leafy herbal and green tea are considered as substitutes (bags are not suitable!). The latter, by the way, is also saturated with caffeine, but does not excite the nervous system so much.
  • For the second week, all the same rules remain, only now the usual coffee portion is reduced by another third. The taste of the drink is, to put it mildly, so-so, but for the body it is better than nothing. It is advisable to spend the weekend without coffee gatherings at all, choosing strong green tea as a favorite. In the event of a headache (a completely natural manifestation of withdrawal syndrome), it is permissible to take a cup of highly diluted coffee, but the next day will have to be spent exclusively on tea.
  • By the third week, a clear realization should come: it is quite possible to do without coffee. For the stubbornness shown on the weekend (if there was no indulgence under the pretext of getting rid of a headache) on Monday, you can reward yourself with a cup of your beloved coffee. Tuesday – again on green tea, on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday morning you can and should start with coffee. Such a regime is intended to prove that even in the absence of coffee drinking, the body does not lose its working capacity.
  • The fourth week should put the final point on the relationship with coffee. You must choose any one day when you can fully enjoy espresso, cappuccino or latte – you have to drink slowly, savoring and stretching the pleasure. When the cup is empty, the heavy dependence on the once irreplaceable drink should be forever said goodbye. Decaffeinated coffee can be drunk if desired, but not regular coffee.

A few words about the dangers of coffee

Don’t underestimate the “power” of coffee. The drink can really do us serious harm. Let’s see what happens to our body if we don’t get rid of the bad habit in time:

  1. Drinking too much is physically addictive. After giving up coffee, an addict begins to experience fatigue and drowsiness, headache, muscle pain, nausea, and mood swings.
  2. Coffee stimulates the nervous system, which is constantly in an agitated state. As a result, we experience systematic stress, which leads to depletion of nerve cells and disruption of the normal functioning of all body systems.
  3. Regular consumption of the drink can harm mental health. People who are addicted to coffee often suffer from various psychoses, paranoia, unmotivated aggression, and epilepsy.
  4. Starting our morning with a cup of coffee, we run the risk of “earning” diseases of the cardiovascular system. The risk group may be those who:
  • suffers from heart disease;
  • has a hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of diseases of this nature;
  • is overweight;
  • leads an inactive (sedentary) lifestyle.

It is noteworthy that a drink prepared in a coffee maker is less harmful to the heart than brewed coffee.

  1. A bad habit deprives our body of a number of important micronutrients. Coffee washes out (interferes with the absorption) of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins B1 and B6. This negatively affects dental health and bone strength. Coffee lovers are at times more likely to suffer from osteochondrosis. Lack of calcium and magnesium can cause back and neck pain. Lack of B vitamins leads to irritability and frequent headaches.
  2. Women who consume a lot of coffee during pregnancy are at risk of:
  • give birth to a still child (drinking 4 cups a day, the expectant mother increases the risk by 33%);
  • reproduce a low-weight baby.

Newborns can be born with a caffeine addiction. They begin to cut their teeth much later, and slow growth is noted.

I would like to dwell separately on the uncontrolled consumption of products containing caffeine by children. Nobody talks about coffee. This can be Coca-Cola, chocolate, and other foods. The result can be disastrous. These children often suffer from urinary incontinence, nervous tics, mood swings or fears. Remember that much less caffeine is enough to cause significant harm to the child’s body. Are you ready to risk the health of your own children? I think no. It is much easier and safer to control the amount of consumption of “dangerous” products.

Getting rid of irresistible cravings: expert advice

To forget forever from coffee addiction, you must first of all admit that it exists. This is the first and most important step on the path to deliverance. Get the support of family and friends. When carrying out therapy, it is very important that no one provokes you to have a “sitting over a cup of coffee”. To make the process of quitting a bad habit faster and more painless, you should seek help from a specialist who knows how to do it correctly.

At the beginning of working with a client, I conduct a conversation that allows me to determine the degree of addiction, to study a person’s way of life, his habits. After that, we draw up an action plan together. I warn every client that self-development is a serious job. You have to overcome your bad habits on your own. My main task is to find the optimal solution to the problem, consultative support and comprehensive assistance in the process of getting rid of addiction.

When carrying out therapy, I advise you to adhere to these recommendations:

  • It is better to start fighting a bad habit during a vacation or days off (you can take 2-3 days off). As practice shows, most servings of coffee are drunk outside the home (in the office, at meetings with friends, in negotiations).
  • To avoid using coffee as an alarm clock, try going to bed an hour earlier. A good rest will allow you to get rid of the bad habit.
  • Often, drinking coffee becomes not a necessity, but a habit. Try skipping the drink for a certain period of time, replacing it with something else. If you manage to withstand 21 days – you are on the right track! A little more, and everything will work out!
  • Coffee promotes a fast metabolism. So that the refusal of the drink does not negatively affect your weight, replace it with a more useful analogue.
  • Everyone knows that coffee has a bad effect on dental health. For lovers of this drink, the enamel darkens, an unpleasant yellowish coating appears. Think, maybe it makes sense for the sake of a beautiful smile to get rid of a bad habit?

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the listed recommendations. We are all different, and what helps one may be completely useless for another. For each person, a plan to get rid of irresistible cravings is drawn up individually. Do not be afraid to ask, do not hesitate to voice your thoughts out loud. This is the only way you can cope with a bad habit, and most importantly – take care of your own health.

Caffeine Addiction: Is Coffee a Drug?

Statistics say that about 30% of people show signs of caffeine addiction:

  • Without coffee, the body simply refuses to work normally: there is no vigor, constant fatigue is observed.
  • Even with constant fatigue, insomnia torments.
  • Increased anxiety, agitation and irritation.
  • Sometimes dizziness and trembling hands.
  • The drink is not needed to cheer up, but just to feel good.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), caffeine abuse is considered a mental illness that goes under the heading “Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of other stimulants (including caffeine)”.

According to the University of Melbourne (Australia), caffeine is the most widely used “psychoactive drug” in the world.

If you notice signs of caffeine addiction, you may be at risk.


If you do not pay attention to the signs of such a disorder, painful conditions may gradually develop, the elimination of which will take much more time and effort. The appearance of serious ailments is also possible.

How to get rid of coffee addiction: 6 tips. How to Get Rid of Coffee Addiction - Scientific Facts, Symptoms and Effects Review

  1. Neurotic manifestations. In addition to increased nervous excitability, these are pathologies such as anxiety, trembling in the arms and legs, constant sweating.
  2. Hypertension. In small doses, coffee even has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. But against the background of abuse, high blood pressure can become chronic.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases. Caffeine activates the activity of the heart muscle. But tachycardia, arrhythmia will definitely not add good health.

But this drink also has undeniable benefits. For more details, see the infographic:

How to get rid of coffee addiction: 6 tips. How to Get Rid of Coffee Addiction - Scientific Facts, Symptoms and Effects Review

Symptoms and Signs

People do not always adequately assess their condition. And not all signs and symptoms of coffee addiction are generally noticed: they are more often considered to be the result of completely different problems. However, they are worth paying attention to.

How to get rid of coffee addiction: 6 tips. How to Get Rid of Coffee Addiction - Scientific Facts, Symptoms and Effects Review

  1. Sleep disturbances. It can be insomnia, sudden, unreasonable interruption of night sleep. Drowsiness, accompanied by headaches, can also be the result of drinking too much coffee.
  2. Signs of withdrawal. If a caffeine addict does not receive the usual drink within 12-24 hours, a migraine may begin, muscle pain may appear.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It seems to many that indigestion begins without coffee. Sometimes nausea appears. Coffee really helps with the digestion of food by energizing the digestive system. But its absence should not affect in the same way.
  4. Irritability and depression. Such withdrawal symptoms can occur when you abruptly withdraw from the “regular dose” of caffeine.

1 Go for tea

How to get rid of coffee addiction: 6 tips. How to Get Rid of Coffee Addiction - Scientific Facts, Symptoms and Effects Review Firstly, caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in tea, especially green tea.

Therefore, if you use gentle methods of weaning, then you can first at least one cup a day, for example, in the afternoon, replace with invigorating green tea.

In addition, green tea improves memory and helps fight stress.

Secondly, the habit of drinking coffee may be primarily associated not even with caffeine, but with the process itself. You should not fight with it: taking breaks from work, especially if you have to work at the computer, is extremely useful.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: https: // elgreloo .com / health / kofeinovaya-zavisimost-kofemaniya

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