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To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations


General points

Everyone knows the common truth: in order to lose weight, you need to give up a number of harmful and high-calorie foods. But at the same time, few people think that the process of losing weight depends not only on nutrition. It should be complex and touch on almost everything that your life is filled with. It will no longer be the same (with a serious attitude towards the result, of course).

To lose weight, you need to give up your favorite sofa / chair, elevator and car. From the latter – only partially. Lack of movement is the main cause of weight gain. Therefore, it should be eliminated first.

Many people mistakenly believe that training in the gym solves this problem 100%. But classes are held mainly three times a week. Even if every day, they take up an insignificant part of the day. If all the rest of the time you sit in a work or car seat, use only the elevator, roll around on your favorite couch – everything that was spent with such difficulty in the gym will re-accumulate in the form of fatty deposits.

Walking more, going up and down stairs, cleaning at home instead of TV – that’s what will contribute to fast and effective weight loss.

I would like to lose weight in a short time – it is also better to give up bad habits. Contrary to popular belief that smoking reduces weight, it has been scientifically proven that nicotine inhibits many of the processes necessary to get rid of extra pounds. It slows down fat burning and metabolism, as well as impairs digestion and leads to a state of nervous excitement. As a result of the latter, the level of cortisol in the body jumps, and it is known to increase hunger and promote the accumulation of visceral fat.

To lose weight, you also have to give up alcohol. Yes, a couple of glasses of red a week can even be beneficial. But beer and stronger drinks will have to be categorically excluded from consumption. There are plenty of reasons for this:

  • these are empty calories that do not carry any nutrients;
  • the process of fat burning slows down;
  • it is impossible to control appetite after consumption;
  • deterioration in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and digestive tract leads to a slowdown in metabolism;
  • the process of muscle recovery is delayed for several days, which reduces the quality of training.

night gatherings

Everyone has their own demon, forcing them to stay up late at night and get up for work the next morning with a sore head. Someone plays, others get hooked on TV shows, others chat with someone on social networks. Growth hormone, melanin and other hormones that help keep your weight normal simply do not have time to be developed. You can go on the strictest diet, but still not lose weight if you don’t get enough sleep. Therefore, night gatherings will also have to be abandoned.

from chaos and spontaneity

Unfortunately, a modern person is forced to live in a mess of everyday life, dictated by time pressure and deadlines. Traffic jams, business trips, urgent meetings, no interruptions, overtime work … All this plunges into a state of constant stress and chronic fatigue, and also breaks the daily routine.

In such conditions, even an apple eaten on the go will not be beneficial. After all, an intelligent “organism” thinks that black days have come, it does not know when the next meal is (there is no schedule), and therefore it puts everything off thriftily. If you want to lose weight, you will have to give up this crazy rhythm and slow it down several times a day in order to eat normally.

from nervous breakdowns

Hysterics and scandals, breakdowns and stresses will also have to be abandoned. Otherwise, His Majesty cortisol will nullify all efforts. So learn to express emotions in a different way.

You need to understand that the process of losing weight is not built on nutrition alone. Sacrifices will have to be made in terms of the usual way of life – to give up many pleasures.

Little by little everything is useful

There are three types of useful carbohydrates. The first type – starch – is a unique substance: with a low calorie content, its energy value is very high. Peas, oats, rice, corn, potatoes, beans, lentils, barley, and wheat flour rich in starch should be consumed by the nutritionist during the diet in moderation.

The second type of carbohydrates – sugar – is quickly absorbed by the body. It occurs as lactose in milk, fructose in fruits and fresh juices. According to a specialist, all of them in reasonable doses are not harmful to the figure. However, processed sugar in canned fruits, cookies, cakes, soda, on the contrary, ruins the body and spoils the figure. If you get carried away with these products, then you will not be able to say goodbye to excess weight.

Fiber is the healthiest type of carbohydrates and popular among healthy lifestyle fans. It stimulates the work of the digestive organs, but at the same time it is not digested by the body and is not deposited in the form of extra pounds. It also regulates blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of obesity.

In addition, this type of complex carbohydrate will help prevent the development of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer by cleansing the body of toxins. Therefore, try to eat legumes and grains regularly. Don’t forget about vegetables and fruits.

We analyze your diet

Now you have decided to lose weight. We have read hundreds of articles on what products to refuse to lose weight, now you buy only dairy products in the store. Since then, your refrigerator is packed with only the right food, in your opinion. You eat every three hours, but between meals you snack on something else like sweet yoghurts, chocolate-coated cheeses, milk-filled wafer rolls, and milk-filled pads. And for lunch and dinner, you eat large portions. And now it seems that you have already given up everything that is possible, you get up every morning on the scales, expecting to see the coveted figure, but alas, nothing happens. Why if you’re doing it right? We hasten to dissuade you. You can lose weight by giving up sweets. And curds, rolls and yoghurts are all high-carbohydrate foods.

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations


Do not be alarmed, you do not need to give up all fruits, because this is a source of nutrients and vitamins. You can take apples, oranges, tangerines, peaches with you for a snack. But the most nutritious fruits are bananas and grapes. You should reduce their consumption: they are very high in sugar, which can raise your blood sugar level. You can try combining fruits with foods that are high in protein.


Of course, grapes are a fruit, which is healthy in and of itself, but they contain a lot of sugar, which can induce you to eat something else sweet, and this desire can be difficult to fight against. If you want to include grapes in your diet, combine them with protein-rich foods such as low-calorie fiber cheese. This will help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Canned soup

It’s so convenient to open a can of soup for lunch, but by doing so, you run the risk of gaining excess weight. Canned food can last almost forever because it is full of sodium. When you consume foods rich in sodium, it becomes more difficult for the body to determine the degree of satiety. Thus, you will either eat more than you need, or get hungry relatively quickly. If you can’t skip canned soup, go for low sodium varieties.

Salted nuts

Nuts are a good source of protein, but salty nuts can be your main enemy. You run your hand over and over again in the bag to get a handful of nuts and completely imperceptibly exceed your daily calorie intake. Unsalted nuts should also be eaten with caution, although they are healthier for the body. They’re also sodium-free, so you probably won’t want to eat them on the machine.

Potato chips

This is one of the foods that you need to give up in order to lose weight on a diet. In fact, he has a pretty bad reputation. However, things are not so simple. This tuber can and should be part of a balanced diet. Boiled, steamed, or baked potatoes will give you energy and fiber.

However, it should be avoided when fried. These are the following products:

  • Potato chips

  • French fries

  • Fried potatoes with a lot of salt or other seasonings

The problem is that even a small serving contains a lot of calories. Moreover, it is very easy to exceed the reasonable rate with them. There are studies that show that eating these foods on a regular basis can negatively affect your overall health and increase your weight in a very short time.

If you really want chips, it is better to prepare them yourself, in the oven. Add spices to add flavor and aroma. If you prefer something more traditional, just add salt and pepper. You will get the same effect, but without the extra calories and health risks.

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations

Soda and juices

Trust me, you can’t quench your thirst with sodas and juices that are insanely high in sugar. There is absolutely no benefit in such drinks. Moreover, if you think that by choosing a Diet Coke you will not be able to gain weight, you are wrong. Artificial sweeteners only whet your appetite more. Even psychologically, you think like this: “I took” Cola “, in which there are zero calories. So, I can take a larger portion.” That is why it is better to lean towards mineral water, fruit drinks and compotes, which you cook yourself.

Low Calorie Snacks

You might think that by choosing low-calorie snacks instead of high-fat counterparts, you are caring for your figure. However, at the same time, you are likely to significantly slow down or completely stop the process of losing weight. Most low-calorie snacks are too small to fill up, so if you’re feeling really hungry, it’s best to replace them with “real” food.


What foods should you give up to lose weight? Yes, from rice! But usually everyone for weight loss recommends giving up white rice, and eating brown rice. The fact is that white rice raises blood sugar levels more strongly. This means that you will want to eat again much faster, and far from healthy food. To avoid this, opt for brown rice as a side dish.

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations

Breakfast cereals

Although breakfast cereals are low in fat, most are high in sugar. Sugar not only whets your appetite, but it also causes many health problems, and losing weight is much more difficult if you are not feeling well. Choose all-natural breakfast cereals that are high in protein and fiber instead of sugar.

Salad sauces

They contain insane amounts of fats, sweeteners, preservatives and flavor substitutes. Purchased sauces are exactly what to give up in order to quickly lose weight is simply necessary. The calorie content of mayonnaise, for example, is 624 kcal, garlic sauce – 335 kcal. Look at these three-digit numbers – they are terrifying. Especially if you have always prepared yourself low-calorie vegetable salads and seasoned them with cheese sauces, ketchups, etc. Just imagine how sauces increase the nutritional value of a dish. Moreover, this can be easily avoided by choosing olive oil, low-fat sour cream, or by preparing the dressing yourself at home.

White bread, biscuits and pastries

And finally, refrain from flour products, especially from refined flour. In addition, white bread usually contains a lot of sugar, so it affects blood glucose levels. In addition, refined flour bread is low in fiber. For this reason, eating 2 slices of white bread a day increases your risk of obesity.

Cookies, cakes, and other foods contain harmful trans fats. We admit they can be delicious, but it’s best to exclude them entirely. If you really want to eat a slice of cake or cookies, use whole grain flour. These pastries are less common, but they are much healthier.

Most pasta

Pasta is an irreplaceable food when it comes to nutritional value, but most of this energy is contained in simple carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body and significantly raise blood sugar levels. In other words, they do exactly what everyone who watches over their diet is terrified of. You don’t have to completely skip pasta – just choose one made from whole grain flour. This way you get all the nutrients and your sugar levels remain normal.


It is often more difficult for adults to give up alcohol than drinking sweets, because, unfortunately, most people cannot imagine their weekend without drinking. Did you know that there are as many as 85 kcal in one glass of semi-sweet wine? Considering that many people drink much more than a glass in the evening, the numbers can be impressive. By the way, because of alcoholic drinks you want to eat more. Replace alcohol with tea, fresh juice, water.

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations


There is no need to give up meat altogether. We, who are losing weight, are very important and need protein. Do not eat fatty meats: pork, lamb. Boiled chicken breast and turkey are best consumed.

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations

Frozen lunches

If you’re short on time, frozen dinners and frozen pizza are as tempting choices as canned soup. The problem is that a lot of salt is added to it to increase the shelf life. Salt makes you eat more, and your body retains a lot of water to dissolve excess water. Neither one nor the other contributes to weight loss in any way, so it is best to completely avoid these convenient products.

Smooth transition

To begin with, it should be noted that no product should be excluded from the diet once and for all. The fact is that over the years of a certain amount of nutrition, the body has become accustomed to incoming food, and to refuse it sharply and decisively means exposing its own body to stress. It will not be useful. In order to gradually wean the stomach from junk food, it is worth following several recommendations.

Reduce the amount of junk food, but don’t give it up completely. For example, in the first six months of the transition to proper nutrition, it will be possible to pamper yourself with your favorite hazards 1-2 times a month. Otherwise, a sharp refusal is fraught with gastronomic disruptions, which will definitely not be beneficial.

Find an alternative. Any junk food can have a healthier and equally tasty alternative, and even homemade, from ingredients you know.

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations

Don’t believe the advertisements. In most videos, we are shown plastic and glue, and not real products, which look less appetizing than their on-screen counterparts. And often reality turns out to be not only not as attractive, but also not as tasty and healthy as marketers promise.

See how your favorite dishes are prepared. There are many behind-the-scenes videos of culinary life on the Internet, which can develop a persistent aversion to catering in general and fast food in particular.

Motivate yourself. A healthy body, well-being, lack of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract is the best proof that you are doing everything right.

As a result of a smooth transition from junk food to a healthy diet, you will not only shed those extra pounds, but also begin to notice qualitative changes in your own well-being.

What foods contribute to weight gain

The main food that causes excess weight is the one that contains a combination of fats and carbohydrates. The latter cause a sharp jump in blood sugar and the release of insulin. This leads to the fact that fat cells begin to store reserves. Carbohydrates are spent on the needs of the body. These include buttercream cakes, milk chocolate, and pastries. The following foods contribute equally to weight gain, especially on the stomach and sides:

  1. Sausages, sausage, pressed pork, bacon. They only create the illusion that a person is eating meat. They are actually made up of fat, spices, leather, or offal. They are bad for digestion.
  2. Potato chips. Most often they consist of starch, salt, fat, food additives. Only 100 g contains half the daily value of fat.
  3. Alcohol and alcoholic cocktails. They have a high calorie content, slow down metabolism, including lipid, awaken appetite.
  4. Lemonade, other types of soda. They contain a huge amount of sugar.
  5. Margarine. Produced by hydrogenating vegetable fats, i.e. has a large number of them.
  6. Fruit juices. Purchased ones contain a lot of sugar, it is better to drink freshly squeezed ones.
  7. Sugar. It does not bring any benefit, but only is addictive, leads to the absorption of excess calories.


The main rule of losing weight is adherence to the diet. You should not limit yourself to food and overeat at night all day, just as you should not completely abandon dinner.

The evening meal should be light, preferably a combination of protein and fiber, for example: steamed chicken + vegetable salad without dressing. Have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime, try not to drive yourself to severe hunger.


Before starting any diet, it is advisable to consult with a specialist with medical education. Conduct studies of internal organs and exclude hormonal disruption. If there are chronic diseases or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the diet should be prepared individually.

How to eat to get rid of your belly and sides

The formation of fatty deposits in the area of ​​the sides and waist is a consequence of poor nutrition. What kind of diet to remove the belly of any girl? It is 70% carbohydrates, 15% fats and 15% proteins.

They are afraid to eat meat, drink low-fat yoghurts, eat sweet fruits, dine with sweets, washed down with tea. What to give up in order to lose weight around the waist? In addition to limiting the amount of food, you must adhere to a balanced diet:

  • 50% carbohydrates;
  • 30% proteins;
  • 20% fat.

The other side of the coin

“When you quit carbohydrates, your weight really starts to decrease,” the expert notes. – But not because of the loss of body fat, but because of the withdrawal of fluid. After all, each gram of carbohydrates retains three to four grams of water in the body. “

And it seems to be good, because the numbers on the scales are pleasing. But few people know that brain cells do not receive enough nutrients at the same time. With a shortage of useful carbohydrates in the body, ketone bodies are formed, which leads to ketosis. Because of it, lethargy, insomnia, and also a runny nose and dry mouth appear.

“The body will rebuild over time, but you should not completely give up carbohydrates,” warns the nutritionist. – It is better to act under the supervision of a specialist. After all, ketosis can lead to severe dehydration. “

The downside to avoiding carbohydrates is also that a person has more frequent bouts of hunger. You need to saturate the body for a long time. However, do not rush to gorge on buns and cookies. Healthy “fuel” includes cereals, fruits, cereals and cereals. You can also pamper yourself with a fruit salad dressed with yogurt.

Even diabetes can join ketosis and dehydration. The risk of developing it is also increased on a carbohydrate-free diet.

Saccharides play the role of long-term energy storage molecules, so without them it will be difficult for those who play sports, hard physical labor, and simply lead an active lifestyle. Refusal from them entails a breakdown and has a bad effect on the general well-being.

The harm of starvation

“The less you eat, the faster you lose weight,” – this is what people who decided to correct their figure think. But eating too little food will sabotage your weight loss efforts. You can lose weight first. And then the body will start to panic and stock up, or take all the necessary vitamins and minerals from hair, skin and muscles.

Any hungry or semi-starved diets result in a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat.

Calorie counting alone is not enough. The body needs to get enough fuel to run smoothly. And in case of stress, any food eaten will go into excess weight. Therefore, it is so important to know what to exclude from the diet in order to lose weight, and how to supplement the daily menu. After all, fasting negatively affects the functioning of the body, weakens the immune system. There will simply not be enough strength for a full life. To lose weight, you need to eat and not go to hungry extremes.

Approach to determining the list of foods prohibited on the diet and with proper nutrition

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and RecommendationsTo form a list of foods categorically prohibited in a diet, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Calorie content of the dish. It is advisable to divide the daily calorie intake into 3 main and 2 intermediate meals. The energy value of the analyzed product should not go beyond the previously defined limits, so as not to upset the balance of the losing weight menu.
  2. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZHU). The list of unhealthy foods that need to be eliminated from the diet in order to lose weight is usually a list of foods that contain the maximum amount of fat and carbohydrates. When following the principles of proper nutrition, it is important to give preference to protein foods. It is able to charge the body with energy, as well as minimize the risk of losing muscle mass during active sports activities, which are necessary in the struggle for an ideal figure.
  3. Sugar content. When studying the question of what foods should not be eaten while losing weight, it is important to pay attention to the amount of sugar contained in them. It is sugar that is the main source of fast carbohydrates, which significantly slows down the process of getting rid of extra pounds. In the production of “right” food, sugar substitutes and natural sweeteners, for example, fructose, sorbitol, stevia, and so on, are traditionally used.

Important! When drawing up a diet aimed at reducing the number of “incoming calories”, it is necessary to take into account the physical activity of the losing weight, the desired result and the time frame in which it should be achieved.

Harmful combinations that need to be excluded from the diet in order to lose weight

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and RecommendationsIn addition to excluding “harmful” foods from the diet, it is advisable for losing weight to keep in mind how it is impossible to combine permitted meals.

For effective weight loss, you should avoid the simultaneous consumption of food:

  • meat and cheese (the nutrients and vitamins contained in them, when combined, prevent the complete assimilation of each other);
  • meat and pasta (capable of provoking disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • potatoes and eggs (potatoes, with such a combination, in the absolute majority of cases, prevents the complete absorption of iron and calcium, the suppliers of which are eggs);
  • vegetables and alcoholic beverages;
  • eggs and fish products;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • tea or coffee with pastries;
  • potatoes with butter.

Neglecting the rules of compatibility is fraught with a significant slowdown in the process of getting rid of extra pounds.

By avoiding such a combination of products, losing weight will not only increase the effectiveness of his struggle for ideal parameters, but also support the normal functioning of the systems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritional advice

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations

  1. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Appetite is sometimes false, and disappears after drinking a glass of water.
  2. Do not exhaust yourself with hunger, but also do not overeat. To avoid overeating, it is best to eat slowly to feel your body.
  3. Move more. This does not mean at all that you need to sweat in the gym every day. The best physical activity is vigorous walking.
  4. Reduce the calorie content of food due to the technology of its preparation. It is better not to fry the cutlets, but to steam them.
  5. Excessive weight control. You do not need to weigh yourself and take measurements every day, once a week is enough, for example, on Monday morning before breakfast.

Learn to distinguish between unhealthy and unhealthy fats, complex and simple carbohydrates.

Complex (slow) carbohydrates are included in cereals (except semolina and white rice), durum wheat pasta, and bran. These foods provide the body with energy and thermoregulation.

While simple (fast) carbohydrates (and these are buns, sugary drinks, white rice) and unhealthy fats (this can include all food cooked with a lot of refined vegetable oil, fried potatoes, fast food), on the contrary, are harmful, disrupt the functioning of the body.

To lose weight, just give up these products! What to give up in order to lose weight? Product List and Recommendations

Due to such foods, a person may feel drowsiness, irritability, constant hunger, and have problems with stool.

In any business, system, consistency and discipline are important – so with losing weight. Hunger strikes and excessive exertion will not work. You should not set grandiose goals, for example, “I will lose weight by 8 kg per month” or “I will go on a diet from the 1st.”

You just need to start by improving your diet – eliminating unhealthy foods. Gradually getting rid of “garbage” in their diet, a person will be able to improve health, speed up metabolism and lose weight without harm to physical and mental health.

What you need to categorically refuse to lose weight

Answering the question of which foods are advisable to completely remove from the diet at the stage of getting rid of extra pounds, nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion.

The list of prohibited foods and drinks not recommended for consumption includes:

  • sweet soda water;
  • wheat flour confectionery;
  • instant products (cereals, soups, noodles, and so on);
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausages;
  • fast food;
  • chocolate and sweets;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine, spread, butter;
  • shop chips and croutons with spices;
  • dishes fried in a large amount of vegetable oil;
  • very rich soups, especially with fatty meats;
  • pickled foods and various canned foods;
  • spicy dishes;
  • sour berries and fruits, such as kiwi, gooseberries, currants, and so on;
  • boiled or stewed vegetables, the value of which is minimized after heat treatment;
  • fatty sauces.

It is important to note that if you want to lose weight while maintaining psychological comfort, you should not drive yourself into a rigid framework and give up your favorite “harmful” products.

It is advisable to try to find a low-calorie alternative to them or allow yourself to eat them in a reasonable amount once a week. Exclusively such an approach will make it possible to get rid of extra pounds not only efficiently, but also bringing pleasure from the work done on oneself.

What you can not remove from the diet, but reduce consumption

When deciding what to eat during the diet, and what dishes should be removed from the daily menu, it is important to remember about the list of foods that at first glance seem “forbidden”. Specialists in proper nutrition do not consider it advisable to completely abandon their use, however, they advise to reduce their amount in the diet of those who are losing weight to a minimum.

These foods include:

  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • curd mass with additives and flavor enhancers;
  • ice cream;
  • some types of cheese;
  • pork;
  • lozenge;
  • marshmallow;
  • marmalade;
  • yoghurts;
  • sour cream;
  • creamy gravies;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • potatoes;
  • durum wheat pasta.

Important! It is necessary to determine the daily amount of the above products based on the ratio of BZHU recommended for a particular losing weight person.

The share of fats on average should account for no more than 30% of the total calorie content of food eaten or 35-40 g. The volume of carbohydrates should vary in the range from 140 to 150 g, and protein food – 150 to 170 g per day for women. In the diet of a man seeking to lose weight, the above BJU indicators should be 20-30 points higher.

An exceptionally clear understanding of what you can eat on a diet when you are losing weight, and most importantly, in what quantity, will be the key to achieving results in the shortest possible time.

Some helpful tips

If you want to lose weight quickly without losing your health, you can use dietary supplements to support your body. Packed with vitamins and minerals, they provide a daily intake of essential nutrients. For those looking to lose those extra pounds, Herbalife offers:

  • protein shakes. Complete meal in just two minutes! The high protein content keeps you feeling full for several hours, and the evening formula will help you avoid overeating at night;
  • herbal drink. Created specifically to improve metabolism and maintain tone throughout the day;
  • “Thermo Complete”. A remedy that will help you lose weight faster, lower blood sugar levels and provide the body with the necessary energy.

Lose weight usefully!

Main conclusions

  1. When forming a menu to reduce the number of “incoming” calories, it is necessary to be guided by the main criteria for determining the prohibited foods that impede the rapid process of losing weight.
  2. Using the approaches listed in the article, it is important to understand not only which food is advisable to refuse when dieting and which foods, on the contrary, contribute to rapid fat burning, but also how to combine them correctly.
  3. Modern nutritionists consider the stereotypical differentiation of food into “useful” and “harmful” inappropriate, and they advise to draw up a menu based on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Having carefully studied the information contained in this article, losing weight can easily form a nutritional plan for himself, adhering to which he will achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time and avoid the occurrence of vitamin deficiencies, as well as psychological discomfort during the diet.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: article / 403988 / ot-chego-otkazatsya-chtobyi-pohudet-spisok-produktov-i-rekomendatsii / articles / 185356-chtoby-pohudet-prosto-otkazhites-ot-etih-4-produktov https: //

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