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How to breathe properly during running workouts. How to breathe correctly while running?


Learning to breathe to run without torment

Violation of the rhythm of breathing leads to oxygen starvation and adversely affects the work of the heart. A sharp increase in pressure, dizziness, a feeling of “burning” lungs and larynx, stabbing pain in the abdomen and nausea are typical symptoms after running with breathlessness. Do you want your running to be fun and useful? You need to master the correct breathing while running!

Professional athletes know that breathing technique depends on a lot of criteria:

  • the speed of the runner and the uniformity of the pace (jogging is one thing, and interval running with sharp acceleration and deceleration is another);
  • the duration of the distance;
  • the complexity of the route (flat road, rough terrain);
  • air temperature and humidity;
  • individual physiological characteristics of a particular runner.

Experienced runners strive to fully control their breathing during exercise, synchronizing it with body movements and choosing a specific rhythm for each running mode. For beginners, this approach will only hinder, so there is a general recommendation on how to breathe correctly while running.

To run far is easy to breathe!

The “natural breathing” technique involves breathing air freely through the nose. The runner needs to breathe at a comfortable pace, taking in enough breaths and exhalations to keep his head clear. Of particular importance is the uniformity of breathing – the intervals between breaths should be approximately the same. At high speeds, it is permissible to exhale through the mouth to quickly get rid of carbon dioxide from the lungs.

Correct breathing while running relieves oxygen starvation and helps to properly regulate the load on the body. If for any reason the breathing becomes confused, you need to immediately slow down (just do not stop!) And restore a calm breathing rhythm.

Rhythm and frequency

In the process of doing strength exercises, inhale with less effort, exhale with more. The inhalation is done when the muscles are relaxed, while the exhalation is done when the muscles contract. But for running, this is not very appropriate, it does not really matter when you breathe in and when you breathe out.

Rhythm is incredibly important in breathing when running. When we go astray and lose rhythm, our breathing becomes chaotic, we choke, and it is difficult for us to keep to the chosen tempo. There is a lack of air and shortness of breath.

To avoid this, breathe rhythmically and evenly. For example, you start jogging. Distribute your in and out steps immediately. The number of steps in all stages will be determined by your running speed and the length of your legs.

There is only one rule – the number of steps on inhalation and exhalation should be identical. A classic technique used by many runners is three steps for inhalation and three steps for exhalation. The running speed will be 8-11 kilometers per hour. If you are running slower, you can stretch your inhalation and exhalation in four steps.

As you accelerate, you can slightly increase the depth of your breathing and shorten the duration to two steps. But it is better to try not to increase the breathing rate, but to regulate the amount of air that enters the body, due to the depth. It is not recommended to inhale and exhale for each step.

The longer you run, the more measured you should breathe. For example, breathing when running 4 km should be less intense than when running 2 km. When running long distances, calculate your strength.

Features of inhalation and exhalation

How to breathe properly during running workouts. How to breathe correctly while running?

You may have noticed that inhaling through the mouth does not bring adequate oxygen saturation. The reason is that when you inhale through the mouth, some of the air is swallowed by the stomach. And when we breathe in through our nose, all the air enters the lungs. Therefore, the breathing technique when running involves inhaling exclusively through the nose.

The benefits of this are great not only in terms of how the air passes, but also for the prevention of sore throats and other colds in the cold season. When entering through the nose, the air warms up slightly before entering the lungs and pharynx.

Exhale through the mouth. This will allow you to quickly expel the exhaust air for the body. Thus, you need to inhale while running through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

No need to hold your breath

It is known that failures in breathing are provoked by short-term delays. Therefore, keep in mind that you cannot hold your breath while running – you simply will not be able to fully breathe and run.

There are the following prohibitions on how to breathe while running:

  • Try not to drink water while jogging – swallowing is disorienting. It is best to do this by moving to a step or slightly slowing down the tempo, when you can quickly and easily align the rhythm.
  • Try not to talk while running – this is confusing and difficult to breathe.
  • Avoid chaotic breathing in and out.

These simple rules will teach you how to run and breathe properly while running. The basics of proper breathing are frequency, depth, and rhythm, as well as inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. This will help you not drive in, get tired less, and feel good during and after your run.

With your nose or your mouth?

First, remember the purpose of breathing while running: to gain as much oxygen as possible and exhale as much carbon dioxide as possible. In the process of breathing through the nose, this is possible, but with difficulty, but with the mouth it is somehow easier and faster. As a result, you do not faint from lack of oxygen, and your muscles run vigorously with you. If you want, you can breathe both through your nose and through your mouth – the main thing is that the mouth should participate, you can’t do without it.

Secondly, when breathing through the nose, the jaws and in general the muscles of the face are tightly compressed. This is harmful: with prolonged compression, muscles can be damaged, spasmed, or even lead to tension in other, more important muscles. But when running with an open mouth, the muscles of the mouth are usually relaxed. It will be easier to overcome the desired distance, albeit without pumped up cheekbones.

The main arguments “against” from those who like to breathe through the nose: when breathing through the mouth, cold air enters the lungs, and the mucous membrane dries up in the mouth. But this can be avoided:
First way. To avoid sore throat, wrap your face in a buff or balaclava. This is still more effective than breathing with one nose.
Second way. Chew gum or candy to release saliva. Or drink water from time to time, it will also restore the body’s water balance.
Belly or chest?

Everything is much simpler here, the world has come to a common conclusion. It is necessary to breathe with the stomach (or, in other words, the diaphragm).

When you breathe “belly”, the diaphragm moves downward. This increases the space in the chest and pumps air into the lungs. Diaphragm breathing allows you to expand your lungs to the limit, and fill them with air as much as possible – which will beneficially help you when running.

When breathing through the chest, the lungs do not fully open. Pectoral

the cage restricts space – your muscles start to get bored without oxygen and want to finish your workout faster. In addition, the muscles of the chest are usually weaker than the diaphragm, and after a while they will begin to cheat, slowly reducing the space for inhaled air.

It is important to take into account that your body, in any case, is not able to assimilate all the oxygen that you inhale. It’s just that when you breathe in your stomach, the absorption of oxygen is a little better – and this is what you need.

If you have been breathing with your chest all your life and do not understand how to suddenly entrust this function to your stomach, there is a simple exercise.
1 Sit or lie on your back.
2 Place your hand on your stomach to feel it move.
3 Count to 8 with each inhalation and each exhalation.
4 Repeat for 3-5 minutes. Everyday.
This way you will not only get into the habit of breathing correctly, but also pump up your diaphragm, and at the same time learn to take deeper breaths.

How to develop breathing

If, after all these revelations, you have the thought that you cannot breathe while running, we have a couple of tips on this score.

Run regularly. The better shape you are, the easier it is for you to breathe. The muscles will learn to absorb oxygen, the lungs will learn to breathe in and out more efficiently. Even if you are breathing incorrectly, you will be doing it more efficiently every day. Although why should you breathe wrong if you have almost read this article and know how to do it?

Do breathing exercises. The lungs can be trained in the same way as the muscles. Learn to breathe with your belly, take deep breaths – all this will help you flutter through stadiums and parks without panting and stars in your eyes.

Swim. Breathing is an important part of swimming, so swimming can help you a lot. You will learn how to regulate the rate of breathing by coordinating it with the flapping of the limbs. Another important habit is the body’s ability to maximize oxygen uptake with short, deep breaths.

Do not smoke. Smoking damages your lungs and makes it harder for you to breathe deeply than non-smoking runners. Considering that the situation will only get worse with age, it is worth thinking now. Perhaps it is this bad habit that negates all your running achievements.

Correct breathing at different paces

As mentioned above, the breathing rate is directly proportional to the intensity of the run.

We will divide all types of running into 2 categories: fast and slow.

  1. Fast running includes types such as sprint and interval running.
  2. to slow – marathon running, jogging and running as a warm-up / cool down.

Slow running

Slow running means running long distances where maximum acceleration is needed only at the finish line. At this rate, there are 3-4 steps for each inhalation and exhalation. In this case, it is much easier to control breathing than in a sprint, and breathlessness is not such a critical problem, because the longer the distance, the longer it takes to recover.

What to do if you have lost your breath while running

If your breathing is out of breath while running, you need to slow down, take a few deep breaths, and then return to your normal running pace and breathing rhythm.

During long-distance running, the athlete begins to choke in those moments when he drinks water, while continuing to run at the same pace. This is mistake. You need to drink water while running by going to a walk or slow jogging.

The most common cause of breathing problems while running is poor physical fitness. This problem will be eliminated over time with regular exercise.

We begin to breathe correctly

You need to start running with walking, while trying to breathe deeply right away, so that when you inhale, not only the chest, but also the diaphragm works. It is advisable to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for a running load.

When switching to running, the intensity of inhalation and exhalation must be kept the same, listening to the clue the body gives about the frequency and rhythm of breathing.

Correct breathing at the beginning of the path is a guarantee that the moment when it starts to go astray will come much later.

The overall success of the race depends on what the start will be, especially beginner runners need to pay attention to this. Unknowingly, they talk a lot, do not pay due attention to the work of the lungs, ignore the uniformity of breathing and, as a result, begin to suffocate long before the end of the path.

Breathing while running long distances

Long-distance running is an aerobic exercise in which the muscles require large amounts of oxygen. In order for regular jogging, lasting 30-60 minutes, to become as useful as possible and increase the body’s endurance, it is very important to adhere to the correct breathing technique.

When running for long distances, breathing should correspond to the rhythm that the body has chosen, but, if possible, you need to breathe more often – this will supply the body’s cells with oxygen and increase endurance.

The technique is best used mixed – breathing with lungs and abdominal breathing. This method will improve blood circulation and maintain tone throughout the entire distance.

General rules for effective long distance running:

  • You need to breathe correctly from the very beginning of the race, while it is recommended to avoid talking, it is better to focus on technique and rhythm;
  • The change in the rhythm of breathing during a run should be gradual, there is no need to make sudden inhalations and exhalations;
  • It is important to choose the optimal intensity. If, after three minutes of jogging, the runner can calmly say a few sentences – the load is chosen correctly.

Breathing at different paces

The basic rule is this: the higher the running intensity, the faster breathing should become.

With an increase in the rate, the body’s need for oxygen increases, which means that more breaths are required to provide the lungs with air.

  • So, if you run at an average pace, then there should be two to four steps between inhalation and exhalation, depending on your preparation.
  • During a fast run and when accelerating, the body needs even more oxygen, so your task is to draw as much air into your lungs as possible on inhalation and completely push out its remnants on exhalation. Try to engage your abdominal muscles and use so-called “bottom” breathing, which fills the bottom of the lungs first and then the top to help you avoid tingling in your side during an intense run.

What to do with tingling sensation in the side?

If unpleasant colic still appears, do not be alarmed. The most common cause of such spasms is a lack of oxygen and blood overcrowding in the liver and spleen.

If you do not have problems with the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, then the reasons may be improper breathing, heavy exertion, lack of warm-up, or eating too much before exercise.

As soon as you feel pain in your side, slowly slow down, but don’t stop completely.

Breathe slowly, deeply and evenly, filling your lungs with oxygen completely. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

How to breathe correctly to increase oxygen supply

Practice deep, even breathing as you run. Completely expel all air from your lungs so that you can take in as much oxygen as possible on your next breath.

And in order to increase the volume of the lungs, you can do simple breathing exercises from time to time:

  1. Inflate balloons. By doing this regularly, you will soon find that your lungs are getting better at handling the pumping of air and getting stronger.
  2. Another fun way to increase your lung capacity is to attach a long strip of paper to your nose and blow on it, trying to keep it as horizontal as possible.
  3. Play wind instruments or just sing!

How to breathe properly during running workouts. How to breathe correctly while running?

How to hold your neck

The neck should be level with the back. Do not lower or lift your head. All this affects your posture and spoils your position. You can look at the horizon or, if you are afraid of stumbling, at a stretch of road 20-30 meters ahead. The main thing is to lower your eyes, not your head.

How to hold your shoulders

They should be straightened so that the chest is maximally open. Do not slouch or pull your shoulders forward, even if this is your usual position. This spoils the alignment of the body, makes it bend.

It is also important not to raise your shoulders. This overstrains the muscles, prevents the arms from moving freely, and increases energy expenditure. If your shoulders rise against the background of fatigue, straighten them and shake your hands off.

Exercise “Diaphragmatic breathing”

Lie on your back or sit up straight with your shoulders extended and lowered. Place your palm on your stomach to control its movements. Take a deep breath, as if you need to fill your belly with air: it should rise under your palm. Then exhale while drawing in your stomach.

Do this exercise 15–20 times to get used to it, and then practice any time you think about it: at work, in transport, while walking. Ideally, you should breathe like this constantly.

Exercise “Running Pose”

This exercise is from the book by Romanov and Brungardt. With it, you will be able to feel the correct posture when landing even before entering the track.

Take off your shoes, stand up straight and transfer your weight to the forefoot, keeping your heel on. Bend your right knee and lift your leg so that the right shin is at the level of the left knee, and the legs resemble a number 4. Raise your left hand for counterweight.

In the picture below, the desired position is on the right, on the left – the same posture while running.

How to breathe properly during running workouts. How to breathe correctly while running?

Illustration from the book Run Faster, Longer, and Without Injury.

Hold the running pose for 10-20 seconds, then repeat on the other leg. Perform three sets for each leg. If you are outdoors, you can jog between sets to get a feel for how your body assumes this pose as you run.

How to breathe correctly when running 1 kilometer? ^

Running a distance of one kilometer can be attributed to medium distances. Nevertheless, it is rather closer to sprint than to stayer, since the speed of 1000 meters is either average or fast as during a sprint, depending on the tactics chosen and a certain segment.

Our body’s need for oxygen in the process of running at an average speed increases several tens of times. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your breathing, coordinating its rhythm with body movements.

Too frequent or irregular, with long pauses, breathing does not make it possible to correctly control the body, adversely affects the coordination of movements, does not provide the required amount of oxygen to the body due to low ventilation of the lungs.

If during a one-kilometer race you will make sharp accelerations, then you need to know that in this case the demand for oxygen increases so much that it becomes extremely difficult, or rather impossible to control your breathing.

There are no breathing techniques for running at sprint speed, since the lungs, even with perfect breathing, will not be able to cover even a fifth of the oxygen deficiency.

Therefore, during sprint accelerations, our body releases the energy necessary for running, and compensates for it after the end of the race.

As a result, after a fast run, a person’s breathing quickens sharply, which can be observed in athletics competitions, especially at such distances as 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1000 m.

You need to breathe correctly not only during sports. For example, here is a very useful article called How to Breathe During Childbirth, which is useful for both men and women!

Recently, such a health procedure as an infrared sauna is gaining more and more popularity; it is most effective in combination with jogging, swimming, and so on. However, she also has contraindications, read more about this here, take care of your health!

Why is this so important?

As far as we know from the school biology course, the respiratory apparatus closely interacts with the circulatory system. With each inhalation, oxygen enters the body, then it is fixed on the hemoglobin of the blood, and is carried throughout the body. Thus, each cell is saturated with oxygen, which affects human health, both now and in the future.

While running, a person breathes differently than in ordinary life. The rhythm, frequency and depth of breaths change. If you do not know anything about proper breathing when running long distances, execution technique and other features – most likely you will breathe chaotically. As a result, either too little or too much oxygen will enter the bloodstream. The deficiency leads to dangerous situations for health, up to loss of consciousness, which is fraught with injuries. And with excess, the head is spinning and coordination is disturbed, which is also not safe.

How to breathe properly during running workouts. How to breathe correctly while running?

Therefore, the course on correct breathing while running for beginners always starts with the main rule: it is necessary to develop a rhythmic movement with a high-quality depth of inspiration at an optimal frequency.

Please note that the quality is also affected by the cleanliness of the air, so try to run in green parks so as not to inhale harmful fumes from cars and city dust. So the benefits of running will be more significant.

What if you start to choke?

Consider how to breathe when running during a loss of rhythm, if you feel that you do not have enough oxygen or have a choking attack:

  • Take a few deep breaths and then return to medium ones;
  • If you are not running for a while (or not fleeing from pursuers), it is best to stop and catch your breath;
  • Once your heart rate has been restored, continue your run with an optimal rhythm.
  • Never hold your breath while jogging. So, do not talk and do not be distracted by something else.

To restore breathing after running, you quickly need to take a deep breath, raise your arms up, and then, simultaneously with lowering your arms, slowly exhale. Do the exercise several times. It is advisable to recover against the background of walking at an average pace.

If you learn to maintain the correct rhythm and depth of inhalation, you will be able to open up a second wind when running – you will be less tired and your workouts will be more effective.

Breathing medications

If you want to improve breathing with medicines, we recommend that you pay attention to the following groups of medicines:

  1. Vitamin complexes, minerals: B vitamins, Alphabet Energy, Vitus Energy;
  2. Medicines to improve blood supply: Mildronate, Piracetam, Nitrogen oxide;
  3. Medicines that improve the absorption of iron.

We hope you understand that self-administration of medicines is categorically contraindicated. Be sure to consult a doctor before taking.

We hope, after reading our article, you understand how to breathe correctly while running, and you will successfully begin to apply the knowledge gained in life. In conclusion, we emphasize: if you want to start running, and decided to study the theory of correct breathing technique, you are on the right track. You will definitely make a good runner – we wish you good luck and achieve excellent physical shape as soon as possible!

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Meditative walking

How to properly increase body endurance

Many novice athletes often wonder how to run 3 km in 12 minutes? It’s all about the distribution of power. In order to learn how to do this, endurance must be trained. Inexperienced runners often make the mistake of picking up speed over long distances. This only leads to quick fatigue and the end of the race. Go hiking first before embarking on long runs.

Do not lengthen your stride unnaturally while running. Correct running technique for the 3K requires good posture. Anyone who has an uneven back will not be able to achieve decent performance in this matter. A well-positioned back will allow you to run a three-kilometer track in less than 15 minutes at the beginning of your workouts, because you will save more energy.

Breathing should also be correct for the 3K run. There is one army method – the breathing rhythm should remain the same: two inhalations – two exhalations. The diaphragm should not be overstrained so that there is no pain in the side. There are exercises to help improve your endurance:

  1. Running up a small hill (no more than 8 degrees). Take about 30 steps in 20 seconds. You need to run for at least 20 minutes.
  2. Alternating running on flat terrain and downhill. Climbing a mountain can be the same time as running on a plain. That is, if the run lasts forty minutes, then the mountain should take twenty minutes.

Ideally, inhale and exhale in two steps.

Correct breathing when running long distances is through the nose. Ideally, inhale in two steps (left and right) and exhale in two steps. In practice, each athlete has his own characteristics. For example, someone cannot breathe only through their nose. Then we connect mouth breathing. The comfortable rhythm of breathing changes depending on the pace: with light running, breathing will be more measured, with a fast pace, breathing becomes more frequent.

The classic breathing pattern for marathon runners, when one inhalation is taken in two steps and one exhalation is also taken in two steps, will change with increasing pace. The breathing rate will also become higher: inhale one step and exhale two steps. When jogging, warm-up and cool down, breathing will be less frequent. Therefore, it is very important to listen to yourself and select a comfortable breathing rhythm to match your running pace.

It is important that you keep your breathing deep throughout your run. Shallow breathing will not be able to provide the required amount of oxygen. Sometimes it is helpful to take a series of more intense exhalations to free the lungs and improve ventilation.

Change breathing as the intensity changes

Change your breathing to match your running pace. As you start to get tired and slow down, the same should happen with your breathing, it should become deeper and slower. Conversely, when you are speeding up or want to do a good workout, speed up your breathing rate to get more oxygen and keep your performance at an optimal level.

  • Don’t slow down your breathing too much. It is very important to maintain endurance that fresh air circulates in the body.

Get the most out of every inhale and exhale

Breathing should be part of your running technique, not a byproduct of fatigue. Try to capture as much fresh oxygen as possible each time you inhale. Exhale the remaining carbon dioxide thoroughly before inhaling again. Oxygen is a fuel for running, so try to get enough oxygen.

  • Too fast breathing leads to a decrease in the pace of running, as the body begins to experience oxygen starvation.

How to breathe properly during running workouts. How to breathe correctly while running?

Watch your breath

Once you learn how to breathe correctly while running, you will be able to control the pace and quality of your breathing. Deep and regular breathing should be a priority. This will distract you from running at first, but once you get the hang of it, the thought of how to breathe and how to count will fade into the background and your productivity will increase dramatically. Breathing correctly while running is one of the leading skills of a good runner.

  • My advice is to make sure to take notes after each run, namely: pay attention to the length of the distance, the intensity of the run, and how different breathing techniques affect your performance, speed and well-being.

breathe clean air

The first rule has already been voiced – breathe where there is a lot of oxygen. This is a forest, park, nature reserves.

With physical activity, the body’s demands for oxygen increase. And oxygen is absorbed along with the air. It turns out that if there are a lot of harmful impurities in the air, we will also inhale them? Yes, unfortunately it is. Therefore, it is not recommended to run near the roadways, in industrial areas, in dusty areas. Otherwise, all particles and dirt will end up in our lungs.

inhalation and exhalation are done differently!

Have you noticed that breathing through your mouth is not satisfying? The fact is that through your mouth you swallow some of the air into the stomach. And through the nose all the air enters strictly into the lungs. This is the whole secret. That is, you need to inhale through the nose.

This is useful not only in terms of the path of air passage, but also in terms of preventing sore throats and other colds in the cold season. Through the nose, the air is slightly warmed before it enters the pharynx and lungs.

But you need to exhale through the mouth. This will help you flush the exhaust air out of your body faster.

So, the rule is this: we inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

don’t hold your breath!

Disruptions in breathing appear after short-term delays. It is a fact. It happens that you say something or for some other reason you hold the air. Then you feel that there is not enough air. So, this cannot be done.

Running breathing technique does not imply:

  • Drink. Swallowing while running will knock you out of your rhythm. It is better to drink water by moving to a step or slightly slowing down the pace (when you can quickly and easily align the rhythm).
  • Long conversations. It’s better to talk after a run.
  • Chaotic breaths in and out.

Thus, correct running breathing includes the frequency, rhythm, and depth of breathing. As well as performing inhalation through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth.

Therefore, to learn to run longer and harder, just practice these simple tips. May every kilometer bring you pleasure!

in case you began to choke

It so happens that after a sharp acceleration, breathing begins to go astray, and a person suffocates while running. What to do in these cases? Take 3-4 deep breaths, then return to the previous breathing rhythm.

This rule applies to those cases when you cannot slow down and restore your heartbeat and breathing. This happens only under two circumstances: you are in competition and you are running away from someone. In the first case, you can give slack – only the result is at stake. But in the second – your life may be at stake. And the run could be the last.

If you are just exercising, slow down and restore breathing and pulse.

Why does it hurt in the side while running and what should I do?

When running, pain may appear in the left or right side. The pain itself is not something critical, there may be several reasons for its appearance:

  • Weak endurance, poor warm-up. Pain in this case means the accumulation of excess blood in the liver / spleen, which under pressure (from lowering the diaphragm during inhalation) causes pain. That is why you need to gradually increase the pace and duration of your workouts. A good warm-up is also necessary not only for the joints, but for the cardiovascular system. If you have this pain at the beginning of your workouts, you need to slow down the pace, switch to walking and breathe deeply and slowly.
  • Shallow breathing that is too frequent, such as a 1-1 pattern with low to medium intensity running, may also be the cause. All you need to do is breathe more deeply and more regularly.
  • Recent meal. The stomach presses on the diaphragm, and she presses on the lungs. If you have a hearty meal, you need a break of at least 1.5-2 hours.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs. For example, this can be with hepatitis. Only a timely examination will help here (for example, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity before starting running training) and a consultation with a doctor.

Correct breathing begins with a warm-up

The beginning of each workout is accompanied by a warm-up. This is not only a way to reduce the chance of injury by an order of magnitude, but also prepare muscles for stress. Without a warm-up, the effect of the lesson falls, since the body did not have time to adapt to the load. Here training plays an important role. For some it happens quickly, for others it takes longer. BUT! The importance of training cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, before jogging, it is necessary to perform several standard exercises that will warm up the muscles and respiratory organs.

A standard set of exercises includes:

  • rotation of the head, shoulders;
  • torso turns and bends;
  • lunges, squats;
  • light bouncing;
  • kneading the ankle (an important point for running).

It is necessary to engage large muscle groups. The number of repetitions of each exercise is from 8 to 32 times.

During the warm-up, it is important to find the right rhythm, which will allow you not to get breathless and will contribute to the best result. Try to inhale while expanding the chest, exhale while contracting. To make it easier to remember – exhale with muscle tension, inhale – relaxation.

During the maximum tension during the exercise, do not hold your breath. This can lead to dizziness, darkening of the eyes, increased intravenous pressure, and general unwell. Try not to pause during repetition.

Two plus one

An interesting technique that you can try by doing slow jogging. Take two short breaths and one deep breath. Surprisingly, in two short breaths, the lungs are filled quite a lot.

Breath counting

The technique allows you to control the rhythm throughout the entire run. Often used by beginners who have a goal of learning how to breathe correctly.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: -effektivnoj-tenirovki-texnika-vnutri.html /kardio/beg/dyhanie.html https: // -pri-bege /

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