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I don’t like my job. I’m sick of work and bosses. What to do?


Symptoms: where it all starts

At first, thoughts of dislike for the business that you studied and which you have been doing for so many years frighten, and you drive them away, persuading yourself: “Well, what are you doing? How so? I studied so much, then I looked for a job in my specialty. I was glad when I was hired to the company of your dreams. You liked what you did so much. Your relatives are so proud of you, your friends are jealous. You worked so much, invested so much effort to achieve success in this profession and, most importantly, you did it. You’re doing fine!” Here is just one “but” – all this does not warm you anymore.

Sound familiar? If so, we hasten to reassure you: you are not alone. Are you okay. You have an “ordinary career crisis” and you can be helped. Rather, you can help yourself.

To begin with, calm down and do not make sudden movements such as leaving work “to nowhere”, lie down on the sofa and wait for it to pass by itself. Don’t even hope it won’t work.

What your fears look like

So: if you diagnosed yourself with a career crisis based on the symptoms mentioned above, then the first thing to do is to acknowledge it and look into its eyes. Your fears most likely look like this:

  • I’m fine, but nothing good, but does that happen?
  • Yes, the work has ceased to please and bring pleasure, but I am not able to do anything else.
  • Learning new things is scary, and friends will laugh too … Who learns new things at 35, 40, 45 years old?
  • I do not know what I want.
  • I like drawing pictures, sculpting from clay, repairing boat motors, hemming boots, but it’s impossible to make money on this.
  • While I am learning new things, who will support the family?
  • I have a mortgage and you have to pay for it, children and they need to be educated, parents and they need help, loans.
  • My wife, husband, parents, friends, neighbors will not support me. They will decide that I am “fed up” or “mad with fat”. In the end, I will lose them and be alone.
  • What if I fail, and I even lose what I have now?

Is it normal to feel what you are feeling?

Look at the list of fears again. How many of this list have you found at your place? No matter how many of them there are, know that it is normal to doubt. And ask yourself questions like “Is this a business to which I want to devote my life?” – also normal. It is also normal to be afraid to leave everything familiar and be afraid that you will not be understood or laughed at.

Let’s say more, at the stage at which you are now, not to understand, but what you want to do is normal. It’s okay to think about the commitments you have and how to fulfill them while you’re looking for yourself.

All fears and doubts will go away as soon as you have clarity and understanding in which direction to go and where to make efforts.


The good news: there is such a profession – helping people overcome career crises. And career consultants are engaged in it, they are what you need. Yes, for Russia such a thing as a career consultant is new. It is not yet necessary to talk about a large number of career consultants, but they exist, and they work in two directions: employment and vocational guidance.

Employment is a direction that suits those who like their profession or industry. But at the same time, I do not like the company, or the boss, or the range of tasks. Maybe a person feels that he has grown out of office and is hitting the ceiling? He has been sending his resume to various companies for many months, but either he is not invited for interviews, or he is not called back after the interview. And the person does not understand what he is doing wrong. After all, he is a professional, the best in his field.

In such situations, a career counselor helps to properly write a resume and cover letter (with numbers and facts that reflect the level of professionalism). Or if a person gets lost in the interview, does not know how and what to answer the recruiter’s questions, then the consultant prepares him for interviews by simulating the interview and obligatory feedback in the format of what was good and what needs to be changed.

As a result, after two months, a person finds a place in the company of his dreams, successfully passes an interview, finds a job and happily works on.

Career guidance is suitable for those who have a career crisis. For those who used to be annoyed by work before, but now people simply hate it. Or those who have long wanted to change jobs, but do not know where to start.

There are many options, but the essence is the same: you do not know what job to look for. And the task of a career consultant is to suggest ways out of the crisis and help make a difficult decision.

To begin with, the consultant will listen to assess the extent of the damage. It may happen that you are not tired of the profession, but simply that you are tired of the company in which you work. Or you are tired of the position you have been holding for many years. And this is all easy to fix. There is a fairly simple test: you go on vacation, but not for two weeks, but for a month. If, after returning from vacation, you feel that you have missed your job and cannot wait until you come back, then it’s not a profession, but either a company or a position.

In this case, you should go to the director and ask for another position with a different range of tasks. If you have nowhere to grow in a company, write a resume, look for companies in which you would like to work, go to them for interviews.

But if on vacation you think with horror that you will soon return to work, then the matter is in the profession. Fortunately, it is not only necessary, but also possible to change.

If this is your option, then the second step will be to determine, and what would you like to do in an ideal situation? And here the main thing is to be honest with yourself and the consultant, of course, too. The consultant will come in handy here as a guide and guide. You will hold a series of meetings where, answering the consultant’s questions, completing his assignments and following his advice, you will find a job that will be of interest to you. A work that will inspire and, in which you will feel happy.

Further – it is easier. The consultant will help you assess the degree of difficulty of entering a new profession, together you will draw up a time and step-by-step transition plan, set checkpoints and describe the format of the result on each of them.

Treat employees with delicious treats

If it is your custom to drink tea at the office, you can bring something tasty for everyone. Firstly, it creates a relaxed atmosphere and attracts people to you, and secondly, small good deeds keep you in a good mood.

Annoying employees are a gift

If some employee or the whole team annoys you, do not rush to snap back and show your displeasure. Your coworkers may be aggressive, lazy, or stupid, but each of them can still teach you something.

The lesson from their side may be about professional skills or just the psychology of relationships, but in any case, you can learn something from them. After all, if your rabid employee looks completely useless, it will teach you patience and empathy.

Set goals that can be achieved

Often people load themselves with different tasks and, failing to cope, feel insignificant and worthless. This is fundamentally the wrong approach: set goals for yourself that you can accomplish and mark them on your list.

After reviewing the list of completed tasks, you will have a sense of accomplishment, and you will have something to present to your superiors if you have any questions.

Remember: nobody but you

All this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, especially if at the very beginning you are ready for the fact that:

  • Nobody but you will pass this path, and nobody will decide for you what exactly you need to do.
  • Nobody but you will study, but you will have to learn a new profession.
  • No one but you will overcome resistance from family, friends, and your own.
  • Nobody but you will take responsibility for the decisions made.

But if you cope with all this, believe me, a lively, bright and interesting professional future awaits you.

Identify the cause of dissatisfaction

If you’re bored at work, it’s usually a sign of some significant cause of dissatisfaction and stress. Maybe your boss’s management style isn’t right for you, you’re stuck on a particularly tedious project, or your desk is located in the farthest corner of the office, out of the reach of sunlight.

“To get any kind of satisfaction from a job you hate, you have to be able to isolate the very factors that make you unhappy and see if you can influence them,” says Susan Krauss Whitbourne of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Remember why this job was originally chosen

In theory, choosing a job implies interest and satisfaction in what you do. In practice, it often turns out that we work in order to pay bills, gain experience and use health insurance. When the work starts to be hard, it helps to remember that you started doing it for quite pragmatic reasons.

“Something happens inside when we remind ourselves that no one is forcing us to do this forever, that we ourselves have decided to devote some time to this, that this is our conscious choice,” says psychotherapist Brian Robinson, author of # Relax: Disconnect work and turn on life “(#Chill: Turn Off Your Job and Turn On Your Life). It may sound simple, but sometimes you have to look at it from a different angle.

Learn to deal with the “Sunday horror”

People who work a standard five-day day may experience what is known as “Sunday Horror.” It is a feeling of pervasive despair that overwhelms the thought of returning to work on Monday. According to Robinson, all this happens only in the head. Well, yes, last week was boring, but the next one may turn up an interesting project. “The attitude with which we go to work is key,” says Robinson. “If you let this fear rule you, all fears will definitely come true.”

Find what you love

Surely there is something in your work that you like. Focusing on the positive – whether it’s a pleasant coworker or your lunch break – can help you take your mind off the negative. “When you hate something, it’s like a camera lens that focuses on the hated thing and blurs everything else,” explains Robinson. “If you like flowers on the way to work or music in the office, this is unlikely to solve the problem, but at least relieve the tension in the period that is needed to decide whether to change jobs or not.”

Take time for your hobbies

Oftentimes, fixation on career goals makes people feel like they’ve abandoned their hobbies and interests. According to psychologist Goali Saidi Bocci, hobbies are uplifting and balance work. You can try to monetize your hobby so that there is a way out in case you still decide to say goodbye to a “real” job.

According to Saidi Bocci, when you start to burn out at work, outside activity gives you a sense of your own productivity. “A lot of people are setting up online stores for their crafts,” she says. “One of my clients, in addition to his main job, was engaged in prints on T-shirts.”

Look for new

However, there are times when the job just doesn’t suit you. If you’ve tried all of the above and you haven’t gotten a sense of job satisfaction, it might be time to move on. The very process of looking for a new job can help relieve stress.

Start your search, but this time deliberately

Imagine how you write boldly on a piece of paper: “I ask you to dismiss me of my own free will,” and toss it on the boss’s desk, complementing the statement with a strong word.

This is you in vain. You want to quit, but you need money, remember?

Finding a new business while you are still getting paid is much easier than looking for a source of income in a panic when you need to pay for an apartment, kindergarten and food, and every day there is less and less money. The correct strategy is 50% of success.

And here’s what you need to do:

  1. Determine the direction in which you can be realized.

“Find a job to your liking and you won’t have to work a single day” – Confucius.

Let’s paraphrase in a modern way: “Find a business that you love, and life will become much easier”.
That’s better.

We live in the 21st century, and a profession is not a life sentence.

And if you can’t get a job, then find out the truth: Why aren’t you hired for a new job?

Stability is not always good

Every year, firms die and are born, and the positions themselves imply a constant change of personnel.

Any boss knows that a sales manager generates income within 1-2 years. Then the person begins to be lazy and “grows” into the place, losing motivation.

Do not worry if you have to go down a little on the career ladder – the main thing is that the lesson is to your liking, then you will quickly climb back.

  1. All means are good.

Use all the possibilities of the Internet. Create work profiles on social networks. Only no pictures from drunken parties – no one will appreciate this. Post your resume on job exchanges, use direct mail.

Just do not be like lovers to quit “with a twinkle.”

Don’t burn bridges!

Connections decide. Even if the relationship with the former director did not work out, this does not mean that they will not improve when he turns into a customer or a contractor.

Leave with respect – quarrels will ruin your reputation, and a former colleague may one day become a key customer, bringing in millions.

Sometimes revenge upon dismissal is drawn to a criminal article.

I don't like my job. I'm sick of work and bosses. What to do?

What to do for those who hate their job

Thinking about what to do if I hate my job, everyone should choose only their own individual path, there is no single recipe, since someone will need to add responsibilities, and others will need rest, for some, in general, the decision is a cardinal dismissal and a change in activity.

You need to start by looking for a problem, which means the easiest way is to find out if you are at all there. Career guidance tests help a lot, as an option, you can remember childhood dreams, favorite activities and evaluate how much what is happening now satisfies all this. If there is an imbalance, then it is better to start taking courses or just look for another position.

Those who have chosen the right specialty need to look further. It is possible that I hate my job, but there is nowhere to go – here the main thing is not to make a mistake and not go anywhere, because a working employee is more likely to be employed. Understanding all the disadvantages of the place where you are now starting to look for something new, participate in the opening of new locations, offer your consulting services. Gradually, a new plan may emerge, with the opportunity to leave part-time and run your own business or move to another city for an amazing offer.

I don't like my job. I'm sick of work and bosses. What to do?

Evaluate the safety of your workplace, if hatred is born from constant insults, harassment, threats, in a situation where you are forced to take responsibility for others – this is all about a violation of psychological and physical safety. In this case, you need to quit as quickly as possible, even if you haven’t looked at a new place and don’t understand at all what to do next. When you feel overwhelmed, it is better to discuss everything directly with your boss – to voice inadequate requirements, ask for a raise, or find other solutions together.

Most often, if you are a worthy specialist, they will meet you halfway and there will be no need to constantly endure enormous stress, withstanding unbearable conditions. If, after trying to frankly discuss your discontent, you did not receive an adequate proposal for improving the situation, then we return to finding a new place or you can start using the time for yourself (place orders in online stores, paint your nails, communicate by phone and print books).

When there is boredom in the reasons for hatred, then everything depends only on you. You can take additional courses and introduce new trends in your activities, come up with and propose a new project. Take a closer look at your workplace – you can also decorate it and create coziness, and in a difficult team, you can gradually introduce warm traditions – with tea breaks and cookies, as well as mutual assistance.

When the thought comes that I hate my job, what to do about it may not come right away. The main thing to remember here is that there are no ideal vacancies and everywhere adaptation and small optimization of space and algorithms will be required. It may look bad, but this is only why you will not change the eighth city, but rather hang wonderful curtains – also here it is necessary to properly weigh the moments where your influence will be successful and where it is better to run.

Psychologist’s advice

It is impossible to live with hatred of work – this will either lead to nervous exhaustion or harsh conclusions due to the accumulated tension. Therefore, you can gradually reduce the degree of negativity using psychological techniques, as well as a general study of the situation. It is necessary to evaluate yourself and compare your state only with yourself.

When we are gnawed by dissatisfaction over the success of someone else, it only speaks of envy, which is a marker of unmet needs. You need to compare yourself with yourself some time ago and observe whether there is development, positive shifts. If those are not noticed, then we figure out how all this can be improved. Comparison with colleagues and bosses can be used in a constructive way – to catch envy, to understand what it is about (the car is not always about movement – it can be about status) and try to achieve this. Work is not a place where you will be given everything just like that, but you can achieve a lot if you plan your growth strategy yourself – do not wait for a referral to courses from the HR department, but finish some remotely, do not hope for a promotion, but offer your candidacy.

Overload and a high stress index appear in those who cannot refuse colleagues and perform many other people’s duties. This can also include empty conversations in attempts to support – someone has a family crisis and despair, and instead of writing a report, you comfort a colleague for three hours.

I don't like my job. I'm sick of work and bosses. What to do?

Watch time management lessons, correlate the importance of additional tasks, and never take them until you have completed the main ones. It is optimal to pump the skill of refusing too persistent, as well as learning to delegate some of your responsibilities. You will actually become less tired if you understand where you can save a piece of time for break and development.

How to stop hating work? In addition to constant complaints, try to find an objective reality where this work is not only hateful, but somehow beneficial. It can be bonuses, a convenient location or flexible hours, you can get something for free or more seniority. A person is never in those relationships, a city or a work collective where absolutely everything does not suit him, therefore, it helps to find a positive in order to reassess values. For example, if you are holding onto a place in a neighboring house and this is the only plus, it may be better to change it to a more distant one, but with a higher salary and a shorter working day. In general, it is recommended to be like interviews in order to find out the market and possible prospects, as well as your real cost. To those who are underestimated

Make your every day better by yourself. To do this, stop communicating with emotional vampires, people who demean your dignity or simply bring negativity. Better way, you will have one friend, but inspiring creativity and support after misunderstandings with the authorities. The next moment will be a reasonable distribution of time, where the goal is not to have time for everything and then do even more, but to organize good breaks. It is best to go out for a walk if there are parks or exhibitions nearby, if there are none, then go to the nearest cafe for coffee, and not to the office buffet. The more switching and rest the brain gets, the more positive emotions. When you manage to buy gifts for your loved ones during your lunch break, and not write a presentation for a colleague, the work becomes less disgusting.

The rule of mental hygiene for all social specialties is to leave work at work. It works well if you walk in uniform, then along with it, step out of the role of an employee and switch. Outside working hours, you can engage in professional topics, but only taking into account your own pleasure and development. For example, writing scientific articles for magazines or a blog after a patient visit, but not thinking about how to cure a particular old woman.

How to love your job

When you decided not to leave, there are a lot of options for how to love the job you hate. It starts not with making it easier and adding online games at the table, but, on the contrary, with a sense of the burden of responsibility. After the awareness of one’s own contribution comes in each minute spent, there is a greater involvement in the activity, it ceases to be automatic. This is necessary because our brains feel the fullness of life only when it actively interacts with the present moment, and does not act according to templates.

I don't like my job. I'm sick of work and bosses. What to do?

How to love a job you hate? Add value and meaning to what you do directly, and in a way that reflects the impact on all of humanity. Sellers not only make people buy the most expensive, but help a person solve his problem, starting from the existing conditions. Employees stat. departments may feel that they are just sorting through pieces of paper, but if you dig further, it is thanks to their work that the situation or working conditions may improve. A janitor is not just a person in a low-paid position, but one who can give joy and comfort to many residents at once. Look for what your activity brings along with the mission, and then work will immediately become more interesting and inspiring.

Constantly develop, and in any position. We have now moved away from mono-tasking and it is necessary to have a lot of knowledge. Even simple jobs that do not require qualifications and education may require advanced communication (salespeople, consultants, the entire service sector), understanding of harmony (distributors of goods, florists), computer skills (for working with office equipment, finding the right place or order, etc.). etc.). Learn and hone your skills – this is a great opportunity for self-realization and further advancement and to fight boredom right in the workplace. You can set yourself small tasks – make ten people smile, help different colleagues.

For help, take the time to learn how to automate all possible tasks to save time. Such optimizations will delight the whole team, and you will stop wasting a lot of energy on performing a routine. The process will go more fun if you imagine it as the levels of some game, where your main goal is from the place where you are to improve the company as much as possible. Consider not only the work techniques themselves, remember about the motivation of others and the climate in the team, so after you have freed up a good chunk of time for everyone, find something to do with it. You can sign up for courses together, plan new research, or organize unloading evenings with training, tea and painting.

You can feel your own efficiency and professionalism by using deadlines as an opportunity to show all your skills to the maximum. Such tasks are performed a priori, but the speed, quickness of thought and your own heroism will add significance and dynamics to the routine. It is also good to use various motivating rewarding things – buy yourself something, take yourself somewhere. It is recommended for workaholics to choose rewards from the opposite field, i.e. skirts, theaters, bowling alleys, and for those who do not overwork, those are good that will stimulate the work process. Alternatively, it can be interesting courses, frames for your own diplomas or a folder for documents of pleasant colors – everything that will raise your mood right at the workplace.

And finally

Here’s another quote to think about:

“Everyone thinks that the time will come, but the time is just running out.”

Don’t forget what you are living for – don’t make your life a survival.

It is much better to receive less money but be happier. Otherwise, even a huge salary will not make life brighter, but will drive you into a prolonged depression. And don’t live with expectations of a better time – until you take the first step, nothing will change by itself.

Now you know what to do – the next step is yours!

Sources used and useful links on the topic: https: / / -nenavidish-svoyu-rabotu-shest-sovetov-ot-psihologov

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