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What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?



Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health have found that women with a high intake of animal protein have a 39% higher risk of infertility than women who prefer vegetable protein. Therefore, do not forget to add beans to your salad for dinner.

Don’t like beans? Lentils, tofu, nuts – all of these foods are also rich in vegetable protein.

A balanced diet for conception

Hoping for a natural miracle of conception is possible, but if the task is to get pregnant faster, you should use all available and simple ways to speed up the process. Proper nutrition, a balanced diet and a daily menu rich in vitamins will allow you to enjoy motherhood much faster.

Drink less coffee

It is not known exactly how coffee affects fertility. Some experts suggest lowering or eliminating caffeine for those who are undergoing IVF or have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. An acceptable serving of coffee per day for a pregnant woman is 200 milligrams of caffeine, a little less than a 350 ml cup. Several cups of coffee a day, over 500 mg of caffeine, increase the likelihood of miscarriage. If you are a coffee drinker, we recommend that you do not neglect the advice on reducing the amount of coffee per day for proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy. Avoiding a drink increases your chances of conceiving.

Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy

Conception, pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes that, at the same time, will require support from hormones, the endocrine and reproductive systems of men and women. A balanced diet allows you to speed up the process of conception, you just need to know what and how much you need to consume.

Folic acid

Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate, which is a naturally occurring vitamin found in foods.2 Folate is important for cell division and growth, so it is required a lot during pregnancy. For this reason, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you start taking folic acid every day, at least one month before conception and thereafter while you are pregnant. However, the CDC also recommends that all women of childbearing age take folic acid every day. Therefore, it would be nice to start taking it even earlier. Recommended doses:

  • before pregnancy: 400 mcg;
  • first 3 months of pregnancy: 400 mcg;
  • from 4 to 9 months of pregnancy: 600 mcg;
  • breastfeeding: 500 mcg. 3

This will ensure that your baby is less likely to have birth defects in addition to a healthy pregnancy.

Ice cream

Yes, this is true. Research has shown that daily consumption of whole milk (like ice cream!) Protects against anovulatory infertility. Skim milk, surprisingly, backfires, says the author of The Fertility Diet.


What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are especially beneficial for male fertility. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which belongs to the Omega-3 class, is important for quality sperm.

But aside from sperm benefits, omega-3 fatty acids also appear to be beneficial for female fertility problems. One interesting 2012 study in mice concluded that a lifelong diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids could prolong reproductive function. The researchers also found that short-term treatment with omega-3 fatty acids can help improve the quality of the eggs (oocytes).

Another 2015 study found that supplementation with 4 grams of omega-3 acids decreased follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels in normal weight (non-obese) women, which could delay menopause and thus prolong reproductive health.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce chronic inflammation-related problems. For example, women who consume high levels of omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are less likely to have endometriosis than those who have low levels of this acid.

And even more omega-3s are important during pregnancy. The American Pregnancy Association advises women to consume at least 220 mg of DHA and 220 mg of EPA daily, and pregnant women at least 300 mg of DHA per day.To get this amount of omega-3 fatty acids, you can include 300 g of fish or 6 pieces of walnuts, 2 scoops chia seeds or flax seeds in your daily diet. Or consume 1 to 3 teaspoons of fish oil. Look at the label on the package of fish oil to determine how much DHA and EPA are in one scoop or capsule.

Whole wheat bread

Complex carbohydrates are essential for our body to maintain blood sugar levels. How it relates to pregnancy: Elevated insulin levels can disrupt reproductive hormones. Opt for rye bread, brown rice and whole wheat pasta (instead of the usual “white” varieties).

Why being overweight does not allow you to get pregnant

Fat is of two types, one – is located under the skin on the muscles, and the other – “envelops” the internal organs and is called visceral. It not only squeezes our organs, but also grows, penetrating them. Also, visceral fat performs a hormonal function in the body, it produces estrogens, and this is the risk of tumors and infertility.

By the way, excess weight causes the problem of conceiving a child not only in women, but also in men. Visceral fat in men alters the hormonal balance, which leads to a decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen levels.

Therefore, if you are overweight and you cannot get pregnant for a long time, then any doctor will advise you, to begin with, to lose at least 10% of your weight, this may already be enough to restore reproductive function.

About the diet you need to follow to get pregnant

The quality of carbohydrates plays a very important role. That small volume from the “Groats” category must be filled wisely. Simply put, choose only whole grains: whole wheat pasta, brown (not to be confused with durum wheat), brown and colored rice, buckwheat, black and whole grain bread instead of white. And don’t forget to stay within the specified norm.

The diet will need to be structured to avoid spikes in blood sugar. To do this, the following proportions must be observed when dividing the plate:

  • 1/2 of the diet – vegetables (except for potatoes and corn);
  • 1/6 – good quality fats (cold-pressed oils, butter, nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty cheeses);
  • 1/6 – proteins (fish, meat, chicken, legumes);
  • 1/6 – cereals and starchy foods such as potatoes and corn.

Fruit, too, will have to be severely limited – up to two a day. At the same time, they must be eaten with products from the “Fats” category in order to avoid surges in blood sugar.

Many people to whom I offer such a diet are worried that “you can’t completely eliminate carbohydrates.” But vegetables are full of carbohydrates! They just don’t get absorbed so quickly and are processed into glucose. But it plays into our hands. After all, this is how the blood sugar level will remain stable over time.

What is categorically not recommended to reduce is the category “Fats”. They saturate and contain the fatty acids we need. If you are afraid of gaining weight, then I hasten to reassure you: the less carbohydrates you consume, the better your body burns fat. Even those already accumulated. In addition, fats slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, which leads to a slower release of sugar into the blood.

A separate word about alcohol, juices (even freshly squeezed ones) and soda. I don’t want to upset you, but I have to. All these drinks must be excluded, because glucose from them, without lingering anywhere, goes straight into the blood in a very high concentration, and this raises the level of insulin to heaven. After all, liquid sugar does not need to be digested!

Vitamin A

It is a powerful antioxidant. Strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, mucous membranes, eyesight and protects us from premature aging. The amount contained in multivitamin preparations is sufficient.

With the onset of pregnancy, you need to reduce the daily dose by half.

Vitamin E.

Also a powerful antioxidant that protects our cells. It is important for the correct formation of sex hormones and successful conception.

Vitamin C

One of the most important antioxidants. Strengthens connective tissues and blood vessels, which is important in case of increased stress on these organs during pregnancy. Strengthens the immune system and effectively fights infections. Also improves sperm quality in men. Increases the absorption of other vitamins and minerals in the body.


Mineral. Symptoms of a shortage are: cramps, headache, constipation or stool less than once a day, fatigue, pain during menstruation, hormonal imbalance. Coffee, black tea, and alcohol help flush magnesium out of the body.

Magnesium improves the absorption of glucose and has a positive effect on insulin levels. In addition, without magnesium, many vitamins and minerals cannot be processed by the body into the necessary substances.


Mineral. Directly affects fertility, fetal health and development. A lack of zinc causes a lack of folate in the body, making it difficult to get pregnant. Zinc is very important for men as it affects the quality of sperm. Stress tends to flush zinc out of the body, which is why many people are deficient in this mineral.


A trace mineral that affects both glucose absorption and insulin levels. Lack of chromium directly leads to an increase in insulin. Chromium is difficult to get in the right amount from food. In addition, the use of sugar in all forms helps to flush out chromium from the body.

Do not take the supplement for an extended period. It is necessary to take breaks from the reception.


A powerful antioxidant. Protects all cells of the body and, in addition, protects against chromosomal defects. Improves sperm quality.

Balanced amount of proteins and carbohydrates

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?Millions of women of childbearing age resort to high-protein and low-carbohydrate eating plans like the Atkins Diet to lose a few pounds. These diets generally recommend that you get 30 to 50% of your total calories from protein in your food.

The question of the balance of proteins and carbohydrates in the diet to increase fertility remains not fully understood. Some research suggests that a high protein diet can make it difficult to conceive. However, others believe that eating more protein and fewer carbohydrates may contribute to it. A small amount of research suggests that plant-based protein may be better for fertility than animal protein. Further research is needed before conclusively what effect this actually has on fertility.

However, experts agree that a balanced diet can improve your overall health, which in turn can aid in fertility. So try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables that contain digestible (starchy) carbohydrates, proteins, and dairy products every day.

If you are overweight, normalizing your weight can help you get pregnant. It is best to achieve weight loss by eating healthy, balanced meals, rather than focusing on or eliminating one specific food group.

Who are Listeria and how not to eat them?

Listeria is a bacteria that can be found in unpasteurized dairy products, soft cheeses, and meats. A woman in a position who eats contaminated food is more likely to get sick than another healthy person. Listeria infection (listeriosis) can cause a miscarriage early in the first trimester, possibly even before pregnancy is known.

How to kill Listeria?

  1. Preheat food, possibly containing bacteria, in the microwave until “hot”.
  2. Store unpacked food in the refrigerator, turn it on to the “maximum” mark.
  3. Throw away any food that has been at room temperature for more than two hours.
  4. Do not eat raw or cold smoked fish, sushi, soft cheese made from raw milk, other unpasteurized milk, chilled pates or meat spreads.

Change your protein source

Replace some of the meat you eat (animal proteins) with plant proteins – beans, nuts. When 5% of the total calories eaten come from plant protein instead of animal, the risk of ovulatory infertility is reduced by more than 50%.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Examine the percentage of vitamins in natural foods. Fruits and vegetables are the most fortified food and enriched with useful microelements. Before conceiving a child, the mother’s body must receive a sufficient amount of essential nutrients.

What vitamins contribute to the conception of a child and in what products they are contained:

  • vitamin B – found in large amounts in spinach, roman lettuce, asparagus and broccoli. And this is, consider, natural folic acid. Eating food rich in folates – folic acid and its derivatives, will significantly reduce the risk of birth defects in a baby, such as spina bifida – a violation of the formation of the vertebrae.
  • vitamin C – citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli and tomatoes. They will help the body to better absorb iron, a must-have mineral for pregnant women.

Use the rainbow principle – eat colorful vegetables and fruits to get as many vitamins as possible. Now your favorite section in the supermarket is the vegetable section.

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?

Weight: norms and deviations

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?The diet and amount of food depends in part on the initial weight of the woman or man. So, being overweight affects the excessive production of estrogen, inhibiting the required amount of another hormone – progesterone. Under the influence of such an imbalance, there is an insufficient increase in the endometrium in women, as a result – absent or unstable menstruation.

Ideal weight for conception for women: up to 35 years old, height from 170 cm – 70-75 kg, up to 170 cm weight is equal to the last two digits in the measurement, for example, a woman’s height is 156 cm, which means the ideal weight is 56 kg. For men, the norm is on average 10 kg more than for women with a similar height.

Forget about alcohol, at least for a while

Beer and wine “on occasion” will not reduce the chances of conception, but two or more glasses a day can. Here we will not talk about the harmful effects of alcohol on a person. You need to know that excessive alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of miscarriage and fetal pathology. Consider avoiding alcohol entirely when planning your pregnancy. After all, you may not yet know about your situation, and alcohol will already harm the baby. Consider alcohol alternatives such as non-alcoholic beer and wine. Even the traditional mojito is delicious without rum and does not disturb the diet before conception.


What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?A study of 18,555 women who tried to conceive or became pregnant found that iron deficiency may be associated with ovulatory infertility. Doctors found that women who reported taking iron supplements were 40 percent less likely to experience infertility due to ovarian dysfunction. In conclusion, it was said that consuming iron supplements and non-heme (found in plants, milk, eggs and meat – ed.) Iron from other sources can reduce the risk of ovulatory infertility.

Why does fitness contribute to the desired pregnancy?

1 Physical activity is a powerful catalyst that promotes the launch of all body systems, including reproductive

2 Sports and healthy eating normalizes hormones naturally

3 The fertilization process is more likely when the body is in a state of “positive stress”

What you can’t eat if you want to get pregnant

First of all, it is advisable to exclude coffee and products containing caffeine (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc.) from the diet. How does caffeine inhibit the body’s reproductive function? Caffeine, like nicotine, and other drugs acting on the nervous system, stimulates the production of androgens by the liver, adrenal glands, and ovaries. Too many androgens do not have time to transform into sex hormones, the endocrine balance is disturbed. As a result, androgenization: lack of ovulation, an incapacitated egg or sperm, polycystic ovary syndrome.
The same applies to sugar and flour products: in order to reduce the level of glucose, the jump of which is observed after taking sugar, the body produces insulin, which over a long period of time can cause one of the causes of female infertility and other problems associated with conceiving and bearing a child – polycystic ovary syndrome …
Exclude from the diet foods with dyes, preservatives – they not only directly affect the viability of the oocyte and sperm, but also settle in the liver, and the consequence of liver malfunction is, again, increased production of androgens.
There are foods that can help you get pregnant. Consuming these foods increases the vitality and quality of female germ cells and therefore increases the chances of conceiving a child.

Choose fish

Seafood is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. A woman’s diet, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, helps in the regulation of ovulation, improves the quality of eggs and slows down the aging of the ovaries.

Benefits of omega-3:

  • positively affects the development of the brain and eyes of the embryo;
  • reduces the risk of premature birth and postpartum depression
  • reduces the likelihood of preeclampsia – high blood pressure at the twentieth week.

Important: You may have already heard that some types of fish contain mercury. In large doses, this substance harms the development of the baby’s brain and nervous system. Unsafe fish to discard are whitefin tuna, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, and shark. Its meat contains the highest level and concentration of mercury, and it is very good that these types are not common in our country.

Don’t worry, not all fish contain dangerous amounts of mercury. The US Food and Drug Administration informs that a girl during the planning stage can safely consume up to 340 grams of fish per week to provide herself and the omega-3 fruit. Salmon, shrimp, cod, tilapia, canned tuna, and catfish are good choices.

If you do not like seafood, replace them with fish oil in capsules or food supplements, especially during the planning and management of pregnancy. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the dosage and timing of use with the benefit for you and your unborn baby.

Olive oil

Oleic fatty acid occupies the dominant place in the composition of olive oil. This monounsaturated fatty acid helps increase insulin sensitivity and reduces inflammation throughout the body (inflammation negatively affects ovulation, conception, and early embryo development). Replace sunflower oil with olive oil, season salads with it, drink on an empty stomach in the morning (but never fry in olive oil – it loses its beneficial properties when heated!)

Pumpkin seeds

The healing properties of pumpkin have been known for a long time. And pumpkin seeds are a storehouse of useful elements. For example, they contain iron, which is necessary for expectant mothers in double the amount. Add pumpkin seeds to porridge in the morning – and the result will not be long in coming.

Lentils and other legumes

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?Lentils are the second largest source of iron and folate in all foods. One cup (198 grams) of cooked lentils contains 358 mcg of folate, which is 90% of the DV. By comparison, one cup of cooked beans (177 g) equals 131 mcg of folate, or about 33% of your daily requirement. Legumes are also an excellent source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants, and are also rich in important micronutrients like potassium, magnesium and iron.

Create a healthy nest for your baby

Let’s face it, everyone knows women who have a terrible diet but have no problem getting pregnant. And there are women who eat right, but at the same time struggle with infertility.

If you are considering becoming a mom, Johnson advises eating more of the following foods that will increase your chances of getting pregnant and, in addition, provide a better nutritional basis for the growth and development of the fetus:

Include more in your diet:

  • Whole grains – they are a source of B vitamins, vitamin E and fiber;
  • fruits and vegetables – they are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C;
  • lean meat, beans – sources of zinc, iron and proteins;
  • low-fat dairy products – sources of protein and calcium;
  • products containing omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, tuna – promote the development of the child’s brain and nervous system, reduce the risk of premature birth.

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?

Some more helpful tips

  • Eat foods that contain choline. You may have never heard this before, but choline is a nutrient that can lower your risk of genetically related congenital diseases. In addition, it promotes brain development. Most women don’t get enough of this element. Many prenatal vitamins don’t even contain it. You can get this useful element from egg yolks, beef liver, cauliflower.
  • Keep track of which herbal teas you drink. “You really need to be careful with herbal drinks,” warns Biasucci-Vianna. Certain herbs such as licorice, sassar, ginseng, St. John’s wort and ephedra should be avoided during pregnancy and planning.
  • Conception problems can be related to your partner’s weight or diet. Experts claim that vitamins C and E, zinc and folic acid improve sperm quality. Sperm motility is negatively affected by the use of alcohol (including beer), drugs and smoking.
  • Be careful with fish. Don’t eat sushi or raw fish. Avoid fish that are high in mercury: shark, swordfish, shellfish, king mackerel.
  • Remember to drink enough water. When you drink a little fluid, your cervical fluid, which helps the sperm move to the egg, becomes sluggish. The same goes for male ejaculate fluid. If you are drinking enough fluids, your urine will have a light yellow tint.

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?

  • Reduce your caffeine intake. Drinking high doses of caffeine interferes with conception. Try to drink no more than a cup of coffee a day. Also, keep in mind that caffeine can be found in other foods, such as chocolate, soda, or tea.

What foods contribute to rapid conception

There is no specific product that would have an impact on the possibility of conception. Each has individual characteristics, needs and physical characteristics. Calculation of proper nutrition is selected individually by a nutritionist. But, nevertheless, some individual foods must be present in the diet of a person who intends to continue the race.

Lack of estrogen in adolescence forms the underdevelopment of female reproductive cells, organs, and infertility (infertility) appears.

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?Protein food is necessary for the proper maturation of male sex hormones – androgens. For female sex hormones – estrogens, foods containing fats, an animal protein base, and nucleic acids are also indispensable.

Unlike male germ cells, which are synthesized by follitropin and lutropin at puberty, female gonadotropins (germ cells) are secreted cyclically in full. Therefore, at different stages of the menstrual cycle, there is a certain need for a specific trace element.

For a quick conception, it is necessary to enrich the diet of a married couple:

  • lean sea fish, seafood, fortified with iodine;
  • milk containing products, fermented milk products (preferably self-preparation);
  • buckwheat;
  • broccoli, cauliflower;
  • spinach and herbs;
  • oysters and mushrooms;
  • salmon.

If you consume enough foods rich in natural vitamins, prophylaxis with medicinal vitamins is not required. Moreover, the body receives and stores more vitamins from foods than from ready-made synthesized vitamin supplements. In general, it is customary to distinguish food products by importance into “male” and “female”.

What Shapes Maternal Instinct: Choosing Fertility Products

Scientists noted that a woman’s body has a special gland that predisposes to motherhood, it is on its activation that manganese affects. With a lack of manganese, the mother does not recognize her baby, which explains the fact of abandoning children in infancy, and also refuses to breastfeed him. Rich in manganese:

  1. dried dates,
  2. seaweed,
  3. green pea,
  4. Rye bread.

Folic acid is another important product that helps conception and successful gestation. It affects cell division and performs the hematopoietic function of the fetus. Its deficiency can provoke a miscarriage in early pregnancy, when the mother is not even aware of it. Folic acid clues can be:

  1. buckwheat,
  2. beans,
  3. green onions,
  4. carrot,
  5. tomatoes.

Also, a fertility diet is provided for the dad, because the success of conception depends on the health and activity of the sperm. The sperm-forming function and its quality are influenced by the nutrients contained in the oils of cotton, olive, rapeseed. Nuts contribute to the formation of the male hormone in the body. Also, the future dad needs vitamin E, which is rich in sunflower seeds and almonds.

Also, men are advised to eat honey and seafood useful for conception, rich in trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the content and functionality of white cells in the blood.

What products for conception will help you get pregnant faster: proper nutrition for ovulation and spermogram. Proper nutrition when planning a pregnancy: which foods are healthy and which are not?

When planning pregnancy, it is recommended to reduce, or it is better to completely eliminate the use of caffeinated products:

  1. coffee,
  2. Black tea,
  3. chocolate.
  4. excess sugar can lead to hormonal imbalance. The carbohydrates contained in sweets displace fats useful for the body from the body, reducing all possibilities of conception to zero.

Nutrition should be correct for both intended parents, and we have already listed what foods are needed for conception. Both need a certain amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Nutrition should be balanced and in a certain amount. An excess of food can be as harmful as a lack of it.


Now you know that nutrition during pregnancy planning is a crucial part of the preparatory stage. We are what we eat. We are sure you want your pregnancy to go smoothly. Don’t put our advice on the back burner, make a revision in your refrigerator today and write a list of necessary purchases. Maintain your health with a healthy multivitamin. You will need a lot of strength and energy to become a mom.

And if you also want to influence the gender of the child – to increase the chances of having a boy or a girl, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with 5 methods on how to plan the gender of an unborn child.

Sources used and useful links on the topic: produkty-pered-zachatiem / zaberemenet

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