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What is the domino effect and how it can improve your life. Domino effect: how to improve yourself with one action


Define the desired behavior

Let’s take an example. Let’s say that now you move a little and do not monitor your diet. Because of this, health problems appeared, and the body became unattractive. You are confident that if you start to lead a healthy lifestyle, your health will improve and your body will become more attractive. This means that the desired behavior for you is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

An unthinkable story

All human actions are related to each other. Consider the example of a woman named Jennifer Lee Dukes. In the twenty-odd years since her graduation from college, she never made her bed, except when guests or her mother stopped by.

At some point, Jennifer decided to change everything and make the bed for four days in a row. It would seem a common thing. Nevertheless, on the morning of the fourth day, she not only made the bed, but also lifted her sock and neatly arranged the clothes that were scattered throughout the bedroom. Then she went to the kitchen, where she transferred all the dirty dishes from the sink to the dishwasher, tidied up the cupboard and put the decorative pig in the center of the table.

I made the bed and it set off a chain reaction of doing small chores around the house. I felt like an adult. A happy adult with a made bed, a clean sink, a wardrobe without trash, and a pig on the table. I felt like a woman who miraculously got out of the energy-consuming Bermuda triangle of domestic chaos.

Jennifer Lee Dukes

Jennifer experienced the domino effect on herself.

Domino effect: essence and rules

At some point, she decided to give herself one last chance to improve and made her bed for four days in a row. It seems to be a banal feat, but on the morning of the fourth day, when she completed her task, she took a sock, and then put on the shelves all the clothes that were lying around in the bedroom. Next, she ended up in the kitchen, where she took out all the dirty dishes from the sink and loaded them into the dishwasher, then she took up the redevelopment of the space in the closet, and she finished it all by placing a decorative pig on her table as a decoration.

She later explained her actions: “My daily habit of cleaning the bed started a chain of small household tasks … I felt like an adult happy. It all started with the bed made, continued in the bathtub and ended in the closet. And the pig became the cherry on this cake. I felt like a woman who miraculously pulled herself out of the chaos of everyday life absorbing her energy in the Bermuda Triangle. “


What is the domino effect and how it can improve your life. Domino effect: how to improve yourself with one action

For example, your goal is to become a doctor. You study at the university, during this time you acquire knowledge by profession, and also, your intellect, thinking, memory, erudition are developing.

In addition, during the training you can learn English, read many different books, and so on.

Therefore, if you have correctly chosen the very goal, then in development you will observe changes from different angles. It will change you entirely.

You make an effort to achieve one goal, and unbeknownst to yourself, you find that some other goals are also being achieved.

Domino effect

The Domino effect states that when one habit changes, a chain reaction is activated that causes a shift in the general behavior of a person.

For example, a 2012 study found that when people cut back on their free time in front of the TV, they cut back on unhealthy foods that are high in fat and sugar. One healthy habit led to another, one domino knocked down the next, and so on.

The Domino effect also applies to negative habits. You may find that the habit of checking your phone leads to the habit of clicking on social media notifications, which leads to the habit of mindlessly browsing the news feed, leading to an unplanned 20 minutes of procrastination.

How can this knowledge be applied?

  1. Ask yourself what is most important to you;

  2. Throw away everything that is insignificant in your life and everything that pulls down;

  3. Set a main goal for yourself;

  4. We focus our efforts on the main thing;

  5. Do not forget to enjoy the process itself, and not live only by waiting. If you thought about it and started to act, then you are already a successful person, remember this.

The essence of the Domino Effect

As far as I can tell, the Domino Effect occurs for two reasons.

First, many of the habits that make up our daily life are related to each other. There is a strong relationship between life habits and human behavior. The kinship of things is the reason why your choices in one area of ​​life can lead to unexpected results in other areas, regardless of the plans you make.

Second, the Domino Effect is based on one of the basic principles of human behavior: addictiveness and consistent action. The main idea of ​​this principle is that if people stick to an idea or goal, even in the smallest degree, they live a more valuable life, only such people can keep their word, because they always see the goal in the form of a very specific tangible image.

Returning to the story at the very beginning of this article, it is worth noting that as soon as Jennifer Lee Dukes started making her bed every day, her so-called commitment to her idea of ​​”I am the person who maintains cleanliness and order in the house” began to grow inside her. After a few days, she began to cultivate this new self-image in other realms.

The Domino effect not only creates a cascade of new behaviors, but also changes personal beliefs. After the fall of each individual little domino, you begin to believe in new things and form a personality based on new habits.

What is the domino effect and how it can improve your life. Domino effect: how to improve yourself with one action

What is the butterfly effect?

The butterfly effect is a situation where a minor impact on a large chaotic system can have colossal unpredictable consequences, while they can occur in a completely different place.

Visualization of the butterfly effect using the example of a double pendulum:

A system is considered chaotic if it is highly sensitive to the initial state. After some time, two identical installations (systems) in the same (as far as possible) initial positions will look completely different. If a system is chaotic, this does not mean that it is completely unpredictable. A chaotic system is completely deterministic, but having enough time and knowing the initial state of the system, it is possible to accurately calculate how it will develop over time under a certain influence.

In a large chaotic world, it is very difficult to predict which variations will occur at a certain time and in a certain place, because errors and uncertainty grow exponentially over time, and deterministic-chaotic systems are sensitive to even small influences.

Lorentz’s “butterfly effect” evokes an allusion to Ray Bradbury’s story “And Thunder Came,” in which the death of a small butterfly in the distant past changes the world of the very distant future. There is an allusion of the “butterfly effect” in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “The Louse and the Flea”, where, according to the plot, the burn of the main character of the fairy tale eventually leads to a worldwide flood.

Back in 1890, the French mathematician, mechanic, physicist, astronomer and philosopher Henri Poincaré wrote his “Chaos theory in research on the problem of the motion of three bodies”:

“Small differences in initial conditions give rise to huge differences in the final phenomenon … Prediction becomes impossible.”

Domino effect rules

The domino effect is not just a phenomenon that you encounter. You can create it yourself.

To do this, you need to fulfill three rules of the domino effect:

  1. Start with what you have the most motivation for. Start with small changes and stick to the new habit over and over. This will not only give you pleasure – you will also see what kind of person you can become. As soon as the dominoes start falling, it doesn’t matter which one fell first.
  2. Deal with one habit – start another. Don’t slow down and move on to the next task you want to complete right away. Each time you repeat this step, you become even more loyal to your new ideal image.
  3. Better to have small new habits that you can do. If in doubt, it is best to break your plans down into small ones. The domino effect is about development, not about results. Just keep up with his pace. Let the dominoes push each other and the process repeats.

If you do not follow these three rules, then from one habit you will not be able to develop new ones. Dominoes can be pushed in different ways. Concentrate on the habit you love and let the effect cascade into your life.

The reverse side of the domino effect

The domino effect occurs for two reasons:

  1. Most of the habits and activities that make up our daily life are related to each other. Choices in one area of ​​life can lead to unexpected results in other areas, regardless of your plans.
  2. The domino effect is based on the core principles of human behavior: commitment and consistency. This phenomenon is explained in detail in Robert Cialdini’s classic book on human behavior, The Psychology of Influence. If a person adheres to an idea or goal, even a small one, he will fulfill it, because this goal or idea correlates with his self-image.

The domino effect is interesting for its side effects. It not only leads to new habits, but also provokes changes in personal beliefs. Every time you drop tiny dominoes, you start thinking about yourself in a new way and develop new habits based on it.

To follow the impulse

Let’s say you did ten push-ups for ten days, and on the eleventh day you wanted to do a full workout in the gym. Go to the gym right there. If you are at work, take time off. If a meeting is scheduled, reschedule.

If you put off the gym until you have free time, the urge fades away and you don’t go to the gym. So you will be stuck on ten push-ups for a while.

If you went to the gym, but did not want to visit it regularly, it doesn’t matter. Continue doing push-ups. Perhaps next time he will pull to add squats to them, and then exercises for the press. Slowly, little by little, and you will not notice how you are already doing sports with might and main.

Start performing the simplest action that matches the desired behavior

If you try to change at once, then the attempt will fail, because few people are capable of major changes immediately.

Imagine if Yulia, who was a slob and never cleaned, immediately began to put things in order in the house. After the very first cleaning, she would have spat on this matter, would have said that even without order in the house she lives well, and would not return to cleaning again.

The desire for order was instilled in her through a simple action – making the bed. Therefore, in order to accurately instill in yourself the desired behavior, start with the simplest action that corresponds to this behavior. For example, ten push-ups every day.

If after a couple of days you notice that you are not attracted to push-ups, choose another action. For example, eat vegetables and fruits once a day. The main rule is to make this action easy for you. Only under this condition, you will perform it every day.

Falling Domino Political Theory

Politics also has its own theory of falling dominoes, which is that changes in one country can cause a number of linear changes in other countries living according to a similar model.

What is the domino effect and how it can improve your life. Domino effect: how to improve yourself with one action

For example, the term “domino theory” was used by American and Western European politicians in the 20th century during the Cold War, fearing that it was enough for one country in the region to become socialist, and other neighboring states would follow the path of socialism. For example, the American doctrine of “falling dominoes” assumed that if South Vietnam became communist, then all neighboring states of Southeast Asia would fall under the control of the communists, allegedly this theory influenced the decision of the US authorities to start an intervention in Vietnam in 1965. … Moreover, already in the 1980s, relying on the same “domino theory”, the Reagan administration dared to launch military incursions into Latin America.

There were similar views on the fact that if the ruling regime of one state in the region should fall, the same regime of neighboring countries would fall next. In part, this political “falling domino theory” was confirmed during the Arab Spring, which swept across North Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan) and the Middle East (Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Oman).

Inside the domino effect

What is the domino effect and how it can improve your life. Domino effect: how to improve yourself with one action

As far as I can understand, the domino effect occurs for two reasons.

First, most of our daily habits and activities are related. There is an amazing relationship between life systems and human behavior. Therefore, changes in one area of ​​our life lead to unexpected results in completely different areas.

Second, the domino effect highlights one of the key tenets of human behavior: commitment and consistency. This phenomenon is described in the classic book on human behavior by Robert Cialdini “The Psychology of Influence.” an idea or goal is part of himself.

Let’s go back to the story that was mentioned at the beginning of the article. Jennifer Lee Dukes started making her bed every day, which means she began to follow the following idea: “I am the person who keeps order in the house.” After a couple of days, she was already acting on this principle, doing other household chores.

Such an interesting result gives the domino effect. He not only creates a series of new habits, but also often changes personal beliefs.


What is the domino effect and how it can improve your life. Domino effect: how to improve yourself with one action

Thus, the path to success lies through the very, one single goal. Your task is to find the most important thing and work to achieve it from different angles.

Sources and useful links on the topic: / domino-effect / 5cc3621a0960c900b4e63a74 / jizn-kak-effekt-domino-pochemu-eto-neobhodimo-ponimat-5d205d3c28942500adc0dac4 / domino-effect /

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