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Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


Love (falling in love, lust, passion)

Emotions, overflowing energy – probably everyone is familiar with the state when, for the sake of an object of adoration, you can “move mountains.” Love has always made people do things, sometimes rash and illogical. Many great works of art, poetry and prose were created by authors under the influence of euphoria love and passion.For some, love is a source of life, inspiration, forcing them to create and go towards their goal.Happy mutual relationships lead to marriage, but still in most cases they provoke vigorous activity only in the initial stages, when emotions are fresh and new.

For creative activity, unrequited love is more characteristic, since it is she who awakens the desire to conquer the beloved (beloved). Those feelings that a person, for whatever reason, is unable to express, lie on paper in the form of brush strokes, notes, beautiful lines about love, from which songs and poems, prose, as well as beautiful pictures are subsequently composed.

Nature (walks, animals, natural phenomena)

Sometimes one glance at the world around you is enough to start moving forward. Since ancient times, nature has awakened in people indescribable emotions, inspiring them to create something new, unique. Natural sources of inspiration are what surrounds us in the everyday world. Even pets that are constantly near you can become a kind of “generators” of new ideas and thoughts.

Heavy rain and bad weather outside the window, as well as a clear day after a storm are real sources of creative inspiration. For example, the clatter of raindrops, the rolling of thunder, the dullness of colors cause an influx of light sadness and hopelessness, and the juicy shades of nature after bad weather, on the contrary, provoke a surge of positive emotions.

Doing what you love (hobby)

A job that brings not only income, but also moral, emotional satisfaction, which in itself is an incentive, is perhaps the dream of each of us. Sources of inspiration that allow you to realize your plans and ideas and at the same time do not require a lot of feedback is a hobby. Do you want to get a charge of positive emotions? Start doing what you do best that makes you smile and enjoy the work you do.

Culture, art

Where else can one find inspiration, if not in the work of the classics, their books, productions, at exhibitions of paintings? Works of art that authors were once inspired to create are sources of inspiration. One glance at someone’s painting, reading a book, listening to classical music, going to a theater or ballet is the easiest way to feel the “wings behind your back,” the desire to do something new.

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways

Create a visualization board

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways

Surely you occasionally stumble upon inspiring pictures and photographs. Collect them together, print them and hang them in a prominent place. Try to update these cards as often as possible. You can make fridge magnets out of them, stick them on the wall next to your workplace, put a small inspirational picture in your notebook or wallet.

Read the success story

Many outstanding people have come a long and thorny path before they managed to reach heights and became famous. A huge number of “success stories” have been published – biographical and autobiographical stories that tell in detail about what a person had to go through to get to the top.

The success stories of Walt Disney, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford are very inspiring.

When you feel a creative crisis, find and read the success story of the person you consider to be an example for yourself. In it, you can find a hint or simply understand that you overestimated the degree of your own creative crisis. By studying the biographies of great people, you can find many ways to find inspiration that have already proven their effectiveness.

Go to the gym or stadium

Exercise helps circulate blood throughout the body, improving blood flow to the brain. Any workout will provide the desired effect, but it is better to avoid too intense loads. Strength training is too tiring, and afterwards it is difficult to engage in intellectual activity. But swimming in the pool or jogging for half an hour will not take away a lot of energy, but it will disperse the blood through the body well, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Visit a museum or exhibition

Other people’s creativity is one of the best sources of inspiration, even if your fields of activity do not overlap at all. In other people’s works, you can draw not only inspiration, but also ideas. A picture painted several centuries ago can inspire a scientist to discover, an athlete to win, and a writer to an interesting plot twist.

Try something new

Children’s imagination and creativity often work much better than adults. The reason is that the child constantly sees, learns and tries something new. He can lick a felt-tip pen, bite off a piece of plasticine or smear gouache on his hands, while experiencing new sensations. Adults know that this should not be done, therefore they are deprived of the opportunity to find inspiration due to new emotions. But sometimes you can go beyond.

When you feel a creative crisis, start looking for new sensations. Sing and dance, draw with pencils, markers and paints. Think about what the child would do, how you yourself would entertain yourself as a child, finding yourself in today’s circumstances. Being passionate about doing an interesting job perfectly unleashes creativity, helping to overcome stagnation in work and find a non-standard solution.

Make time for a good rest

If you constantly “drive” yourself, without really resting, creativity inevitably weakens, and work productivity drops. To regain tone and inspiration, you need to get regular and full rest. It is important to completely forget about work during the rest. A single day off is best spent in nature, and a long vacation is best spent away from home and work.

Read a motivational book

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways

There are thousands of books, the authors of which pursue the sole goal of giving a person maximum motivation for breakthrough success in life. Each of them takes a different approach, so there is a huge variety among motivational books. They are written by psychologists and successful businessmen, doctors of sciences and amateurs, experienced authors and novices. And any of these books can become a bestseller.

It is advisable to study as much of this literature as possible in order to find the books that best inspire you. Of course, it is advisable to read reviews and reviews before buying such books, because they are usually quite expensive.

Common Methods

  1. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Be real. If your appearance is not credible, who will follow you? No one. Let people think that you yourself believe in what you are talking about. Because if you yourself do not believe, then no one will believe you for sure, this is how we, people, are arranged. Therefore, more fire in the eyes! Show that you care! More enthusiasm!

  2. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Don’t focus on personal fame. Inspiring and inspiring people by your own example is not exactly what you need, since with this approach it will seem that you are doing everything for the sake of what seems cooler. Instead of boasting and bragging, it is better to admit in one phrase that you have experienced / did it, and then immediately start talking about the people you are trying to inspire to do the same.

  3. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Watch your emotions. The people you’re trying to inspire shouldn’t see you boiling over or truly sad. Clear? People are nervous when faced with serious tasks, so it is extremely important for them to know that somewhere there is a person who controls everything. And if you cannot control everything and cope with the pressure of the situation, then how can they, eh?

  4. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Expect the best. Don’t lower the bar! There is no need to demonstrate disrespect by showing with all your kind that these people will not achieve anything. Respect, show respect – and you will move mountains with them!

    • On the other hand, it is important not to raise the bar too high. Set exactly the goals that people can achieve.
  5. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Admit problems. There is a problem? Don’t ignore them. Understand the essence of the problem, and then you will understand how you can solve it. Remember, you are ready to tackle problems! And if you are ready, then the people following you are ready!

  6. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Play down the problems a little. Have you admitted there is a problem? Okay. Now make this problem seem like the problem of the century. Downplay it! Compare it with already solved problems, or even try to imagine why this problem is not a problem at all, but rather a trifle.

  7. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Make reference to common examples. One of the best ways to inspire people to do anything is … by giving an example from history or culture. Inspirational films? Okay. Quotes? Excellent. Real historical figures? Generally great. Even those same people’s own experiences will do!

  8. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Give people hope. Hope is the most important thing in inspiring people. You must, you must give them hope. They must think they have a purpose, a light at the end of the tunnel, a reward for all their hard work and problems. Here you have all the cards in your hands, one thing is important – that there is hope.

Inspiring People to Work Hard

  1. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Inspire by example. The best way to encourage people to work harder and more productively is to show them that you yourself will work that way. Take more, carry on, as they say! There is every chance that after this, people will be drawn to your level. A manager who is active and not just wiping his pants at the table is very inspiring, you know.

  2. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Take care of them. Make sure that all the needs of your employees are not left unanswered. Show that you care about them. When your employee achieves results that truly deserve recognition, admit it. What is really there, do not skimp on promotions – but only if it is deserved. All this will give your employees the strength to work more actively, because they will see that their work does not go to waste.

  3. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Make them proud. Let them be really involved in their work. Make them proud of what they produce or provide. If they are proud of their work, they will try to do it the best they can.

  4. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Keep your promises. Well, if you promise something to someone, then a nosebleed, even break on the ground – but do it. Why such extremes? And then, if you fail people one day, then no one will believe you. Is it logical? Quite.

Inspiring to help our neighbors

  1. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Come up with a story. A fairy tale, a legend, a bike – it doesn’t matter. It is important that it tells about the problem that needs to be solved (hunger, poverty, etc.), as about a dragon that must be killed at all costs. And let everything be more epic than epic!

  2. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Touch other people’s egos. Whatever one may say, but the story you invented needs a hero. Tell people that only they can cope with this terrible disaster. Let them feel that this is not just important, but … vital! Moreover, let them feel that only they can cope with the problem. People very rarely imagine themselves as a hero who can defeat evil. Give them that chance.

  3. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Don’t forget about emotions. Use emotions to show people that their help is important, needed, and required. Create the appropriate emotional mood! Describe the situation without skimping on paint – the easier it is to imagine, the easier it is to want to help.

  4. Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways


    Show your rewards. A good deed is, of course, yes. But the reward in honor of doing a good deed is even better! Make it clear to people that the pleasure of helping others is not the only thing they get for their work. Focus on something more … material.


I am not a psychologist, but I am very interested in solving various issues that make the life of humanity more meaningful and complex. Unlike many people who in every way try not to dwell on difficult and sometimes even painful issues, I try to look at the problem from different angles.

Psychologists argue that difficulties, conflicts and dilemmas can serve as inspiration for morally and emotionally strong individuals. When we focus on difficulties, we experience a certain amount of stress. In addition to side effects, stress and emotional tension activate the human imagination and sharpen perception. These mental processes often find new and unusual ideas and make the mind more productive.


Whatever one may say, in our time the media have become the main and constant sources of inspiration for almost all people. Television and the Internet are full of electronic or audio books, music and films available to everyone. This material can kick-start when you feel like you’re out of ideas and help you overcome your creative crisis.

There is no need to torment yourself while sitting in front of the computer and squeezing the last drops of creativity out of your head. If you don’t have the inspiration to write or paint at the moment, you should take a break for your success.

Better to spend the whole day listening to music and watching highly expressive films that can leave a deep and lasting impression on you, and even change your outlook on life. If this does not work or it seems that you have already watched all the beautiful films, sit for a few hours on the Internet and will certainly cope with the situation.

Just browse various blogs, articles and websites to find topics that you are passionate about. But this does not mean that you are looking for information in order to copy or steal something interesting. As a professional, you must read everything thoughtfully to get the true message and let new ideas ripen in your head.


Competition as a part of life generates inspiration in our minds, because everyone has a cherished desire to win the race and achieve success. In the course of the competition, your ambition will increase the performance of your brain. This means that your imagination begins to generate a large number of ideas that will help lead you to victory. The main thing is to learn how to deal with insecurities and fears, because someday they may harm you.

The main thing is focus

And I notice more and more that a person lives in such states. He does what he is most focused on. As a result, the focus of attention is the determining factor in what we end up in life.

You read books – you will be better erudite. Doing physical education and eating right – you will be healthier. If you drink alcohol and smoke, you will get sick and live less. If you develop as a specialist or try to open your own business, you have more chances to make good money. And so everything in life, including creativity.

You can consciously tune yourself to creativity if you focus on it hard enough.

It’s easier further

As a result, over time, having received the necessary skill and habit, you can easily switch to the creative mode if necessary.

10 minutes or less

Listen to the music. The positive effect of music on brain activity has long been proven and is beyond doubt. One melody will help you get yourself together and tune in to a working mood, the other – on the contrary, relax or remember pleasant moments. Find the song that affects you personally and include it in moments of stagnation.

Write by hand. Recently, we have written less and less in the old fashioned way, completely relying on new technologies. Close Word, grab a pen, paper and remember how it was before. Perhaps new sensations will awaken your inspiration.

Meditate. No new ideas at all? Try to relax and not think about anything at all. It is at this moment that ideas will appear.

Listen to someone else’s opinion. Feel free to ask other people for advice or help. Sometimes a random phrase, even from a completely incompetent person in your field, can awaken such a flurry of ideas that you will be surprised how you did not think of it yourself.

Free associations. Try this game: open a dictionary on any word and write down all the thoughts associated with it that arise in your head. Or, guess two random numbers that match the page number and line, then open and find the appropriate place in the book. Divine clues made in this way sometimes hit the target.

Think of something distant. The grueling, constant pondering of the problem can lead you into an irresistible impasse. Try focusing on something completely distracted, such as celebrating New Years in 2022 or climbing Mount Everest.

Look for blue or green. Research says these colors can also influence our creativity. This is because we associate with blue the ocean, sky and openness in general, while green gives us signals of growth.

Alcohol. This advice has little to do with a healthy lifestyle, but no one doubts that a small dose of alcohol frees up our brain and allows us to find new non-standard approaches. It is important not to overuse this method and not to plant your inspiration on a constant feed.

Free letter. Some fiction writers call this freewriting :). This method consists in the fact that for a short period of time, say, 10 minutes, without pauses and deliberation, write everything that comes into your head. After that, try reading this and highlighting helpful ideas.

A change of scenery. Do you work in the office? Exit to the corridor. Are you sitting all the time? Start working while standing. Tired of palm trees and the beach? Change them to snow and white bears. It’s amazing how much a change in familiar surroundings can kick-start our imaginations.

Laugh. Positive mood can promote creativity because it promotes activity in the prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex (areas of the brain associated with complex cognition, decision making, and emotion).

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways

30 minutes or less

Do something with your hands. If you are mainly engaged in intellectual work, then try to switch for a while and do something with your hands. Carpentry, knitting, cooking, modeling – the main thing is that it is interesting and captivating for you. This switching of activities is great for refreshing the thought processes.

Stay outside. Take a walk from work today, take an hour-long walk in the park, or backpack into the mountains for a few days. In this case, everyone can have their own methods, it is only important that fresh air, new impressions, relaxation from routine perfectly contribute to inspiration.

Exercise. During sports, we not only strengthen our body, but also significantly liberate our brain. In addition to purely physiological benefits (strengthening blood vessels, improving blood circulation in the brain), we strengthen willpower, perseverance, determination.

Try something new. If you do everything out of habit, it will lead to the undermining of creative thought. On the other hand, the pursuit of novelty is inextricably linked with creativity. Even something as simple as a new route to work or a daring culinary experiment can give you a great idea.

Sleep. If you get stuck on a problem, then go to bed – the best solution will come to you in the morning. Yes, that very “morning is wiser than evening” really works.

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways

Long-term ways

Don’t expect perfection. It’s okay if your painting doesn’t make it to the Louvre and this post doesn’t get a thousand likes. Excessive demands on yourself in an effort to give birth to a masterpiece can lead to the fact that you do nothing at all. Just try to do your best and see what happens.

Go abroad. One study found that students who studied abroad are much more active in their creative thinking. Psychologists say that multicultural experiences contribute to the complex cognitive processes that underlie innovative thinking.

Craft a treasure chest. Collect your ideas, impressions, feelings. Inspiration – a capricious lady, she shower with her gifts so abundantly that you do not have time to collect, then disappears over the horizon. Canned ideas are great for getting through the period of creative starvation.

Find a stimulant for creativity. Balzac wrote only in a hot bath, Hugo needed the smell of coffee to work, and Newton generally sat under an apple tree. Perhaps you also have the most creative habits. Find them and use them.

Don’t expect a muse. If you have tried all of the above methods, and the inspiration has not returned, then start working anyway. Your muse will quietly come up from behind and look over your shoulder, wondering what you are doing there without her. Then he will tell you once. And then, imperceptibly, he will take the hand and do everything right.

How to find drawing inspiration?

Painters are inspired by paintings, prints and other works of art, as well as the world around them. Therefore, it is useful to leaf through the albums of famous artists, visit an exhibition in a museum, or take a walk in a beautiful place.

It is helpful to surround yourself with beautiful objects that will set you up for creativity and stimulate new ideas. Sometimes creativity is stimulated by a lot of stress. For example, after the first parachute jump, the brain, under the influence of strong emotions, can generate new ideas. However, you should not get carried away with the technique of severe stress.

Where can you find inspiration for writing poetry?

Poets can find inspiration in the types of nature: mountains, rivers, oceans. Feelings of a creative impulse can be achieved after listening to your favorite music or talking with a loved one.

If you struggle with writing poetry for a long time, take a rest, take a walk. Your brain during this time will incubate ideas, and after a walk you can continue to work with renewed vigor.

How do you find inspiration for creativity?

It all depends on the direction of activity – reading books, traveling or walking, watching films, communicating with creative people, meditation and “disconnecting” from the outside world are useful.

Create a cozy atmosphere at home, turn on your favorite music, light scented candles. Achieve complete relaxation. In this state, a person is often visited by new ideas that one wants to express in creativity.

Inspiration quotes

While looking for the source of creativity, you can see what famous creative people have said about the problem of inspiration.

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
A painting from a painter will not be perfect if he takes pictures of others as an inspiration; if he learns from the subjects of nature, then he will produce good fruit.
(Leonardo da Vinci)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
Seeking inspiration has always seemed to me a ridiculous and absurd quirk: you will not find inspiration; it itself must find the poet.
(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
Every artist has a sprout of daring, without which no talent is inconceivable.
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
It doesn’t matter where the inspiration comes from. At least as long as you are satisfied with its fruits.
(Steve Buscemi)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
I am convinced that there are universal streams of Divine thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that anyone who can feel these vibrations is inspired.
(Richard Wagner)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
Inspiration is the kind of guest who doesn’t like visiting the lazy.
(Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
Inspiration comes only during work.
(Gabriel García Márquez)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
Inspiration is a quick calculation.
(Napoleon Bonaparte)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
A mosquito that bites into your thigh early in the morning can serve as a lightning bolt that will light up unexplored horizons in your skull.
(Salvador Dali)

Sources of inspiration. How to find inspiration: 15 powerful ways
You need to draw inspiration from what scares you.
(Tim Roth)

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