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EQ vs IQ: what is emotional intelligence and how to develop it. What is emotional intelligence and why is it so important


What can childhood emotions mean?

When interacting with adults and children, you should try to keep yourself in hand first. If an adult is worried or upset, the baby does not need to communicate it with his whole appearance. If the complaint concerns a child, it is best to calmly talk and discuss the situation.

Many parents in such cases begin to behave ambiguously. Mom is angry, but doesn’t say why. And now she is silent, ignores the baby, makes an offended face and shows with all her appearance that the child himself must guess why she behaves this way with him.

This is an extremely wrong position. Children have a vulnerable and unstable psyche. They do not always understand that they have done something “illegal” and begin to intensively analyze all their actions: where they went, what they did, what they didn’t do, what they said.

The child begins to feel guilty for having done something or for not understanding what he did. The situation can go deep, and as a result, the baby feels guilty for what exists at all, because this upset his mother.

Emotional intelligence in this case works against him, the baby loses his own “I”, destroys his opinion and follows the model of behavior that is expected of him. All actions are sharpened under it. Everything that happens in life has the subtext “what will they think of me.”

If a child feels that there is interest in him, attention from loved ones, he grows more open and confident. He has his own opinion on many positions and does not hesitate to express, knows how to recognize emotions and determine their influence on events.

Adults need to learn to recognize children’s emotions: sometimes this skill helps to identify danger in time and prevent possible mental trauma or nervous breakdowns. The child’s depression should always alert the adult.

After all, emotions play a huge role in the lives of children. A small setback for a sensitive toddler can feel like the tragedy of a lifetime. Something didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, and the stress is on the face. Something turned out well – and there is no limit to happiness!

How to properly establish the process of forming emotional intelligence and grow a harmoniously developed personality?

Why develop emotional intelligence

Emotional control automatically involves mind control. You cannot be productive in a situation of emotional “slagging” or make serious decisions in moments of anxiety, anger, irritation. Why Develop Emotional Intelligence? To think clearly and in the right direction, than to speed up the flow of affairs in your life and ensure ease of communication and relationships.

A person capable of managing emotions is cheerful and active. His life is a world of opportunities and joy, for which it is impossible not to love. His opposite is a hostage of negative and chaotic thoughts, a gloomy and dissatisfied type. For inappropriate emotions he has to pay with health, money, reputation, sometimes life.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the basis of charisma, charm, resistance to stress, the ability to remain balanced in any situation. In addition, it is the key to productive and strong relationships in the family and at work. Understanding the emotions of other people is a prerequisite for communicating. And we have to communicate every day.

Emotional intelligence allows you to:

  • express and understand emotions (your own and others’);
  • include emotions in reasoning;
  • evaluate emotions and determine their causes;
  • control and manage emotions.

People with a high level of emotional intelligence:

  • are more efficient and productive;
  • most satisfied with their appearance (especially girls) and weight;
  • more accurately than others, emotions are determined by facial expressions;
  • more responsible attitude to study, work (fewer absences for disrespectful reasons).

How to take classes?

The approximate duration of our course is two weeks. You can go over it in a few days, but remember that the course offers to learn several skills, and they, in turn, require a lot of work on themselves. We have tried to simplify the presentation of the material as much as possible and not overload you with scientific terms and concepts, so you do not need to especially set yourself up and study additional materials before taking the course. One small condition – keep a notebook and a pen near you. Interesting thoughts are likely to come to mind, so write them down right away. In addition, some of our exercises require recording.

The first and second lessons are related to theory, but do not rush to go straight to the third. You must clarify for yourself the importance of increasing the level of emotional intelligence, as well as study its models in order to move not by touch, but clearly understand where you are going. Set aside a day or two for each theoretical lesson.

The third, fourth and fifth lessons are practice. In this regard, give yourself as much time as possible and go through them slowly. Do all exercises and heed all recommendations and advice. Remember that any knowledge must be instantly transformed into action, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Openness to new

To develop this valuable quality in yourself, you can use a simple but very effective exercise, which is to find as many options as possible for the most common things. Let it be a regular towel, old bucket, or just a piece of cardboard. Come up with as many options as possible for how you can use these things. It is not only interesting but also fun. Therefore, practice this exercise with your family and children. They will have a great time and work on their imagination and ingenuity.

Find out what EI is

Emotional intelligence is a system of characteristics that assess your ability to interact with the world around you. It is not enough to be brilliant and smart and have a high IQ. It is also important to be able to be aware of your own and others’ emotions and feelings, build relationships with other people, convey your point of view, instill confidence in colleagues in your expertise and be able to adapt to others.

Scientists have been studying this topic since the 1960s. The most popular was the concept of Daniel Goleman, and among the assessment systems, the TEIQ of Professor K.V. Petridis, which has been tested by more than 6 million people in the world. Technically, this is a 20 minute questionnaire that gives you one hour of feedback. 100% emotional intelligence is not an absolute figure, but a comparison to all other tested participants.

Within the framework of it, 15 characteristics are distinguished from five blocks:

  1. Happiness, optimism, self-esteem
  2. Managing emotions, impulses and stress resilience
  3. Perception of emotions, empathy, expression of emotions and interpersonal relationships
  4. Emotion management, assertiveness, social relationships
  5. Adaptability and self-motivation

For successful completion of the work, it is not necessary to have 100% for each parameter. It all depends on the specifics of the activity. For example, in sales work, it is critical to come across as an expert, persuade, and work with arguments, and thus the characteristics of emotion management and self-esteem come to the fore.

For vacancies related to business transformation, the presence of high adaptability will be critical – the ability to both change the surrounding reality and adapt to changes. Also, people with moderate impulse control who are able to make decisions based on limited information and facts are better suited for such projects, since it is impossible to predict and analyze all the information in advance, and you have to start changes by trial.


The individual is aware of his strengths and weaknesses, knows his own worth. Such people have real self-esteem, are not inclined to self-praise or self-flagellation. Criticism is perceived adequately: unreasonable – swept aside, constructive – serves as a signal for internal changes.


Goleman argues that emotions are a part of human physiology, it is not possible to live without them. At the same time, you need to be able to subordinate your own experiences to reason. Any emotion must be appropriate to the circumstances and situation in which it arose. Just as it is impossible to suppress emotions, so it is impossible to show them in all their glory in the inappropriate place and with inappropriate people.


A special emotional state that helps in goal setting and goal achievement. Competent self-motivation determines an adequate attitude to difficulties on the way to success, allows you to treat problems with optimism.

Social skills

The ability to build effective communication with other people, the ability to communicate, to evoke the necessary reactions. A person with developed social skills is friendly, desirable in any society, can find a common language with people of various professions and social strata.


Ability to recognize other people’s feelings and empathize. This is an innate feeling, many people are not capable of understanding another person. They are limited to formal phrases: “Don’t worry”, “Don’t pay attention.” An empathic person passes other people’s troubles and joys through himself.

If all of these components are developed in a person, then she has a high emotional intelligence.

Signs of low emotional intelligence

To determine for sure the level of EQ and the need for its development, you can use special tests. However, there are several indications that a low level of emotional intelligence is suspected:

  • self-doubt, doubt about the correctness of actions;
  • excessive self-criticism;
  • problems and difficulties in communication, inability to find a common language with people;
  • a modest and unbiased attitude towards people around them.

Encourage your child to analyze their condition

When the child develops speech and there is an opportunity to conduct a dialogue, you can begin to articulate emotions through alternative questions: “Are you fun or sad?”, “Interesting or boring?”


For the seemingly simple answer “Yes” or “No”, the baby does a great job of listening to himself, recognizing emotions and analyzing the way they are expressed. It is this process that is responsible for the development of the child’s emotional intelligence.

Having dealt with the opposite emotions, it will be possible to move on to close options, asking the baby whether he is offended or angry, whether he is experiencing joy or delight, sadness or disappointment.

How to develop EQ in three steps

Psychologists believe that emotional intelligence, like IQ, is genetically inherent. But unlike IQ, EQ is much easier to develop. You can pay money and go to courses, or you can follow these three steps for free:

  • Record emotions. Keep a handwritten diary or note on your phone to record your condition throughout the day. Focus on specific events: analyze your condition after important meetings, new acquaintances and significant events. Find triggers that make you feel different emotions and write them down. This will help you understand how and what you are reacting to, but don’t ask yourself why this is happening yet.
  • Find the source. When you understand how and when you feel, figure out why this is happening. What exactly makes you angry? And rejoice? You need to understand the real reason for your emotions. Don’t judge yourself, just sort out the sources.
  • Manage your emotions. Once you understand how you are feeling and why, move on to controlling your emotions. Think about how you can bring yourself back to calmness when you start to get angry. Find something that will delight you in times of sadness. Find a mechanism that will bring you to the desired state, and use it constantly.

Emotion box

It is useful to create your own box of happiness in your imagination. “Put” in it everything that you associate with happiness visually, by ear, taste, smell and touch. And then create the same box with your child, discussing his emotions in detail with him. Example:

  • Eyesight: happy smile of a child.
  • Hearing: sea wave noise.
  • Taste: sweet strawberry.
  • Smell: scents of the forest after rain.
  • Touch: the hug of a loved one.

Assess emotions

A person evaluates each parameter and gets a picture of his emotional state, which allows him to pay attention to personal shortcomings, which he had never thought about before.

Recently we were contacted by the London Police Department. One of the employees, a talented employee who, at the same time, did not know how to get along with colleagues at all, was distinguished by his straightforwardness and authoritarian character.

At work, they didn’t know what to do about it.

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Image caption A study found that women with higher emotional intelligence are more satisfied with their appearance

The police officer passed the test focusing on motivation, decision-making and relationships. This helped him become more aware of his own behavior and improve his relationships with colleagues at work.

Emotional intelligence can be measured not only by the person being tested, but also by those close to him. For example, a man considers himself to be an optimist and quite happy. But, if you ask his spouse to take the test, it may turn out that she sees him as a pessimist, unable to control emotions.

The language of emotions

It will help you not only sort out your own feelings, but also allow others to understand you better. Such communication with a partner, colleagues and especially with a child will become the basis for mutual understanding in the family and at work. To do this, enter into your speech the formula: “I feel … because … and I would like to …”.

How to measure your EQ

To determine your level of emotional intelligence, you need to analyze your behavior. Low EQ is worth considering if you:

  • you are constantly offended and do not know how to forgive others;
  • often think that you have been misunderstood;
  • unable to cope with stress;
  • do not understand how you feel and why;
  • criticize others and argue to no avail;
  • you are afraid of changes and adapt to new things for a long time.

These are general signs, and almost any person can recognize themselves in them, so psychologists are trying to figure out how to digitize a person’s emotions and create the most objective test, as they did with IQ. Currently, the most popular way to change EQ is with the MSCEIT (The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence) technique. It measures emotional skills and consists of 141 questions. The test subject is shown pictures of emotions that need not only to be identified, but also to be explained. If you don’t have time for serious research, take our 5-minute test. We do not promise an objective result, but it will be funny.


In psychology, there is a concept of calibration, when people read external signals and determine what state a person is in. By the sound of the slamming door and the clink of keys, the children hear the mood in which their father returned from work. An angry teacher flips through the magazine in a special way and scratches the chalkboard with increased pressure – all this is noticed by attentive schoolchildren.

Usually, the calibration of the environment occurs unconsciously, but it helps to make decisions: when to ask a person, and when the refusal is obvious.

To train the ability to read other people’s emotions, it is enough to start with 1-2 people and regularly observe their emotional manifestations. For example, at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher jokes and talks to the class in a friendly way – you can assume that she or he is in a good mood, feeling satisfaction or joy. How does it manifest? You need to write down or even sketch: what position the teacher takes at the table and at the blackboard, how the eyebrows are located, where wrinkles on the face are noticeable, how the voice sounds.

Gradually, the student’s observation will increase and he will notice that the slightest body movements and micro-facial expressions are similar in different people experiencing the same emotions. In a few weeks of training, it will be possible to sketch an eye and decipher the signals of even strangers.

Where did the concept of emotional intelligence come from?

The concept of emotional intelligence is relatively new, previously such a phrase was perceived as an oxymoron. They defined it as the ability to recognize their own and other people’s emotions and feelings, to distinguish between them and use this information for further reflections and actions. Salovey and Mayer noted that they consider emotional intelligence to be a subsystem of already known social intelligence, which allows you to “understand and control people.”

Next, Daniel Goleman, the writer, psychologist and uncle of the author of The Myth of Beauty, threw firewood on the fire – and continues to throw it on the fire: it was after his bestselling book about emotional intelligence that a wide range of readers learned. Goleman managed to find the right intonation for a conversation with a huge audience and captivate them with a difficult topic. True, the writer not only chewed on the works of his predecessors, but also offered his own interpretation: in his opinion, emotional intelligence consists not of four spheres, as Salovey and Mayer suggested, but of five.

Emotional Intelligence Components

Emotional intelligence includes two aspects: the ability to control oneself (intrapersonal aspect) and the ability to control relationships with other people (interpersonal aspect).

Intrapersonal emotional intelligence consists in such personality traits as self-control, understanding the origins of one’s feelings, self-confidence, activity, flexibility of thinking, inquisitiveness, optimism.

Interpersonal emotional intelligence allows a person to be open, respectful, sociable, work effectively in a team, build and regulate relationships with other people.

How to be happy and not burn out?

I am often asked: how to achieve success at work and improve family relationships? Asking such a question is like going to the doctor for a prescription without asking the cause of the disease.

First of all it is necessary to ask the question “Who am I?”, And only then “What do I feel?” A person must learn to understand himself, recognize his emotions and only after that – analyze the feelings of others.

Image caption Professor Petrides believes that starting the study of emotional intelligence should be “Who am I?” And only then “How do I feel?”

This is not easy to do. All their lives, people have been trying to find happiness from the outside. This is laid down by a system in which external achievements are the hallmark of success.

A person finishes school, enters a prestigious university, and is looking for a well-paid job.

Chooses the best life partner, the best house, the car. He is constantly trying to climb the wall that he is building. But this is impossible, because having reached the top, he puts a couple more bricks on top.

At a certain moment, a person “burns out”, realizes that he is unhappy. Sometimes it happens too late. There are many such people in London – outwardly successful and positive, who actually sit on antidepressants for years.

The goal of the Traits of Emotional Intelligence program is to enable a person to stop looking for meaning from the outside, and instead try to look inside themselves and understand their essence. Want to change. The main thing is sincere.

Two random words

Open any book or magazine, pick any two words at random from the text and try to find something in common between them. Compare them, analyze, reflect and make connections. It’s an effective and fun brain workout.


Cover your ears and strain your visual analyzer as much as possible. Take a close look at everything that surrounds you. Gradually, the picture should become brighter, and you will notice new details in your usual environment.

Then close your eyes and strain your hearing. Under normal conditions, we perceive sounds at a maximum distance of 1.5 meters from us. Concentrate, you should hear more.

The third step is to close your eyes and ears and feel. You must become aware of your body and its interaction with the outside world. You may feel a breeze or sway.

It is enough to carry out the technique once a week to learn how to better recognize intonation and short-term facial expressions. You will be able to more accurately determine the true and hidden motives of the interlocutor, the messages in your direction, as well as your reactions to this. You will also gain a better understanding of how the body responds to certain emotions.

What i feel today

The essence of the game is that every evening the child chooses the emotion of today. “Today I felt joy (sadness, curiosity, anger…) when…”. To do this, print out all the emotions of the child’s favorite character, which he will choose to indicate his experiences. This game teaches awareness and acceptance of your own feelings.

EQ vs IQ: what is emotional intelligence and how to develop it. What is emotional intelligence and why is it so important

What does it consist of?

In the classical model, emotional intelligence has four components. Self-awareness – the ability to recognize your emotions and feelings; self-control – the ability to manage them; public awareness allows you to understand the emotional processes taking place in society; relationship management, affecting both interpersonal and group. Goleman agrees with the first two positions, but in his own way combines and breaks the rest: in addition to self-awareness and self-control, his model contains intrinsic motivation, empathy, and social skills. In general, Goleman’s classification looks simplified, but it is extremely practical and does not cause rejection even among those who first encounter the topic.

Exercise to improve adaptability

Finally – the well-known Elevator Pitch method – the presentation of your business project in 30-60 seconds. Imagine that you are your own business project. Start presenting yourself as brightly as possible, while remaining honest with yourself.

Use this template to get started:

  1. Name.
  2. Profession.
  3. Hobby.
  4. How do I change the world for the better?

Each of these exercises will help you improve emotionally and psychologically. However, you shouldn’t think of emotional intelligence as the universal key to success. Life is multifaceted enough.

Books and textbooks

Should I continue my studies at the end of the course? Of course, the psychology of emotions is a rather complex and fickle matter, so you must accustom yourself to long-term learning. However, this is quite interesting and should not carry an element of compulsion. Read our recommended literature, periodically review the exercises from the course, keep a journal, and stay aware no matter what happens.

We recommend the following books for you to improve your emotional intelligence:

  • Emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman.
  • Emotional intelligence in business. Daniel Goleman.
  • The ABC of Emotional Intelligence. Irina Andreeva.
  • The path to prosperity. A new understanding of happiness and well-being. Martin Seligman.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness. Andy Paddicomb.
  • The power of positive thinking. Norman Vincent Peel.
  • EQ Benefits : Emotional Culture and Your Success. Stephen Stein, Howard Book.

Emotional photo album-travel

It is interesting to photograph not only in the style of “me and the sights”. Try taking emotional photos: “Ah! This palm tree is like a huge cactus – you have to try it “,” The tower doesn’t fall ?! “,” Zhuuuuk! “.

Believe me, such photos are very pleasant to see with the whole family. And you can also use them to make a story about the journey. Print a few photos, shuffle and create a new story for your trip.

We use EI at work

One large finance company promoted a successful employee to head of department, and within a month, five applications for firing people from his team were on the table.

Why did this happen? There may be several reasons:

  1. An employee is inherent in micromanagement in working with subordinates, and they are accustomed to autonomous work
  2. He does not know how to delegate and takes everything upon himself, and the team feels superfluous
  3. People lack the feedback and more human attitude they are used to.
  4. The leader expects quick changes and decisions from the team with a high degree of analyticity and low adaptability to changes.

Situations are individual, but each has a solution. In most cases, it is possible to establish work without layoffs – you need to understand the causes of the conflict and realize that it is in the behavior and interaction with subordinates that it is important to change.

In this case, the new leader’s management style turned out to be a key negative factor. Due to the high control and low expression of emotions, the boss did not give his assessment of what was happening in any way, but at the same time he asked several times a day to make reports on the work done.

The employees felt that they were not trusted and were constantly monitored. At the same time, they did not receive any feedback either through facial expressions / non-verbal emotions, or verbally, and they felt underestimated and insufficiently effective.

After the conflict, it was decided to change the following points: the team discussed the current situation, agreed on weekly feedback (meetings) and the lack of checks during the day. The climate and efficiency of the team have been improved.

What to remember

  1. For success in life, emotional intelligence is more important than logic and the ability to take the integral.
  2. You can determine your EQ level using tests.
  3. Emotional intelligence can be developed if the student wants to better understand himself and others, more successfully achieve his goals in communicating with people.
  4. For starters, it’s best to use a timer throughout the day to listen to your emotions and notice when they arise.
  5. Calibrating familiar people in understandable situations helps you learn to notice the manifestations of emotions in any person.
  6. To better understand yourself, it is helpful to keep a diary and dictionary of emotions.
  7. Descriptions of heroes in the works of L.N. Tolstoy and F.M.Dostoevsky will help you learn how to analyze situations and actions of people.

Linking EI to Career and Income

International statistics show that employees with higher emotional intelligence (from 70% out of 100%) have 20% higher salaries, the chances of getting a job offer and promotion to the next grade. $ 29,000 a year is shared by people with high and low emotional intelligence, according to a study by the international company Talent Smart. The same results were obtained by a 10-year study of the Journal of Vocational Behavior (Volume 101, August 2017, Pages 77-89 A time-lagged study of emotional intelligence and salary).

It is not enough to know the right solution and be a brilliant engineer, programmer, salesperson, marketer. They will be promoted to a director who, at the same time, can convince others of the correctness of their approach, build relationships in a team, inspire other people, interact with a large number of employees and be ready to initiate and adapt to changes and situations of uncertainty.
My experience gives the same results. For example, the CEO of a retail chain: throughout his career, he quickly received promotions, changed areas of activity and functionality, but at each place he received the highest ratings from the management. 13 of the 15 parameters in his EI test were about 90%.

His assertiveness, that is, result orientation, high adaptability, optimism, ability to build close relationships with clients and employees, managing colleagues’ emotions and ability to make quick decisions, of course, helped him a lot.

The correlation between high emotional intelligence and salary, job title and position level is extremely noticeable, judging by my practice.

But there are exceptions. For example, an employee who occupied the first position in a large regional company had only 13% emotional intelligence, that is, almost all characteristics were at a weak level. How did it happen that he was able to build a career?

In each case, the situation is individual, but here the fact that his main experience was formed in state structures played a role. It did not require a high performance orientation or assertiveness, and having leadership qualities, managing other people’s emotions, and working with subordinates were not critical to growth.

Emotional intelligence techniques

Are there specific techniques for developing emotional intelligence? Certain recognized techniques, of course, have not been developed. But there are some parenting techniques that can help develop emotional intelligence in both children and adults.

How to understand that a child needs assistance in the development of emotional intelligence? You just need to start watching him. If the baby has problems with sleep, appetite, does not know how to occupy himself with games or communication in his free time, constantly gets bored, and you do not have mutual understanding – you should think about it.

It is possible that due to some events, trauma, overload, the baby has lost the emotional component. In this case, make it clear to the child that you are not indifferent to his condition, that you are ready to help, and show maximum care.

Children usually quickly leave in warmth and affection, the main thing for them is to feel that they are loved and understood.

Concentrate on capturing the child’s emotions. The more you see in these messages, the easier it will be to determine the psychological state. Feel free to show some emotions yourself, especially positive ones. They will have a beneficial effect on the child’s mood and give confidence and mental strength.

Learn to voice emotions. Enter the following phrases into speech circulation: “I feel that today …”, “I understand that you are …”, “I have a feeling that in the near future … And you?”. Such expressions materialize emotions, focus attention on them.

In a relationship with your child, this practice will allow you to visualize what you are experiencing. For example: “I was proud and happy when I learned that you gave a wonderful presentation.” In this case, a positive emotion is shown as a result of the action taken.

Or: “I was very upset when I saw such a mess in your room. We’ll have to take the day off to fix it. ” This situation defines another emotion, shows the consequences of actions.

Using speech forms of expressing emotions, think over words and phrases so as not to offend the baby, humiliate him or cause guilt. If possible, suggest solutions to the problem or ask your child about it.

“How long do you think it will take to clean the room and then sit down to watch the cartoon?” – such a statement of the question does not humiliate the child.

The phrase contains the fact of detecting disorder and the need to eliminate it on the one hand, and on the other hand, it promises a positive outcome of the case – watching the cartoon. The expression also determines the order of actions: first cleaning, then entertainment. It is not suggested otherwise.

Why is EI so important in business?

According to a study by psychologist Elena Khlevna, a manager’s EI is directly related to the success of his company. Which, of course, manifests itself in financial indicators. On average, the level of EI development among managers is about 20% higher than that of subordinates. But the key difference between successful top managers and middle managers is precisely the ability to use emotions in work and manage them.

Emotional intelligence is practically limitless in business! To inspire the team; understand the true emotions of a valuable employee and choose the right style of communication with him; prevention and minimization of the consequences of conflicts; negotiations and meetings, etc.

A striking example of increased productivity after the development of emotional intelligence is an experiment conducted by MC “CPC”. As part of the study, Russian businessmen were asked to take a training course for themselves and their employees. The first stage was testing for the current level of EI development. Then there were training courses for the manager and staff, and the results were recorded.

According to Sergei, the results after training were visible with an unarmed eye and influenced both himself and the business as a whole. It became easier to understand employees and build relationships with them, negotiate, control their reactions and avoid manipulation. As a result, he had new opportunities, and the process of doing business became easier and more efficient.

In addition, it is a credible fact that the development of emotional intelligence leads to an increase in creativity. Your thinking changes, you start to see the situation from different sides and find new non-standard solutions.

Another point that speaks in favor of the development of one’s (and corporate) emotional intelligence is the fact of better assimilation of information and simplification of learning processes. You’ve probably noticed that in a good mood, the process of understanding and memorizing new information is faster and better. Increasing your own EI and the practical use of self-regulation techniques, as well as the “correct” interaction of the trainer with the trainees, can qualitatively change the effectiveness of any training. It doesn’t matter – whether it is about your MBA or about training in internal corporate institutions for employees.

Currently, businesses are forced to reconsider their approaches. Human resources are becoming the most valuable resource. The ability of a leader to “lure” the necessary specialist, to motivate and maintain him in an effective working condition directly depends on his level of development of EI.

If you talk to a sales guru, you will find that their success is also based on the use of emotional intelligence. These people create a real team. They know all the details of the life of their employees – what is the name of their wife and children, when they have birthdays, who has what problems, character and hobbies … They see from the smallest details who came in what mood and how to use it for work. The sales department’s fulfillment of the set plan directly depends on how well the manager “reads” and manages the emotional background of the team.

The ideal company is a second home for employees. And not in the sense that they spend the night there because of the amount of work. And in the sense that it is a place where they feel emotional closeness and return, and the leader takes a position close to the “father of the family.”


There is an interesting view that emotional intelligence is wisdom. In this context, wisdom refers to the ability to integrate mind, logic and emotion. We can also say that emotional intelligence is a complex of social skills, empathy, motivation (adequate overcoming of failures and difficulties, perception of new things, building plans and goals, striving for self-actualization), self-regulation and awareness (awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions, body and behavior) … Emotional intelligence is a balance of mind and heart, that golden mean that many dream about. It is possible and necessary to develop EQ and increase its level throughout life.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: razvivat.html -jemocionalnyj-intellekt.html -takoe-emotsionalnyy-intellekt-i-kak-ego-razvivat /

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