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Extraversion and introversion in the science of psychology. Introversion


Introvert and extrovert: what is the difference

We are strikingly similar to snowflakes. You ask me why? Because in appearance they are all the same, but in nature there are no two completely similar snowflakes. So people can be similar in profession, hobbies, personality type, but have their own special features that distinguish them from others.

Each of us belongs to a certain psychological type of personality. We know from school that there are two opposites: an extrovert and an introvert. But there is also an ambivert – one who combines these two extremes. For many years now I have not been able to define myself to a specific type. Therefore, I am more inclined to believe that two extremes are combined in me. Little is taken from each of them.

And what is the difference between an extrovert and an introvert? Let’s just say: people belonging to the first type draw energy from communication with people. Society is simply necessary for them, it gives a charge of strength. Introverts are more self-directed. They do not shy away from society, but they need a rest on their own.

The word “introvert” means facing inward (from Lat. Intro “inward” + vertere “to turn”).

Extroverts are some kind of motors. They are in constant motion, always trying to be noticed, looking for contact with people and are upset if they do not have the opportunity to communicate with them for a long time. By the way, people of this type make up the majority of society.

In simple terms, an introvert is a person who does not like publicity. He is immersed in his inner world, fueled by energy from loneliness and loses it when he gets into various social events. Introverts are few in number, about 20 percent. These are more creative individuals who like to be alone, reflect on their lives. They are observers rather than participants in the process.

What is very important, they are extremely punctual and responsible people. They will come an hour before the appointed time, so as not to be late, and will approach each case with all seriousness. Therefore, they are highly valued at work as employees.

One of these extremes is given to a person from birth, and it is impossible to change it. You can never go from being an introvert to an extrovert.

Tests to find out your psychotype

I found 3 tests for you:

  1. Determination of the type of character according to Jung. Answer 20 questions, where you choose one of the two options. If by points you were in the middle, and this is 35–65 points, then you still got into 35% of people with extraversion and introversion traits.
  2. Eysenck’s temperament type test. There are 60 questions in this test that will help you determine the type of temperament, extraversion or introversion. The passage time is approximately 5 minutes.
  3. Test “Who are you: extrovert, ambivert or introvert” You need to answer 8 questions. I passed this test and found out that I am an ambivert. A very convenient and quick test, a kind of express diagnostics.

Introvert traits

Most people have a misconception about this personality type. They consider introverts to be detached from society and hate it. It’s completely different. If you have not yet decided whether you are an introvert or not, then you should read these signs that will help you with the choice. So, here are 10 signs that characterize an introvert:

  1. You are not looking for new acquaintances. Many people think that introverts avoid people altogether. No, they just have enough of the social circle that they already have. Someone is constantly expanding it and easily finds a common language with unfamiliar people. And you simply do not need it.
  2. You don’t like taking part in discussions. You can be a brilliant speaker but also a taciturn one. How is this possible? You delivered a report, said everything clearly and to the point, and you don’t always want to join the further discussion and answer questions.
  3. You have extroverted friends. It is a well-known fact that opposites attract. So in our case – people who are completely different can easily converge. However, you will limit the presence of extroverts in your life and spend more time alone.
  4. You avoid crowds. Being in the center of events, for example, at a concert, is a huge torment for you. A large number of people around you makes you feel uncomfortable and a desire to quickly get out of there.
  5. You don’t like job interviews. Such communication requires you to instantly adjust to the interlocutor, to establish contact with him, and you do not have such a desire, as I said above. You will prefer electronic communication to regular conversation.
  6. You are a devoted friend. You have wonderful traits that other people value: honesty and loyalty to your friends. You are not looking for any benefit, but simply value the relationship.
  7. You get along with people for a long time. In your close circle there are only friends, proven over the years.
  8. You don’t like telephone conversations. Those close to you are already accustomed to the fact that it is better to communicate with you through messages.
  9. You are polite. You can easily be hurt and hurt even with a not very sharp phrase. And that is why you are double wary of others. Knowing what it might be like to be thrown in the heat of the moment, you avoid such behavior. Watch your manners and etiquette, rude people annoy you.
  10. You are planning your life. If extroverts are spontaneous people who are ready to drop everything and rush to the ends of the world, then you take life much more seriously and stricter. Every day you have a schedule, and each trip is scheduled for a specific date.

You can list it for a long time, but I have outlined the main, most striking manifestations of introversion. Think carefully about each item, perhaps in it you will recognize yourself.

Introvert behavior

It is not always possible to spot such a person right away. Many in public try to seem very sociable, support any conversation. But there is something that betrays them. A potential introvert almost always avoids talking about himself. Everything that concerns the introverts themselves is non-negotiable, the personal remains their personal. They will easily keep up a conversation on extraneous topics, but it is not their style to speak their minds or talk about personal things.

This type of people has few friends, but they are real, although they also do not know all the details of their friend’s life. Introverts will not call everyone they meet as a friend.

It is difficult for such people to be in society for a long time. For one hour of communication, they need a couple of hours of rest alone with themselves. These are those who like to delve into themselves, reflect on their lives, analyze each situation and draw some conclusions.

These are unemotional people, all their feelings are hidden. Introverts almost always seem balanced and calm, even in the most critical situations. Making them laugh heartily is also not easy. In companies, they prefer to be silent, listen and observe. Yes, they are wonderful listeners who will really immerse themselves in what others are talking about and try on their problems. Before speaking, an introvert will think several times so that it is appropriate and does not offend others.

Varieties of introverts

Not so long ago, it was a novelty for me to learn that introverts are also different from each other. For some reason, even on the subject of psychology, we were not told such significant details, and one of the scientific programs gave me such valuable knowledge. It’s time to share this information with you, perhaps some of you do not yet know the types of introversion.

Who are introverts?

If we take the definition from psychology, an introvert is a person characterized by concentration on his own inner world, contemplation, and isolation. He is not inclined to communicate, he hardly has to establish contacts with the world around him.

Traditionally, introverts have been thought to have a more developed left hemisphere, which is why they:

  • neat, punctual, precise;
  • base decisions on facts rather than sensitivity;
  • are guided by the criteria “right – wrong”;
  • choose consistent movement in everything;
  • prone to classifications;
  • love to work with numbers and words;
  • make clear and correct decisions;
  • have trouble playing social roles.

However, in recent years, in the process of research, it was found that there are introverts who have a more developed right hemisphere. Compared to their “left-hemispheric counterparts,” they solve problems faster and easier, have an excellent sense of humor, talk and even think in metaphors and analogies, and like to draw up diagrams in their minds. They are more emotional, but, unlike extroverts, they do not take their experiences and feelings out to the public, leaving them inside themselves.

According to recent studies, the brain of introverts and extroverts does differ, but not at all, in the degree of development of the left or right hemisphere. What’s the difference?

  • Neurotransmitters

Dopamine is the main source of bliss and euphoria. It is produced in extreme situations, like adrenaline: during parachute jumps, on roller coasters, on the carpet with the authorities, during public speaking. Introverts are very sensitive to him, he causes them anxiety, so they tend to retire and minimize his activity. Acetylcholine also delivers impulses of pleasure to the brain, but more peaceful, causing a feeling of relaxation. It is synthesized when the nervous system is at rest. It is he who is loved by introverted individuals.

  • Nervous system

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for emotional arousal, the parasympathetic nervous system for relaxation. In introverts, the second is more often activated, since the first incapacitates them and makes them experience a state of stress.

  • Gray matter

The gray matter of the brain allows you to make the most difficult decisions quickly and correctly, as well as to think abstractly. According to neurobiological research, introverts have more of it than extroverts.

That is, the behavior and character of an introvert is determined by the psychological type of his personality, the characteristics of his nervous system and brain. Therefore, in no case should it be altered and re-educated: it is useless!

Features of the behavior of individuals

It must be admitted that these two types of individuals do not behave in the same way in similar situations. They react differently to the same stimuli. Introverts are more self-contained and do not want to let outsiders into their inner world. The unknown seems dangerous, meaningless.

In a stressful situation, they prefer to rely on rich past experience, but not to seek support from others. Most are afraid that they will be rejected, afraid to look weak and unnecessary. Seclusion and distrust prevent making new acquaintances, finding friends. In the team they keep apart, trying not to attract attention to themselves.

The extrovert as a person is characterized by an increased need for impressions. These people cannot sit in one place for a long time. They are so active that they constantly come up with something new.

Sometimes it seems that their activity knows no boundaries: a lot of hobbies, a desire to win, a constant thirst to find sources of inspiration for themselves. But such people tend to leave the business halfway through. Carried away by the new, they forget about the old interests and often neglect the existing responsibilities. All mysterious, bright and unknown attracts.

Why it is believed that being an extrovert is good

Thanks to the same fashion for psychological tests and the general concept of human development, it is believed that being an extrovert means being “in trend”. The world has accelerated, in the twenty-first century people are energetic, sociable, collecting hundreds of “likes” in social networks, punchy, funny and groovy.

And who is the typical extrovert, according to the majority? This is exactly such a person full of energy, with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate. He will come to an agreement with anyone, has a wide circle of acquaintances, forgive and forget insults, will not demand the fulfillment of some inconvenient promises.

Sales managers, realtors, office workers are often those positions that are suitable for extroverts, since their personal qualities best suit the tasks set: to persuade, convince, impose, with jokes and jokes to attract the client to their side.

Advantages and disadvantages of psychotypes

Of course, one type of people cannot be considered correct and worthy, while others are weak and weak-willed. This is contrary to psychological foundations. However, this is often the case in everyday life. Extroverts are seen as interesting and strong, while introverts are mumbled, incapable of making responsible decisions. This is a big misconception.

Before making final conclusions, it is necessary to study the meaning of known psychotypes. They have both negative and positive aspects. The characteristics are presented below.

Introverted traits

It would be a mistake to think that this is a simple person of no interest. An introvert cannot be viewed one-sidedly. Distinctive features allow us to consider their inner world in more detail:

  1. Deep knowledge in the field of art and science through deep immersion in the subject being studied. The ability to compare and analyze is at a high level. Often they are fond of drawing, music, poetry, and creativity.
  2. The culture of interaction with others is worthy of the highest praise. An introvert will not offend or offend anyone. You rarely hear a word from him, because he is not eager to communicate.
  3. Loyalty to the second half. An introvert in love remains loyal to the chosen one. Not capable of treason, because he does not want to betray, his heart is too pure for this.
  4. Fear of the new. Rarely decides to change jobs, even if it does not suit him and brings only grief. This type of people takes a long time to tune in to make a decision.

Extrovert traits

Extroverts are in full view. They are clearer and closer to society, because they are ready to share an unlimited amount of energy:

  1. Abrupt mood swings. Extroverts are prone to frequent emotional outbursts. People need to share news daily, discuss significant topics with friends and acquaintances. Often they do not ask others about their willingness to communicate, but simply impose their point of view.

  2. Impulsiveness, carelessness, sometimes bordering on irresponsibility. Occurs due to exposure to emotions. These people are distinguished by incontinence, they can say too much, and then regret the words spoken.

  3. Often they do not keep the promises made before. This is not due to harm, but because it becomes difficult for them to control their own feelings.

Introvert behavior in life

The simplest meaning of the word – introversion, stands for: a healthy ability of a person to tune in to the perception of the inner world. And an introvert is a person who is focused on his own inner world, the psychological nature of a self-absorbed personality.

Introverts are the first to leave noisy parties or simply refuse invitations. All this stems from their inner nature, which repels from everything noisy and strives for comfort and constancy.

Introversion is the healthy ability of a person to tune in to the perception of the inner world.

Introvert traits:

  1. Introverts are more likely to need to replenish their energy.
    After communicating with a person, they lose it. To get back to normal, it is enough for them to be alone for a couple of hours, alone with their thoughts. They cannot be forced to communicate. You just need to not pressure them and wait until they are ready to continue communicating.
  2. Introverts only get better when they are alone.
    This makes it easier for them to do work, learn different materials, watch movies or just draw.
  3. They do not need constant movement and new events.
    Watching TV, just watching passers-by or admiring nature is to their liking. They are able to fully focus their attention on something, so they achieve good results in their work. They are diligent and meticulous.
  4. Introverts are people you can rely on.
    They are punctual and responsible individuals who will try to do what they entrusted in the best possible way. At the same time, they are silent and listen more, have a good memory and imagination.
  5. Before doing something, an introvert will think ahead and make a plan of action.
    He will lay out a complex task on the shelves, carefully study all the details, and then proceed to implementation. Therefore, such people are often called slow.

Types of introverts

Previously, scientists believed that introversion was a deviation from the norm, some kind of psychological disorder or a kind of depression. Recently it was found that an introvert is a person who accumulates energy within himself, rather than releasing it outside. They are healthy and have no mental disabilities.

Types of introverts:

  1. Extroverted.
    The temperament of this type of person is similar to that of an extrovert. They are just as sociable and cheerful, they can tell interesting stories and be the initiator of many meetings. But all this applies to a small company consisting of the closest and most faithful people. This type of person likes to work alone, when you can fully focus on the task at hand. They can do without communication, but not for long, since the need for company and communication with friends is great.
  2. Thoughtful.
    Representatives of this type like to be alone and reflect on their past, about the universe. They are used to analyzing everything. These people do not see the world through rose-colored glasses. They are characterized by critical thinking, developed intuition and an analytical mindset. They do not like to stick to the plan, but they give themselves completely to the work. It is difficult for them to find a profitable job, since the main thing for them is not a salary, but an opportunity to reveal themselves.
  3. Anxious.
    Such people prefer to completely refuse to communicate. In a large company, they feel uncomfortable, start to get embarrassed, get confused in words. It is difficult for them to understand the feelings and emotions of others, so it is difficult for them to get close to someone and make real friends. Only in a comfortable place and with a loved one can he relax and start having a friendly conversation.
  4. Restrained.
    This type of person is most often referred to as slow and clumsy. Before doing something, they think many times and only then start to work. Even after they woke up, they can lie in bed for another 10 minutes and think about the day ahead. Restrained introverts do not like to ask for trouble, but prefer to think it over, to come up with a logical and most often correct solution to the problem. This type has a strong opposite to extroverts.

Pros and cons of introverts

To better understand introverts, you need to consider the pros and cons of their personality.

These are honest and frank people who will not lie to the face or somehow dissemble, but will tell everything directly.

They are able to fully devote themselves to work and focus on the assigned tasks.

They are reliable and loyal friends who will not betray a loved one.

These are creative personalities, so most often introverts become great writers, artists, gamers.

They are interesting and smart people. Most often, they become excellent students at school, because they spend more time at home, they study more, engage in self-development and replenish their knowledge. Moreover, they do not forget about education with age, but continue to study further. They devote a lot of time to self-development.

Subtlety that leads to communication problems.

Social phobia. They almost never leave the house, spending all their time in one place, since the world around them is too unpredictable and dangerous. Therefore, it is difficult to make friends with them.

It’s hard for introverts to find a job they like. They are not suited to work as a salesperson, manager or sales representative, since these professions entail constant interaction with a large number of people. Office work is fine for such people. They also make good writers, architects, copywriters.

Introverts are not people who seek to show themselves and their talents. Therefore, it is difficult for them to climb the career ladder, since they will not express themselves strongly. Such people do not seek to make friends with colleagues or a boss.

Famous introverts

There are also introverts among celebrities. Despite their character, they managed to achieve career heights and become famous all over the world.

Who is an introvert?

An introvert (from the German introvertiert – “facing inward”) is a person who is mainly focused on his own inner world, not inclined to acquaintances and communication, preferring to spend most of the time alone. For those around him, he looks withdrawn and detached, “squeezed” in communicating with new people, and in large companies he feels discomfort.

Introverts often become pleasant and interesting interlocutors when they get to know each other and overcome barriers, because they tend to spend a lot of time thinking. They read a lot, are constantly engaged in self-education, due to which they are very erudite and can communicate on almost any topic.

An important characteristic of introverts is their ability to be good friends. They are usually reluctant to admit new people to them, so making friends with them is not easy. But if you succeed, do not doubt that you have found a reliable and devoted friend. And having learned better who he is, you will find that he is an interesting, talented and multifaceted person.

The main features of an introvert

Extraversion and introversion in the science of psychology. Introversion

Let’s take a look at a list of the most common signs of an introvert. You can use it to determine if your new acquaintance is an introvert, or if you want to finally determine whether you belong to this personality type.

  1. There is no desire for new acquaintances. Don’t think introverts are unsociable. They just do not seek to expand their social circle, they have enough family and friends.
  2. In a large company, there is no desire to communicate. Introverts are good at formulating thoughts and are great conversationalists. But if they manage to get into a big company, they prefer to remain silent, fearing to be in the spotlight.
  3. Large crowds cause discomfort. For people with this type of character, being in large crowds of people is a real torture. Once at a party or in a noisy place with friends, an introvert looks forward to “the end of the banquet.”
  4. Exams and interviews are fearful. Communication with strangers is already a discomfort. And the fear of failure multiplies negative emotions. Therefore, any exams and interviews for an introvert are very stressful.
  5. Honesty and loyalty are of the utmost importance. If an introvert considers a person a friend, he values ​​him highly and does not seek benefits in this relationship. His friendship can be considered the most sincere and devoted.
  6. Telephone conversations are tiring and annoying. Isn’t it easier to send a text message?
  7. All plans are well thought out. The extrovert tends to make spontaneous decisions. Going out for bread, he can meet friends and go to the club. An introvert is not inclined to change plans, and even a meeting with close friends should be planned in advance.

What is the difference between an introvert and an extrovert?

These two concepts were introduced by the author of analytical psychology, Carl Jung. According to his definition, introverts are focused on their own inner world, and extroverts are focused on the outside world. The difference between these two personality types is significant. Some need loneliness, others constantly need communication.

Most people are extroverts (to varying degrees). They are constantly striving for communication, looking for new acquaintances, they like to be in the spotlight (telling jokes in noisy companies, singing karaoke). There are much fewer introverts – about 20% of the population. They will prefer to be alone, to be alone with nature, to calmly think over another idea or plans for life.

A characteristic feature of introverts is a high level of responsibility. They strive to be punctual and take any business extremely seriously. In most non-public speaking activities, introverts tend to be valuable and productive employees.

It is important to consider that it is almost impossible to change the personality type. You can work with a personal psychotherapist for a long time, get rid of complexes and increase sociability. But you still won’t be able to become a real extrovert.

How to communicate with an introvert?

Extraversion and introversion in the science of psychology. Introversion

If you want to build a friendly or romantic relationship with such a person, try to follow a few rules that will help you not to alienate him:

  1. Be laconic, try not to tell unnecessary details that are not related to the current conversation;
  2. Allow him to periodically retire, do not intrude when he made it clear that he wants to be alone. If you understand correctly who an introvert is, then you know that the desire to retire is natural for him and does not mean that he is tired of your company;
  3. Avoid quarrels. Introverts are inherently non-conflicting, and unpleasant conversations give them great discomfort. If you regularly sort things out, don’t be surprised when he starts avoiding you. However, introverts are always ready for constructive dialogue without unnecessary emotions.
  4. Always think what you are saying. If someone with an introverted personality type calls you a friend, then your opinion is important to him. A casually thrown unsuccessful phrase can offend him and alienate him;
  5. Don’t make him jealous. Introverts often fall in love with extroverts because they sense them as a source of positiveness. But it is unpleasant for them to watch how their “half” presents this positive to others;
  6. Don’t be skeptical. Knowing who an introvert is, you should understand that he is extremely sincere with dear people, therefore, painfully perceives any distrust and doubt.
  7. Don’t make fun of him. Believe me, he will not appreciate the humor associated with ridicule;
  8. Appreciate his attention. If he chose you, it is important for him that you feel good with him. Show that it is;
  9. Do not push him away if you are not ready to lose forever. He is ready to settle most of the conflict situations right away. If you manage to push him away, there is a great risk that he will never return.

Is it bad to be an introvert?

It is widely believed that being an introvert prevents people from achieving success in life. But finding out which famous person is an introvert, you will be convinced that this opinion is wrong.

The list of famous introverts includes such figures as Steven Spielberg, Keanu Reeves, Barack Obama, Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, Michael Jordan. This type of personality went to businessmen Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Elon Musk, as well as politicians Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and other famous historical figures are also considered introverts.

How did they succeed, despite their natural withdrawal and shyness? The secret lies in the fact that they have their own system of values and are not inclined to focus on the opinions of others.

Having defined their goals, people with an introverted personality type move towards them, not paying attention to criticism. This is what helps them in solving problems that seem insoluble to others. Plus, introverts are very persevering. Staying in a concentrated state for a long time, they are able to think over well the strategy for solving the problem and find the best way.

But keep in mind that the celebrities cited have other virtues as well. They are strong, determined and hardworking. For ordinary people, an introverted nature is not particularly helpful in achieving success. Often it prevents them from building the necessary social ties and does not allow them to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

The typical introvert is a loyal and reliable friend. But he himself rarely counts on friendly support, therefore, through many difficulties, he is forced to break through exclusively on his own, which is not always enough.

Introversion extraversion

The characteristic of introversion and extraversion is that these are two extreme psychological qualities that manifest the essence of a person’s individuality, the orientation of his mental activity either to the external world and all its constituent objects, or to the phenomena and processes of his inner subjective world.

Typical characteristics of introversion and extraversion stand out along with more particular individual characteristics and personality traits, they were empirically described and highlighted by the psychiatrist Carl Gustave Jung in his work entitled “Psychological Types”.

In this work, the author identified two types of personality, respectively, to their defining quality: introvert and extrovert. The characteristic with the help of which the division into introversion and extraversion takes place is the setting of the personality outward or inward, which is observed in a person’s perception of the world or in reactions to various external or internal impulses.

Extraversion of a person is expressed in the direction of his thoughts, feelings and activities outward, that is, to interact with the surrounding people and objects of the external world. An extrovert easily makes new acquaintances, he is obsessed with communicating with people, and he also quickly and successfully adapts to new, unforeseen situations.

Extroverts are mostly impulsive, temperamental, they are in constant motion, can hardly endure monotony. They have a sense of humor, they love laughter and fun, they are often superficial and, under the influence of their mood, can do things that they later regret. Extroverted individuals are open to new experience, acquaintance with new objects of the world, they are guided by the multiplication of connections with them, later they may be under the influence of these objects or dependence on them.

Carl Jung defines the main criterion that distinguishes extraversion and introversion – this is the movement of libido (vital energy) and its direction.

In people with extraversion, libido is directed towards the world around them, this is expressed in the fact that they prefer the practical and social aspects of life, interaction with external objects of reality.

Introversion according to Jung means that a person gives preference to his own inner world, his imaginations and reflections. Fantasies replace his communication with the outside world.

A person with the properties of extraversion is inclined to waste his energy, direct it to external surrounding objects, to interact with them. A person with introversion, on the contrary, tries to accumulate his own energy and introduce it into the inner world.

An extroverted person seeks to throw out all the energy in communicating with others, spend it on those activities that he is engaged in in order to be in the spotlight in front of everyone, to take an active part in public speeches, to appear effectively at crowded events, parties.

Extraverts receive their energy from the outside world, from interacting with its objects, things, communicating with people, from being in amazing places, from their own actions in this world. These people are wasters of energy. If they have long periods of inactivity, when they are forced to be alone and contemplate their inner world or communicate in a very narrow social circle, they lose the feeling of life, they lose its meaning.

Extroverts must dilute their dizzying constant preoccupation with periods of rest, ordinary life, as they themselves can get lost and forgotten in space and time, which is fraught with problems with physical and mental health.

Individuals with extraversion express themselves very freely, they love society, are focused on it, therefore they often become public figures and can offer a lot to society, since they are always guided by the result and effective action.

Extroverted individuals in a state of loneliness or temporary stay inside themselves, as if fading away, it is very difficult for them to endure such a situation, it depresses them. And to restore vitality, they do not need so much – to resume communication with people, to engage in activities, to attract attention to themselves. Extroverts are often people of social professions – officials, various managers, artists, organizers, entertainers, toastmasters, and so on.

At one time, Carl Jung revised his theory of extraversion-introversion and supplemented it with some aspects. He identified some independent factors, more precisely psychological functions, which he had previously introduced into the composition of extraversion and introversion – feeling, sensation, intuition and thinking.

Jung also stopped calling individuals extroverts and introverts, and began to talk about extraversion and introversion of the predominant mental function. That is, it turns out that the personality psyche can have one of the functions – feeling, sensation, intuition, an extraverted or introverted way of thinking, and in addition to these functions, many other functions can exist in the human psyche, which, in turn, will either be auxiliary or will be supplanted.

Introversion is in Jung’s psychology, a characteristic that defines a person as detached from others, closed in himself. A personality with a predominance of introversion directs its psychic energy inside itself, all its thoughts, actions and interests are focused on its own “I”. That is why a person with introversion has a great tendency to reflection, to incessant analysis of his mental state, personal criticism.

Such a person with great difficulty establishes contacts with the environment, in contrast to the extrovert, he hardly adapts in the environment, he shows closeness to everything that is outside his world, he has too developed protective mechanisms of the psyche. It is very difficult to adapt to the rules and regulations established by external objects.

Introverted individuals almost always have a serious or even sullen appearance, they are rarely seen with a smile on their face or joyful eyes, they are restrained and pedantic, prone to depression.

Later, the theory of introversion and extraversion was studied by the psychologist G. Yu. Eysenck, he distinguished the factors: extraversion, introversion, neuroticism (emotional stability) and considered them as the basic characteristics of the personality. To identify the personality traits, Eysenck developed the “Personality Description” technique, in which the axes were graphically depicted on which the traits were located: extraversion, introversion, neuroticism, the combination of these traits represented the main personality characteristics.

Eysenck argued that the manifestations of introversion and extraversion are based on innate features of the central nervous system, which determine the balance of excitation and inhibition processes. So, introversion is characterized by the dominance of excitation processes over inhibition, and inhibition processes are more characteristic of extroverts.

At the current time, the characteristic of introversion and extraversion is used quite widely in psychology, since the description of these features of the psyche corresponds to real and truthful observations of human behavior. Often, it is with the help of these two qualities – introversion and extraversion – that characterize a person’s personality, although in fact, it is a little inappropriate to measure personality only using these two characteristics. In addition, “pure” types of extraversion and introversion are very rare, they just can be more or less expressed in the structure of a person’s personality.

Modern psychology conducts a lot of research in order to establish links between the described personal qualities and the characteristics of mental, mostly cognitive processes, to determine the relationship between the values ​​of the characteristics of introversion and extraversion with social activity, the development of social contacts and other aspects.

Social introversion

The socio-psychological inability of a person to develop and live outside of society requires him to actualize the basic mechanisms and driving forces, and direct communication between people. Such communication is carried out through communication and interaction in social existence.

We are talking about the socio-psychological properties of an individual that determine his ability to interact and coexist in society, which must be taken into account and understood.

Social introversion definition is the direction of social activity, establishing and maintaining contacts with a certain, small circle of people, with the prospect of keeping in touch only with these people for many years.

The social characteristic of introversion suggests that a person is better off maintaining old and proven relationships with people, rather than expanding his circle with unnecessary and short-term acquaintances. And the point here is not at all in shyness or modesty, a person with introversion consciously prefers home comfort and society of himself to a wave, rather than a fun party. Such a person loves thinking alone more than sharing ideas and advice with others.

Social introversion of a person is often perceived as distrustful, shy, pessimistic, and hostile. But an introvert himself, in fact, can be a very benevolent, wise and reasonable person, just his state of mind is such that it is better for him to stay away from society and events, and confine himself to the circle of his closest people, so as not to undermine the state of affairs of his inner world.

It is actually very difficult for an introvert to adapt to the outside world, he does not know how to establish contacts, from this he strives for solitude, so as not to be ridiculed or not to show his vulnerability. Sometimes a person’s introversion leads to the fact that he begins to sincerely dislike a large number of people, their cohesion, is able to devalue people and objects. Over time, such a person may well become a hermit.

In a person with the property of introversion, psychological mechanisms are manifested through conscientiousness, pedantry, mistrust, thrift, caution, directness, moderation, conscientiousness, honesty.

The appearance of the term

A modern person can no longer be surprised by complex terms, including medical ones. But few people know that for the first time the concept of introversion, as well as its opposite – extraversion, was introduced by the famous specialist in the field of psychology Carl Jung. Even fewer readers are familiar with the precise characterization of this concept.

The school of the Swiss professor Jung, which later became known as analytical psychology, defines introversion and extraversion as two ways of organizing a person’s interaction with the surrounding reality. This is a kind of scale, at opposite ends of which the concepts under consideration are located.

Differences in psychological states

To better understand how introversion differs from its opposite, we will give the main features of the mentioned mental states. For convenience of presentation, they are grouped in a table.

Introversion Extroversion
An introvert, by definition, cannot share his inner energy with others. His scale of values ​​is based not on external factors, but on their internal reflection. Internal mental processes of an extrovert in the overwhelming majority of cases are directed outward, they affect external processes.
Introversion is constant reflection. Jung’s school of psychology does not exclude the periodic influence of external factors on the worldview of introverts, but they all pass through the inner “sieve” of a person, acquiring subjective features. Extraversion is characterized by an irrepressible need for additional external information. It is on their basis that they build further activities.
People with such a mental peculiarity, before taking this or that action, carefully consider all the options, and having done something, they doubt the correctness of their actions. Extroverted people are constantly on the move, at work. They are practical and very energetic.

Note! The main postulates, which the school of psychology of Carl Jung speaks of, describing introversion and extraversion, echoes the principles of Eastern philosophy – Yin and Yang. Both of these principles are present in a person, but either one or the other prevails.


If you are already familiar with extroverts, then it is no secret to you that introversion is the opposite of the first state. An introvert person is distinguished by such character traits as uncommunicativeness, distrustfulness, taciturnity and lack of adaptability. It should be noted that such features of the personality psyche are difficult not only for others, but also for himself.

In the vast majority of cases, it is difficult for others to understand the inner world of an introvert. It seems to many that such people are arrogant and excessively cold. However, the school of analytical psychology claims that in fact these individuals have excessive vulnerability and shyness.

Sometimes such a conflict leads to serious internal problems. Carefully hidden character traits gradually sink into consciousness, passing into the area of ​​the unconscious. And already there they acquire an unprecedented influence on human behavior. This state can flow into deep introversion – excessive focus on internal problems, which does not imply vigorous activity aimed at one or another object.

Pros and cons

Introversion, like any other natural psychological state of a person, has both positive and negative qualities.

The strengths of the personality of introverts rightly include:

  • The ability to slowly but surely grasp the essence of any problematic issue;
  • Opportunity to focus on solving the main problem, abstracting from insignificant and non-semantic information;
  • An introvert may find a non-standard approach to solving a non-trivial problem;
  • Such people are very strongly attached to their loved ones.

But these same character traits cause many problems:

  • Introversion is an obstacle to the expression of thoughts, feelings and ideas that come to a person’s mind;
  • These people, even experiencing strong affection, cannot adequately express it, which often leads to misunderstanding even by close relatives;
  • Since introverts often act in accordance with their inner convictions, the motives for their actions are often incomprehensible to others. Their scale of values ​​differs from that which extroverts measure their actions and thoughts.

Carl Jung’s school of psychology, introducing the classification into extroverts and introverts under consideration here, in the course of further research came to an understanding of the insufficiency of such terminology and additionally introduced the concept of mental functions. Depending on their predominance in human behavior, the latter gives preference to one or another type of occupation.

Determination method

Introversion, like its antagonism, extraversion are bipolar concepts. But this does not mean that the “measuring scale” contains only two extreme marks. Each person is in some interval between these poles, inclining either to one or to the other.

A British psychologist of German origin Hans Jurgen Eysenck took up the question of determining whether a person belongs to a particular type of mental processes. His school of psychology – biological – has developed a popular test, with which you can determine not only the introverted and extraverted tendencies of the psyche, but also understand what type of temperament is inherent in the person being tested.

A feature of the British professor’s questionnaire is the presence of two lists of questions at once: to determine extra- and introversion. They can be applied simultaneously and separately (with a certain period of time). In the latter case, the reliability of the study increases.

In addition, the scientists have introduced questions that allow them to reveal a lie, that is, to assess the sincerity of the test taker and his desire to seem different from what he really is.

Having determined the result according to a special table, it must be entered into the so-called Eysenck’s Circle. This scale allows you to determine not only a person’s gravitation to one or another pole, but also to find out his belonging to sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and choleric people.

Experienced psychologists write their own conclusions based on the test results. They can indicate the individual characteristics of the person who passed the test, the type of his temperament and other parameters. Recommendations for self-psychocorrection are also given.

Introversion is a feature of the psychological state of an individual, its own scale for assessing external and internal sensations. This state is inherent in about a third of all people. Understanding the internal processes taking place in the brain of introverts will allow them not to completely lock themselves in their inner world and more organically fit into social relations.

Carl Gustav Jung’s theory

Description of 2 main life directions became the most famous contribution of Carl Jung to the development of psychology. According to his development, 2 components exist in a person at the same time, but one of them appears brighter and becomes dominant. Jung insisted that typology is innate or acquired immediately after birth.

The psychologist explained that there is no single direction isolated in a person. One of them is the main one, the other is auxiliary. The different magnitude of the presence of introversion and extraversion explains the diversity of personalities.

Introversion in psychology is, according to Jung’s teachings, a focus on contemplation, immersion in the thought process. Extraversion – on the contrary, interest in the outside world and other people.

For a more complete description of human characters, Jung identified four main psychological functions:

  • thinking;
  • sensation;
  • feeling;
  • intuition.

As a result of the combination of psychotype and one of the functions, 8 different typological portraits were obtained:

  • Extroverted mental – a type acting in objective reality, making decisions deliberately. In a positive sense, they are reformers and innovators. In the negative – emotionally poor individuals, incapable of deep feelings.

  • Extracted emotional – subjects who tend to give a logical emotional assessment of the surrounding situation.

    Extraversion and introversion in the science of psychology. Introversion

    Psychotypes introversion and extraversion according to Jung

  • Extravagant sensory – the type of people who value the environment by the strength of the pleasure they experience. These are aesthetes enjoying life.

  • Extroverted intuitive – has an extremely developed intuition, knows how to inspire. Quickly lights up with ideas, and also cools down quickly. Among this type, there are a lot of those who are called adventurers.

  • Introverted mental – characterized by thinking that is distant from the surrounding reality. Creator of theories that are rarely applied in practice.

  • An introverted emotional person is a person inside which all sorts of emotions boil, while those around him may consider him cold and insensitive.

  • Introvented sensory – the orientation of this type, in contrast to the extravent one, is directed not at the object, but at the feelings that it evokes.

  • Introverted intuitive – this characteristic suits many science fiction writers and those who are called psychics.

According to Leonhard

The human typology of the German scientist Karl Leonhard differs significantly from Jung’s theory. In his monograph, published in 1964, he presented a classification of accentuations. By this term, he understands the pronounced features of individuals. Introversion and extraversion play an insignificant role in his interpretation. According to Leonhard, 12 types of accentuations are identified.

Personality accentuation: introversion and extraversion.

Character accentuations:

  • demonstrative;
  • pedantic;
  • affectively stagnant;
  • excitable.

Accentuation of temperament:

  • hyperthymic;
  • dysthymic;
  • affectively labile;
  • exalted;
  • anxious;
  • emotive.

Leonhard notes that in one personality traits characteristic of different types can be combined and manifested.

Hans Eysenck’s theory

The German-British psychologist Hans Eysenck presented the personality structure as a set of various traits that form an independent category. In 1952 Eysenck in his works proposed the division of types on the basis of polar ranges: introversion – extraversion; stability is neuroticism.

As a result of such characteristics, when combining ranges, the scientist received 4 types of temperament that correspond to personality types:

  • A phlegmatic person is a stable introvert. Personality, the main features of which are calmness and equanimity. He speaks little, works a lot. It is difficult to piss him off, he is indispensable in work in extreme conditions. He is peaceful and caring with others.
  • The melancholic is a neurotic introvert. Personalities are passive and insecure, touchy. Able to work under strictly regulated conditions. They require moral and material support.
  • A sanguine person is a stable extrovert. This type of temperament is inherent in leaders. They are moderately mobile, but they know how to control themselves and soberly assess situations. This type is characterized by a healthy passion, easily adapts to new things.
  • Choleric is a neurotic extrovert. The temperament of a self-confident person, overly excitable and hot-tempered. Such people are overly mobile, do not tolerate monotony, and failures are hard to bear. They work easily if the activity is not associated with monotonous and repetitive duties.

Eysenck did not highlight the best or worst combinations. He also drew attention to the fact that most people are in the middle points of the scale, successfully combining traits of different types. The individuality of a person gives the superiority of any characteristic.

Temperament test

As can be seen from the interpretations of leading psychologists, it is extremely difficult to visually determine belonging to a certain type of personality. Tested personality temperament tests can help determine what type of personality traits are inherent in a particular individual. With the modern development of communications, you can go through them online and free of charge.

  • The Keirsey questionnaire is a test for determining temperament according to Jung’s concept. The test consists of 70 questions, each of which offers 2 answers. You need to choose the one that is most typical for the respondent in everyday situations. It is advised to answer questions quickly, without hesitation. It is the first intuitive assessment that is most consistent with the individual’s inherent thinking.
  • The Personality Type Determination Method, compiled by John Oldham and Louis Maurice, is a 107-item personality questionnaire. Allows you to determine the components of a personal nature, to understand why a person behaves this way. Answers are selected from the proposed options: “Yes, I agree”, “No, I do not agree”, “Maybe”. In this case, it is advised to consider your answers.
  • The Introversion-Extroversion questionnaire is one of the first personality type tests proposed by Hans Eysenck in collaboration with Glenn Wilson. 210 test questions suggest 3 answer options. You should answer quickly, without hesitation for a long time.
  • The Leonhard – Schmishek test is compiled to determine the accentuation of the personality. The test is provided in several versions. The usual version is 88 questions concerning different aspects of the personality. The extended version already contains 98 questions, in addition, a scale of sincerity of answers is maintained. The children’s version of the questionnaire differs from the adult only in the wording of the questions.
  • Eysenck ‘s personality questionnaire assesses the subject on the scale of introversion-expansiveness, as well as on the subject of neuroticism. Consists of 70 questions.

When conducting personality tests, remember that there are no right or wrong answers in the suggested answers. Each choice concerns only personal feelings and preferences. The most accurate result is guaranteed in the case of sincere answers, in most cases, data without deliberation. A decoding of the interpretation of the test results can be obtained at the consultations of practicing psychologists.

Which psychotype is better?

Introversion in psychology is simply the direction in which a certain personality develops. In the philistine environment, there is an opinion that extroverts are more successful in life. This opinion is extremely wrong. Suffice it to turn to statistics, which claim that extroverts in the world are approximately 25% of the total population. At the same time, among the most successful people on the planet, an increased tendency to introversion is already manifested in 40%.Extraversion and introversion in the science of psychology. Introversion

There is no better or worse psychotype. Each person is individual in his own way, all the more, as already mentioned above, temperaments and psychotypes in their pure form do not occur in practice. People with different inclinations have different views on situations.

  • Extroverts have many friends. Introverts are often seen as socially phobic and have few attachments, but forever.
  • An introvert needs space to find inspiration. An extrovert is a spectator.
  • Extroverts are quick to assess the whole situation; introverts are attentive to details.
  • Extroverts easily get to know people, these qualities come first in sales and advertising. Introverts take time to connect and adhere to personal boundaries.
  • Extroverts need fame and attention, while introverts do without it. For them, the main thing is the pleasure of work.
  • An introvert tries to solve his problems himself, extroverts share them with others.
  • Work that requires monotony and perseverance is better for introverts.

There are many such examples. It is impossible to draw a conclusion from them which people are better. The question should be different: which area of ​​application is more beneficial for a certain type of people?

Sources used and useful links on the topic: stress / introvert https: //

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