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How to eat spaghetti is convenient: with a spoon and a fork. How to eat Italian pasta properly


History of the invention of spaghetti

There are many versions of how and when pasta was introduced into food. For a long time, flour is combined with water, then boiled in boiling water or cooked on stones. The result is a delicious and satisfying dish.

Several historical sources indicate that spaghetti was introduced to Italy by Marco Polo after his return from China in 1295.

Pasta is common in countries that grow wheat, but the Italian Republic invented and spread the traditions of their consumption.

The oldest spaghetti dish was discovered in northwest China about 4,000 years ago. Pasta was made from millet, because then wheat was not yet known.

Records dating back to the 12th century mention a serving of “vermicelli,” a thin wheat paste that was produced in Palermo (most likely of Arab origin).

Thus, Asian and European spaghetti are 2 independent inventions. Wheat flour pasta, popular today in Europe, was invented in Arab countries, but began to enjoy success when they got to Italy.

How to eat pasta is wrong

Most lovers of this dish are used to cutting pasta with a knife. Winding a huge skein of pasta on a fork and bowing your head down, try to quickly, while no one sees, eat a huge skein of pasta. It is definitely impossible and not decent to do this. For such not very good behavior in Italy, they usually showered the visitor with rotten pizza.

How to learn to eat pasta right

How to eat spaghetti is convenient: with a spoon and a fork. How to eat Italian pasta properly

Before you start eating pasta (spaghetti, pasta) properly according to etiquette. You need to understand that you won’t be able to look beautiful in this case. Most likely, you will be winding pasta on a fork for a very long time. So, as pasta (spaghetti) is a very complicated dish for formal meetings. It is not recommended to order this dish during business and important meetings. This dish will only create tension and may not end well. It is best to order such a dish when meeting with a girl, friend and person with whom you want to spend a lot of free time. Enjoy and learn to eat long pasta (spaghetti). For the inexperienced, this dish will require a lot of attention. Take your time, and try to wind the pasta neatly and gracefully, not in large portions. We are confident that your girlfriend, family, will love this experience.

How Italians eat pasta

There are many types of Italian pasta, so there are different techniques for its preparation and use:

  1. You don’t need to break the spaghetti before putting it in the pot. In Italy, pasta 1 m long is purchased from a box. To make it easier to carry, they are divided in half. Since the pasta is short in other countries, there is no need to break it. If they don’t fit in the pot, just place the ends there and gradually press on them as they soften in water.
  2. If the sauce is based on butter, you can add some grated cheese to make it more viscous. The best cheese for pasta is parmesan. Pecorino cheese goes well with sauces such as bacon carbonara, basil and garlic pesto, onions, tomatoes and white wine.
  3. A fork and a spoon for eating pasta are given only to children. The use of such devices by adults is a sign of bad taste. The use of a spoon is only justified if the sauce is too runny. The additional cutlery prevents splashing of the food. The knife is not used.
  4. If spaghetti al dente, it is permissible for a few strands to hang down when placed in the mouth.

How to eat spaghetti is convenient: with a spoon and a fork. How to eat Italian pasta properly

Italians use homemade gravies.

Eating pasta with a fork

If someone is looking at you, then a fork is the only tool you can use to eat spaghetti. Place the fork on a plate, resting the end of the fork on the curve of the plate, and wrap the spaghetti around the cloves. You can help yourself with Parmesan to give the entire texture a thicker consistency and therefore better pasta grip. The full fork is then fed into the mouth.

If this were a perfect world, all spaghetti would start and end in the same order so that the pasta would enter your mouth at the same time. But this is not possible, and you may find several threads hanging from your mouth. To avoid an unpleasant embarrassment, hook no more than three strands of spaghetti at a time.

How to eat pasta with a fork and spoon

Eating spaghetti according to etiquette is necessary according to this algorithm:

  1. Stick the tines of a fork into the spaghetti to pick up a little.
  2. Raise slightly over a plate to separate from leftover pasta. If too much food has been taken, wiggle the fork slightly so that the excess falls.
  3. Find an empty spot in the plate, stick a fork in there and turn, winding a small amount of strands around it. Do this slowly and carefully so as not to splatter yourself or others.
  4. Make a quick wrist motion and send a serving of spaghetti into your mouth.

Do the same with the remaining pasta on the plate. It is necessary to take pasta not from the center of the plate, but only from the edge. This corresponds to etiquette and is more convenient.

Often, along with a fork, a spoon is also served with a spaghetti. In Italy, an additional device is practically not used: it is even considered a sign of bad taste. However, the spoon helps to wind the strands around the fork.

How to eat spaghetti is convenient: with a spoon and a fork. How to eat Italian pasta properly

In the case of using an additional cutlery, proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. The prongs of the fork are inserted into the pasta. The device is slightly raised so that excess strands fall.
  2. With a spoon, which is held in the left hand, they collect a little pasta and stick a fork into it, and not into a plate.
  3. Holding the cutlery over the plate, wind the strands on the spoon into a sturdy roll.
  4. The portion is quickly but neatly put into the mouth.

The rules on how not to eat pasta are as follows:

  • take 1 strand in the teeth and tighten it inward;
  • do not wind the spaghetti, but simply lift them with a fork;
  • take pasta with your hands to bring it to your mouth.

Thus, in order to feel confident in an elite restaurant, it is recommended to first practice eating pasta at home.

How to eat long pasta

In many restaurants, a knife is served with spaghetti. It would seem that what could be simpler: cut and put into your mouth. But in Italy it is considered bad form: here it is customary to eat pasta with a spoon and fork.

The scheme is simple: we take a spoon in the left hand, a fork in the right. With a fork, pull out three or four spaghetti to chest level and gently wrap, gradually lowering your hand. Then you either put the pasta on a spoon so that it forms a neat nest. Or eat them straight from the fork, and use the spoon as a safety net so that the sauce does not drip.

How to eat pasta in a restaurant

In the right establishments, pasta is served in special plates – with large fields and a depression in the center. Much depends on the sauce: the more liquid it is, the more difficult it is to wrap spaghetti on a fork – they literally slide off it. Thick sauces like carbonara, on the other hand, make the process much easier.

Finish your meal like an Italian

In the restaurant and at home, it is permissible to soak the leftover sauce with slices of bread. Pasta is most often the first dish of an Italian feast. The entire meal can last from 2 to 5 hours. The end of the dinner is indicated by the serving of the dessert.

A few rules from the Italians

People are terrified about pastas: fusilli and fettuccine, ziti, penne and spaghetti, how to handle them at dinner. It’s time to pause to learn what is right and what is wrong with different pasta cooking and eating techniques.

  • Whether the pasta slices have to be broken before they are tossed into the boiling pot, the answer is no. The reason this opinion has arisen is in Italy. When you go to the market, you buy spaghetti from a large box with one meter long strands. The pasta is split in half to make it easier to carry. In our country, pasta is short and there is no need to break it. If they don’t fit in the pot, place the ends first and press down until the water softens them.
  • If the base for the sauce was butter, add some cheese to help tie the sauce. In this case, the cheese will hold the spaghetti together and they will not slip off the fork.
  • As for using a fork and spoon to eat pasta: they are for kids, hobbyists, and people with bad table manners.
  • Let’s make one exception for the “with a spoon” argument. If your sauce is very runny – succulent primavera, clam sauce – you can use a spoon to prevent splashing.
  • Is it wrong to let a few strands of spaghetti dangle when placed in your mouth? If the pasta is cooked al dente, a few strands will necessarily hang down. If the spaghetti is gently rolled around the fork, it will digest better.
  • It is forbidden to cut the pasta with a knife. Tiny strands of paste are only allowed for children.
  • Should you serve bread with spaghetti? Bread is brought in the restaurant and at home to dip the leftover sauce after the pasta is eaten.

How about the best macaroni cheese? The restaurateurs said their first choice was Parmesan. Pecorino goes especially well with certain sauces, three have been named: carbonara made with Italian bacon; with onions, white wine and tomatoes; pesto sauce with garlic and basil.

How to eat spaghetti is convenient: with a spoon and a fork. How to eat Italian pasta properly

In the civilized world, and most importantly in Italy, the homeland of spaghetti, it is not considered proper etiquette to eat pasta with a spoon.

What not to do with spaghetti

Remember, please, and how you should not eat spaghetti:

  • It is impossible to cut spaghetti with a knife and make small pasta out of them according to the rules of etiquette;
  • Taking one spaghetti in your teeth and pulling it into your mouth is bad form;
  • Do not wind the spaghetti, but simply lift them with a fork should not,
  • Taking spaghetti with your hands and trying to bring them to your mouth is prohibited by table etiquette;

As you can see, it’s all about sleight of hand and very slight restrictions on etiquette. A little training and you are a master of eating spaghetti by all the rules of good taste. And now you will never be intimidated by ordering spaghetti as a main course!

How to eat spaghetti is convenient: with a spoon and a fork. How to eat Italian pasta properly


  • Italians have certain common sense rules about how to match sauces to pasta. For spaghetti, more uniform sauces that cover long strands are generally suitable, rather than sauces for large pasta with a lot of meat and vegetables. You can find a quick guide to the selection of sauces on the Internet. [6]
  • When eating pasta with meatballs, you can use a fork to split them into smaller pieces if they are too large for a single bite. You can eat the small balls whole. [7]
  • Don’t be afraid to use a napkin over your shirt if you’re eating spaghetti. A little embarrassment is worth it to avoid stubborn stains!


If you are not given a choice and have a plate of spaghetti on the table, look around the cutlery around the plate. Have you given a spoon and a fork? Excellent.

We take a spoon in the left hand, a fork in the right. With a fork, pull out 2-3 spaghetins to chest level, then we begin to gently wind them over ourselves, slowly lowering the fork.

The role of the spoon is to use your friendly “shoulder” for winding, so that the pasta for eating “right now” is separated from the pasta in the plate.


The Italian way of eating does not involve the use of a spoon. Sounds simpler, but requires more skill.

We also separate 2-3 strings of pasta with a fork from the total mass and hold the fork vertically, wind them without leaving long tails.

How to eat spaghetti is convenient: with a spoon and a fork. How to eat Italian pasta properly


Do not pick up the spaghetti or wrap it too aggressively. You can easily get yourself and everything around you dirty with sauce.


Take the spaghetti to roll from the edge of the plate, not from the center. On the edge are the most weak-willed and frail pasta – it is easier to defeat them in winding.


Never cut the spaghetti with a knife.

Do not suck in the ends (even if you know how to do it silently).

Don’t bite off poorly wrapped spaghetti by sending it back to your plate.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: https: // posudaa .ru / poleznye-sovety / kak-est-spagetti-udobno-lozhkoj-i-vilkoj media / ladyreal / uchimsia-est-spagetti-kak-italiancy-5c6c0451fec61f00b2b84f02 D1% 8C% D0% BD% D0% BE-% D0% B5% D1% 81% D1% 82% D1% 8C-% D1% 81% D0% BF% D0% B0% D0% B3% D0% B5% D1% 82% D1% 82% D0% B8

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