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Permafrost: how to do facial cryomassage


We always try to avoid hypothermia so as not to harm the body, but nevertheless we know that procedures using cold are useful and are used both in medicine and in cosmetology. What is the secret of such an impact, let’s look at the example of cryomassage.

Cryomassage is a cosmetic procedure using liquid nitrogen, a substance with a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius. In the air, it quickly evaporates, so it is contained in special thermoses-cylinders. The specialist applies nitrogen to special long cotton swabs for the face (or applicators) and runs them, without stopping, along the Langer lines (massage lines). Cryomassage is not performed on the eyelids, around the eyes and does not affect the lips, because the skin here is too thin and needs other, more delicate methods of care. Usually massage is carried out twice. Once along all massage lines and after five minutes, the movements are repeated. The session takes no more than 10-15 minutes and is quite comfortable – only tingling and slight burning are felt. It is recommended to undergo 10-15 procedures at intervals of two to three times a week.

What’s happening

A sharp cooling of the skin first narrows the blood vessels, and then causes a powerful activation of all important processes: blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, renewal. The skin receives more nutrients and is better oxygenated. Stimulation of the lymphatic drainage system helps to eliminate congestion and remove harmful substances accumulated in the skin, strengthens local immunity. As a result, the skin tone improves, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin acquires a fresh, healthy color. Important effects of cryomassage are the normalization of the sebaceous glands and the removal of inflammatory processes, so the procedure is often used for acne and generally problematic skin. The processing specialist can stop a little on the inflammatory elements in order to exert a point effect on them. The fact, that exposure to critical temperatures on the skin for 20-30 seconds causes the death of its cells. At the same time, restoration and regenerative processes are stimulated, and pathological cells are replaced by healthy ones.

Like many cosmetic procedures, cryomassage ends with the application of a mask or product with a calming effect and the content of various useful components.

Cryomassage allows you to:

  • improve complexion;
  • smooth fine wrinkles;
  • increase skin turgor;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • contribute to the treatment of acne;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • accelerate skin healing;
  • remove peeling and irritation;
  • normalize sebum production.

By the way

Cryomassage allows you to recover faster after surgery and prevent the formation of unaesthetic scars.


After the cryomassage procedure, redness and darkening of the skin often appear, which can persist for two days. There is also slight peeling. Quiet and smooth: how to get rid of the problem of acne

home alternative

Wiping the face with ice cubes has an effect similar to cryomassage, of course, not so pronounced, but with regularity it is quite obvious. If the skin is not sensitive and prone to allergies, water can be frozen with pieces of lemon, strawberries, chopped parsley, cucumber. Also, cubes can be prepared from herbal infusions (celandine, chamomile, plantain). Before use, wait until the ice begins to melt slightly and then slide it along the massage lines of the face.

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